Before starting, this is not shitposting. This is just a fucking call to unity and compassion towards those who believed in the promises of a con man. So, let's start, cause this is gonna be long.
I've been yelling in every single KH3 thread I found that said game is just vaporware. But the only answers I got could be abbreviated into just "stop fearmongering, faggot".
Now we have some facts over here: We got nothing but two (2) trailers that were not actual gameplay, lack of information, "please be excited" answers from the devs and remake after remake. So, there's one conclusion to be drawn:
The development process of this game, if it started at a point in time, is now cancelled.
My hypothesis is as follows:
Sony was doing pretty bad at the end of the PS3 generation despite it's final push improvement. It's debt spreading rate was at junk level (I think it still is) and tried to repay it by selling many known assets such as their historical office in NYC. Failure was not an option, because it would lead to bankruptcy.
>Implying they are not financially broken right now.
So they decided a 3-point strategy:
- They would make an affordable but powerful-ish console.
- They would make it very easy to make games for and...
- ... a lot of important franchises would be brought back to the PS4, games that would be system-sellers.
Because of this third point, Sony became a Devil in its own right, by making a pact with SE: They would announce 2 games in the PS4 conference (it didn't matter that they weren't exclusive because people would make an inconscious analogy between them and the PS4). Of course, those games would be FFXV (after FFversusXIII's cancellation) and KH3. As I said before, Sony asked SE to ANNOUNCE, not to develop those games. The infamous "Now in development" catchphrase was not a contract, it didn't make the fake development to be real. It was a smokescreen, a vaporscreen to be precise.
KH3 does not exist.