Is there any correlation between your personality types and VIDEO GAMES?

Is there any correlation between your personality types and VIDEO GAMES?

Post your:
>Personality type
>#1 fetish

Here's an MBTI test if you've never taken one before:

1. TES III: Morrowind
2. Grim Fandango
3. Dark Souls
Vanilla. Specifically vanilla.


Age of Empires 2
World of Warcraft
Diablo 2


>Dark souls 1
>RE 4
crossdressing faggots taking big futa dicks up the ass


Dark Souls


StarCraft 2
Dragon Age Origins
Baldur's Gate 2



Here we go again

>Advocate (INFJ-A)
>FFIX, Oblivion, SWM
>big tits

What's SWM?


1. Bloodborne
2. Persona 5
3. Golden Sun

Cheating on my gf


I don't pay attention to personality types, so I don't know.

MMBN3, Metroid Prime, MGS3

I like to get fucked in the ass while dressed like a girl

RE4, Illusion of Gaia, Vagrant Story
Clothed Sex

>tfw genki anime gril ded inside


Armored Core 2
Ace Combat Zero
Persona 5

Sounds like a definite INTP to me.


Donkey Kong Country 2
We Love Katamari

Cum Inflation

da fuck is mmbn3

That you Kaname?

1. TF2
2. Persona 4
3. Earthbound
small tits, shaven vag

Megaman Battle Network 3.
I am not 2D, no.

ISFJ The Protector
It's funny, because according to pic related, that would make me a conservative even though I'm a solid liberal politically.

>Vidya In no particular order
Grand Theft Auto IV
The Witcher 3
Dragon's Dogma

>#1 Fetish
Extremely long hair


- Street Fighter III
- Bully
- Samurai Warriors 2: Empires

t h i c c Asian milfs tbqh lads

INFP but this is like the 3rd or 4th different result I've gotten on these tests

Devil Survivor
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Sengoku Rance


1. Starcraft
2. TMNT IV: Turtles in Time
3. Bloodborne
bi mmf


Why are these so rare?

INTJ? INTP? Those quizzes always have ambiguous questions, so it's very easy to just get different things.
Monster Hunter
Guilty Gear
Final Fantasy X?


Those are some mad gay fetishes ya'll have.

Post yours so we may judge you accordingly.

>ENTJ probably
>Dark Souls, Golden Sun, a Total War probably? Maybe Darkest Dungeon
>Traps, especially gentle trap-dom

Not as gay as your 2 dads, buddy.

Gta san andreass
DEFJAM Fight for ny

Im not sure, i jack to a lot of stuff

>get wildly differing personality type depending on my mood when I take the test: ENTP, INFP were the last ones I got
>Fallout new vegas, Resident evil 4, Ratchet and Clank 3


Mount and blade warband
Dark souls
Oblivion (probably)

Little girls

Phantasy Star IV, Dwarf Fortress, Alpha Centauri
Inanimate TF


Gee, I wonder why.

It's easier to be just feels > reals.

The 3rd letter handles feels you fucking moron. 2nd letter determines whether you have any potential as a creator/raw intellectual or if you're just a follower parroting what everyone else says without a mind of their own.


Golden Sun TLA
Halo 3


1.Silent Hill 3
2. Bloodborne
3. Neir Automata
DDLG, my gf got me into it, now I can't cum without it.

1. Reclusive and probably a legit minor case of autism.
2. KF2, L4D2, Vanilla TF2
3. And Vore. For some reason I don't actively think about it ever, but watching it makes me hard as diamonds in 2 seconds flat.

>>Personality type
Vampire the Masquerade:Bloodlines
STALKER: Call of Pripyat
Victoria 2
>>#1 fetish
femdom, goth/punk bitches, light bloodplay (a la vampires). I know you asked for #1 only but they're all related I think.

>Posting trapshit in the op for no good reason
Cancer desu.

>Ys Oath in Felghana
>Shin Megami Tensei Strange Journey
>9 hours 9 persons 9 doors Brother/Sister Incest

On further consideration I want to switch out Oblivion with fallout New Vegas

>Mountain Blade
>Crusader Kings 2
>System Shock 2
100% incest, specifically lesbian incest.

King's Field 4
God Hand
I like dressing up in cute clothes.

1. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
2. Dark Souls
3. Fallout 2

/ss/, THICC


>League of Legends
>Dragon's Dogma


1. Mario 3
2. Mega Man 2
3. Half-Life 1
Getting dominated by women and fucking the shit out of cute traps

>all of these xxFx instead of xxTx

Proof nu4chan is cancer


>Kingdom Hearts 2
>Asura's Wrath
>God of War 3

>Incest (sibling/cousin)


Dwarf Fort
7.62 High Calibre
Kodoku ni Kiku Yuri


>Just kino enough to like Thief
>Just enough of a massive faggot contrarian to think King's Field was good.


is that what you think? i feel like that's wrong.

>Final Fantasy Tactics
>Phantasy Star Online
>Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
Crossdressing/Daydreaming about being a little girl. But not really in a sexual way. I'd rather receive headpats than sex.

>Tekken 3, Let It Die, CoD WaW
>Traps or Tomboys

Can definitely agree, all my female cousins were 10/10. Damn shame, i could've banged then a couple centuries ago when it was still socially acceptable.

>Feeling over thinking

I used to never see so many Fs in all of my time here. It's usually reserved for women.

1. SimCity
2. Civilization
3. Link's Awakening


1.)Dawn of War
2.)Armies of Exigo
3.)Age of Mythology

Female Vocals for songs

Demon's Souls
Super Mario World
Ratchet and Clank UYA
futa 2d only obv

F and J aren't as simple as feeling and thinking. Those are just staple words to represent a wide and complex set of personality attributes. The vast majority of human beings are F. Among those that claim T, most of them are F in denial because they somehow think T is inherently better. In reality T is rarer than S.

>I used to never see so many Fs in all of my time here.
Bring back memories of school?

Demons Souls
Guilty gear revelator
Monster Hunter

Male: humiliation

1.Neverwinter nights 2
2. Vampire The masquerade: Bloodlines
3. The secret World

Fetish: Roleplaying as a straight shota with older women

i was joking around, user.
>xxTx = you think
>xxFx = i feel

No shit t is rarer but it's also better. Not a bunch of bleeding vaginas.


one FBI for (you)

hey wait are you that guy from Florida?

I really like first person dungeon crawlers. I considered putting System Shock 1 instead of King's Field, though.

vanilla wow
armored core LR

trap x female/futa

I'm a Leo and I'm probably narccistic as fuck

Day of the Tentacle
Pokémon Emerald
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

Fishnets, shwmales traps and ladyboys, up skirts and creepshots. I don't care that up more than just one of my top favorite fetishes

I crossdress and I'm wearing black fishnets with cute little bows on them


T is not better. T is shortsighted, and does not see the big picture like F does. There are some things T's absolutely suck at. The meme goes that most engineers are INTJ, but most project managers for those engineers lean xxFx instead of xxTx. T's can't do jack shit if it's not a single concentrated effort.

bad taste. boys belong with boys. females and futa are trash.

>all these femboy/trap fantasies
I sure hope they're just fantasies, cuz dressing up as a chick and getting boned by some faggot is a lot less pleasurable in reality.

>Current Year+1
>There are still people who unironically use Meyers-Briggs

>n-not a bunch of bleeding vaginas
what an f response of you, user, maybe one day you'll be calm and collected enough to join the t ranks

That's wrong, though. There is literally no better feeling than having a cock rub up against your prostate.

Dissidia Duodecim
Dragon's Dogma

It's pretty good, don't tell me what I do and don't like.

This. Most people I've encountered in the workplace that are in charge of anything on a larger scale are something like INFP/INFJ, at least that I've spoken to.


F-Zero GX
Kirby Super Star

slutty lolis

It's WAY more pleasurable in reality. Bottoming for somebody you love is the most amazing thing a person can experience.

how come you stopped replying to my emails nerd

There's literally nothing better though.

I'm pretty sure women who get ahegao'd experience more pleasure than a man having a dick in his ass.

Now im curious. How many anons here have actually dressed up as a woman and had anal sex with a man?

Uh, I'm not sure. My email client doesn't say I have any.

ISTP, though I get something different everytime I do one of these tests and think they're a load of shit.

In no order
God Hand
Max Payne 1

Romantic vanilla.

>Monster Hunter
>Star Wars Galaxies
>Mount and Blade

I'm a hard siscon

You're kidding right? You're literally saying thinkers are short-sighted versus people who self admittedly think with emotions rather than logic.



>he hasn't experienced prostate stimulation
Women will never feel 1/10th of the pleasure that a man can feel getting his prostate massaged. It's seriously out of this fucking world.

What does the -T in ISTP-T mean?

upskirts* I haven't slept all day