"offers players complete freedom of choice and limitless variety in gameplay"

>"offers players complete freedom of choice and limitless variety in gameplay"
>forces you to dress as a woman to complete the game
It would have been nice if they had at least given me the option of whether or not I wanted a beloved 30 year old game protagonist to become a faggot.

I think it's a shame they didn't have a stealth way in, although I suppose having to stealth your way in every time would be even more annoying. Maybe once you've defeated the divine beast you should be allowed in anyway, I mean you did save the town.

They should have just given you multiple options for how to approach it, or made it a side quest, or just not included it all together. Regardless of your biases, it's pretty fucking retarded to shill all this alleged "freedom" and then force me to do something I don't want to do.

If you wanna complete the game just go straight to the castle right away faggot
still, I knew from the start the whole crossdressing deal was gonna fuel Sup Forums shitposting for a good aeon or two, and tying it to the main story doesn't make it any better

you don't have to go in gerudo tbqh

Technically you don't have to do anything other than head to the castle from the beginning of the game. If you want to experience the actual storyline though, yeah, you kinda' have to.

You don't have to beat Naboris to complete the game.
And you didn't bitch about the "dress-as-a-girl-specifically-to-infiltrate-a-girls-only-club" subplot in South Park.

They do. You literally don't have to do it at all

Link was always a faggot. He's been canon gay since day fucking 1.

>Link was always a faggot. He's been canon gay since day fucking 1.
Link was an alpha male pussy master in every game up until WW, especially in OoT where he practically impregnated every girl in the game.

This. Everyone knows Link is gay.

>we live in a timeline where the "hero dresses up as a girl to fool the antagonist" gag is being taken seriously

Nah, he's a straight up faggot and sucked dicks in every game. Your projection is pathetic, user.

These anons get it. Link is too good for nasty roasties. He's only for men.

>complaining about gerudo outift
This is literally best thing that happend in entire series, if not in whole vidiya history

It would have been nice to do a callback to this fight to earn their respect or some shit.

>a beloved 30 year old game protagonist to become a faggot
He was always a faggot. That's why he's beloved.

Ya right? How can final fanatasy 7 be such a classic if they have a small moment where you do something weird?

They know Nintendo fans are all closet sissy faggots who want to suck cocks. They made Link one too so their fans can relate to him better.

This. Anyone who actually likes Link already considers him gay. That's why 99.9% of his art is yaoi.

>>Link was an alpha male pussy master
>Your projection is pathetic, user.
uh okay

imagine your masculinity being so fragile that putting on women's clothing in a videogame made you upset enough to get mad online

>up until WW
>The first Link to canonically get that puss isn't a master cunt destroyer

you have the choice to not play the game you fucking retard.

Imagine being so gay that you're okay with doing it.

Yeah. In 1998.

I'm more than okay with doing it.

and take the words to heart because you clearly need them

Feels good. Gay is the only right sexuality.

If you're a homosexual, yes.

>we live in a timeline where sjw pandering is okay, because nintendo does it

>sjw pandering is okay, because nintendo does it
We already knew that.
They defended pic related last year.
Its okay when Nintendo panders to feminists

>posts TP Link

Adult Link from OoT is probably the most masculine of the Links.

>sjw pandering
Gays are the least SJW group of all. They don't give two shits about women or their dumb whining.

Not all of us are gay like you.

Every Link is cute as fuck, and 100% gay. Especially OoT Link with his tights.

user cant project shit when hes a beta bitch himself

I'll take your words to heart when you stop taking dick in your ass.



>implying crossdressing hasn't been a staple of heroes since olden days
thor crossdressed, dude.

>user cant project shit when hes a beta bitch himself
>thinks I'm a beta bitch because I don't want to be forced into dressing as a woman
Yes, you're not gay for sucking cock at all user.

Loving every Link.

>lul krossdressing is normal dude everybody does it, even super tough fictional guys
The absolute state of faggotry denial.


>posting on Sup Forums
>not gay

just saying it isn't something to get your panties in a twist over
more games should do things like this

You homosexuals are a vocal minority here

If you think it's bad now, just wait. Within the next 10 years you will see openly gay characters and female Link in Nintendo products.


Actually though, most of the rage posts just seem to be stupid memes. I doubt there's many people actually being genuine.

>more games should do things like this
It's no surprise to me that you think this, since you are a cocksucking faggot yourself. Keep your cum-tainted faggotry out of my games, thanks.

that game has more wrong to it than some censorship.

Like the fact that Nintendo's USA branch still was marketing it as a crossover up until like 2 months before release

Why are you bitches getting offended by digital clothes like feminists?

i am sorry you think this way. Maybe in a few years you will change your mind when the Gay Overlords finally conquer Earth and force everyone to be homosexual. I'll be seeing you then, boy

Dude, the gay overlords already conquered the earth -- they were called the British. Unfortunately for your homosexual idealogy, there would be no faggots if there were no heterosexuals to make them, so much to your dismay, heterosexuals like myself will continue to persist, and we will continue to call you a worthless faggot.

So this is thinly veiled gay thread, right?

Probably. OP seems pretty desperate for pictures of Link doing gay stuff.


Do you really get paid for this? It's always the same guy randomly spouting Link is gay and spamming porn with this red shark guy.

Kill yourself.

You need a

Can a mod finally ban this fucking retard or do you fags actually support this guy?

Always the same retard with the exact same posts.

>bullshit that you have to dress up as a woman to adavance the game

Hello, faggot.

1) Zelda always made fun of gays and transvestism (like many Japanese games and manga).

2) Aonuma literally believes being gay is equal to being "odd", see second picture in the OP.

3) Stop falling for degenerate "fans" and their shitty fanart. Link looks like an idiot in the game.

3.1) If Nintendo wanted to make Link "sexy" in this outfit, they would have given him high-heeled footwear which a) work wonders and b) all the Gerudo girls are wearing, characters they actually wanted to be sexy.

4) Link facepalms at the transvestite he gets the clothes from who also looks like a disgusting monster.

5) Nintendo is literally mocking gay people again. Literally the reason you get this outfit is because you have to traverse a village filled to the brim with incredibly hot women with curves a men could never have. Only a retard would have eyes for Link in this scenario and Nintendo is holding a mirror up to said freaks.

If you seriously think Link wasn't a faggot to begin with that's your fault.

It's amazing the amount of porn trap Link has.
Even more than any BotW character

I'm glad, it's just a shame there's so many actual faggots making porn of that shitty muscular bird.

barafags should all burn in hell.

>high heels
>calling that guy "daddy" and catering to fetishes
>actually looks like a girl with make-up and stuff
>Nomura always draws faggots and nothing but faggots

This actually WAS problematic.Zelda actually mocks gays meanwhile.

>dressing as a woman to get into a guarded area makes you a faggot

>do you fags actually support this guy?
The mods are actual cock-loving faggots, its why these gay Link threads never get deleted.
Hell, the mods probably post in these.


jesus christ those girls are disgustingly lanky, and those faces, LEL

>someone took the time to make that image

>actual faggots
If you fap to cross dressing Link you're an actual faggot

This. Meanwhile they delete and ban people responsible for those "this is honestly amazing" threads when people actually post neat OC screenshots.

It's quite funny how fucking terrible this place has become. Pure trash. Worse than NeoGAF. I basically only come here to get banned and laugh on infinity chan.

this desu. Link was always gay. Now he just has a cute shark boyfriend.

>shark boyfriend
>implying he isn't a gutter slut prostitute offering 5 rupee veil blowjobs

That's like saying it's straight to fap to muscular, hairy cuntboys because they have a vagina.

barneyfag is a mod now.

Women are so fucking nasty, jesus. Only men can be beautiful/sexy.

>someone gets triggered by it

False dichotomy. If you seek out porn of Link, who you are aware is a man, you're not straight.

That is straight. Vaginas are gross, only dumb straights could ever get off to that shit.

It's too late for you, you should just kill yourself.

Let's see that manface

>posting women that aren't even thicc


So according to you, it is 0% gay to suck a cock as long as its attached to someone you find "cute"
Jesus, you really do have mental issues. Seek help.

So, when will the alibi reason to post gay pictures thread number 5200 this week get deleted?

Good taste. Link is meant to be with Sidon.

Are you mentally challenged?

i'm surprised there was not an option to sneak into the hole in the back of the chief's throne room

Men objectively have prettier faces than women, too.

i'd like to see that happen

Best couple.

He's a samefaggot who does this in every thread like this, better to always ignore him

You are not helping your cae by posting gay Nicolas Cage.

I can play with photoshop too

>everyone who likes sidonxlink is the same person
It's the most popular pairing in the game.

Why do you people go to such great lengths to deny being gay? Are you that insecure?
You're fapping to a man, you aren't straight, get over it.

No one does this without a reason and it's even against the rules.

He is clearly paid or supposed to meet the criteria for some retarded Marxist shill contract.


Can you be any less subtle?

Because it's the cutest.