Any thoughts on this game?
I'm generally enjoying strategy games but I've never played any Disgaea so far.
However, I'm getting tired of playing Zelda and Mario Kart and that's the only game left, which is currently out, that seems worth it.
Disgaea 5 Complete
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Yeah, it's the best RPG on the Switch right now, and will be for a long time. If you enjoyed stuff like FFTA you'll like Disgaea.
D5 in handheld mode is a dream come true btw, it's so damn cozy.
5 is the worst in the series. Play D1-2 on PC.p
get out
Don't listen to this faggot 3 is the worst. 5 has the best gameplay in the series but the story in 5 truthfully not so great but any game after the first has a shit story.
If you can play them in order because each game has such improvements over the gameplay it will be hard to go back. If you can't yeah go in 5
Yeah, playing it in handheld is quite appealing.
Too bad it has currently quite the premium price of here, it's the most expensive Switch game.
Gotta wait for it to drop below 50€ and buy it then, I did enjoy the demo. Thanks.
Pick one.
>he doesn't do the max enemy level carnage baal fights
Those actually require strategy
Only strategy that happens when you're fighting baal or any boss or stage around his level like carnage void or carnage lieze
If you have a vita or vita tv you can play 1 - 4 if you want to play with a hand held
But yeah user play 5 it's pretty fun
Just because Disgaea's brand of strategy is unique to it compared to other SPRGs does not mean it's devoid of it. Disgaea is a lot more fun than FE because of this.
A really stinky, annoying tripfag will post here in a bit.
>tfw played every disgaea and 100%ed them
>tfw no switch or ps4
What the fuck why wouldn't the put this on the ps3 or vita
sucks to be a poorfag ;_;
>mind numbing grind = strategy
>Yeah, it's the best RPG on the Switch right now, and will be for a long time
Hey, hopefully Xenoblade 2 is better. Nothing wrong with Disgaea, but it'd be sad if the new big first-party rpg on the system couldn't outdo it.
D5 has a garbage item world and shitty scaling it's clear to anyone that has seriously played this series that they put all their effort into shitty story mission. You can kill Baal in less than 30 hours in D5. Also evilities and cheat shops were mistakes. Majichange were also shit.
>he never did a Baal fight
Lets laugh at him
Because of the 100 Asagi map
Hopefully they port the older games to the Switch, I want to have more comfy games
Whoops, forgot about that. D5 is just my personal favorite.
Can I play X2 without playing the first one? I wanna play the other Xenoblade but I'm not sure if I'll have the time.
1 and X are completely seperate entities, no one knows how 2 relates to either of them yet, if at all.
>D5 has a garbage item
It's about the same only different is you are training a sage nuke instead of an i runner
>. You can kill Baal in less than 30 hours in D5
Did you set the enemy level to 20? Max enemy level bills/cheatshop stars is the real way to fight baal
Evility is fine and so is cheat shop. Only problems is yes alot of magichange classes are fucking worthless and chara world has been cancer since 3
We don't know if Xenoblade and Xenoblade 2 are connected story-wise or not just yet, but I doubt it'll be anything major even if they are. The cast we've seen so far is completely different and so are the world and artstyle. It's looking like it will be a separate universe just like Xenoblade and Xenoblade X.
You probably never even touched an item god in d1.
Fuck Baal. Cheating piece of shit.
Item gods were a joke. You could one shot them.
Meh, I havent played Disgaea before, but when I played this one on Switch i was disappointed. It's bad control-wise, it's bad gameplay-wise and story-wise flat as hell. Humour may be good for people without good taste. Just wait for good games, save the money.
Alright now i know you're full of shit
It's one fight in the game where everyone copies a strategy someone else made move for move. Pulling off said strategy requires nothing but grinding out some characters with no real difficulty. That doesn't make up for the rest of the game.
Don't get me wrong, I love Disgaea 5, but it's not a strategically heavy game unless you artificially handicap yourself.
Item gods were piss easy in 1. Fuck everything was with how broke majins were
D2 or 3 is the worst, dont listen to this fucktwat
1,2 and 5 are the best ones, with 4 being pretty good too if you can tolerate the fuckin Sardine joke
I want to buy an RPG for the Switch but money is tight these days and so I'm trying to only buy one game per month. I try to maximize my investment. How's the length in this game? Any replay value? I've never played a Disgaea title but enjoyed FFT.
It's winter here and I'm playing this snugged up in bed. 30 hours in so far.
>It's about the same
Rotating 7 stages and 10 pirate group is a shitty thing D4 started. D1 and D2 item world generation was actually interesting and challenging. Sorry but I can only kill the same pirate group 20 times before rolling my eyes. Also you don't even have to fight through item world anymore. The item world generator always makes sure you are only ever 1-2 throws from the gate. Getting an accelerator in D1/D2 was half the game.
Because is the only rpg on it.
Disgaea is notorious for having a fuckton of bang for your buck.
Extreme length. Easily 100+ hours.
>>How's the length in this game?
Really fucking long. The story alone will get you ~50 hours but if you dig into the real meat of the game, that being the postgame, you'll be getting as many hours as you want to put in, I'm at 130 hrs for example.
>>Any replay value?
Yes, they actually included special units specifically so people could do challenge runs.
D5 is good but much better if you're familiar with other NIS games. im still pissed there's no marona or ash as dlc.
Times are changing, people say.
>D1 and D2 item world generation was actually interesting and challenging.
Not him but what the fuck are you going on about? the item world has never been good and you can just make a faggot run to the next stage panel by either throwing them or making a runner. It's the same shit all game except 5 where you have to kill the enemies instead of ignoring them
Item world should just be removed from all future games
>endgame carnage
>D1 and D2 item world generation was actually interesting and challenging.
Top fucking lel, D1's Item World was such a fucking slog and overall horrible. What's that? You cleared every enemy off the map? Nope, there's 2 units on an island so far away it's impossible to throw over there or even to hit them with magic. Not to mention shit like Gatekeepers being on Invincibility+Silence panels, making it so that you can't even Triple Strike them off.
D2's was alright.
Fuck your Marona I want Revya back
>put in Human Prier after so fucking long
>cut in the next game
>Nope, there's 2 units on an island so far away it's impossible to throw over there or even to hit them with magic. Not to mention shit like Gatekeepers being on Invincibility+Silence panels, making it so that you can't even Triple Strike them off.
Beats every stage being 9x9 box with 1 or 2 of the same 10 map features being repeated. Also the crazyness of item world in D1 is what I loved. Post D4 item generation is predictable and boring.
Why is piere so god damn popular?
it's her rockin tits right?
>I prefer a stage I can't clear to one I can clear with a couple of units
Playing D2 on PC rekindled my love for that game, so comfy. Let's just skip 3 on PC and go straight t 4.
It's her thighs. But in all seriousness have you ever played La Pucelle user? I played that right after I played D1 and I fell in love with her
>it's her rockin tits right?
Jah Buns und thighs
ignore the shitposters. d5 is great and is the best in the series overall. d1 still has the best story, but d5 has the best everything else. its an amazing game and i highly recommend it. be sure to not skip any turorials, otherwise you will feel confused and overwhelmed since you never played a disgaea before
You pretend like every stage is unclearable. They are not. However every stage in d5's item world is boring.
I'm having fun with the game but so far it's been really easy. Compared to FFT there is no strategy whatsoever, just bruteforce anything. And according to this thread the only strategy I will ever need is for an optional boss fight at level 9999.
For people who enjoy big numbers and power fantasies, this is as good as it gets. It's perfect for playing on the toilet.
DD2 is the best challenge. D5 is baby shit in comparison.
The item world in every single game is boring user. No matter what you say it will never be not true. They are all the same boring shit and should be removed in future titles
You can use the cheatshop to make the enemies level higher than yours in the story to give challenge and actually forced to use strategy
I did along with rhapsody, makai kingdom, phantom brave, and soul nomad a decade ago, I barely remember anything, never played metallias game.
It just seemed odd to me that her and marjoly are so popular to this day despite only being from a handful of games that came out before some people who post here were born.
>Only one trap
>Baal having seven forms
That shit was fun
Item world dungeon crawling made up 99% of my 670 hour d1 file on my psp. Fuck off. Item perfecting was fun as fuck.
I am doing that already and while I don't oneshot and receive some damage myself, stuff like debuffs and status effects are complete non-factors. Just walk forward with damage dealers in front and healers behind. Maybe that will change post-game
>marjoly are so popular to this day
If she was popular then she'd have gotten an HD sprite by now.
I'm pretty sure the Broken Cell Phone nullifies all physical damage on one turn and all magical damage on the other.
If you like RPGs, a potential to grind to be better all the time, and, even if it isn't exactly fresh and new, an absurd amount of gameplay time, it's well worth your time.
I had it for ps4 and bought it for the switch because the item world is a delightfully mindless grind and makes commutesGranted faster. Granted enjoyed destiny, nioh, and diablo...
The story isn't terrible either because everything is pretty tongue-in-cheek.
My bad, I've been playing alot of d2 dhd on my phone where she shows up
FFT is nothing like Disgaea
>The story isn't terrible either because everything is pretty tongue-in-cheek.
You are a fucking retard. Disgaea became everything it parodied with D5.
Papa is a badass overlord
It wasn't all bad
gay grindy weeb shit
It was cringy edgy trash. The story is like it was written by a 12 year old who just discovered anime
>mfw 100% crit curry pluse the evility that increase crit damage by 50%
How does Disgaea 4 rank in the series?
Just because it has puffy vagina fan art doesn't mean the story was not hot garbage and the antithesis of everything D1/D2/D3 set up the series to be. Even DD2 is truer to the spirit of the series.
For story somewhere in the middle for gameplay it's the second best if you get the vita version. Third best if you play the ps3 version
evilities were a mistake.
I actually never got tired of the sardine thing, though fuck all the dream shit
Zetta have a daughter? wasn't he a book?
I'm playing right now, I'm at chapter 12.
It's pretty great, but the story is underwhelming compared to the others I played, 1 and 2. Right now it's literally "power of friendship"
I like the caracters tho, and their interactions and development are nice.
imo, it's a nice game for the switch, you will surely enjoy it and has many hours to offer. I also recomend you to play at least Disgaea 1.
Is the ps3 version worse somehow or just because its not portable
vita version has new content just a ton of shit that the original didnt have.
Play Makai kingdom he was turned into a book.
Also yes he has a daughter she is a time traveller and she came from the future. She appears in the psp version of makai kingdom which now has a fan translation go nuts
PS3 version has less gameplay features and the vita has all dlc plus a story mode not on the ps3.
This list all the shit that isn't on the ps3 version
Her last appearance was in 3. She hasn't been seen since.
>tfw you actually liked and enjoyed D2
Sure the story was retarded but female Laharl and Barbara are qt's and Xenolith looked pretty cool and was actually challenging for a final boss. Also the maxed affinity convos between each protag and thsir respective heroine was really cute.
Shit forgot there was a translation for psp. Petta's mother identity is obvious ain't it?
It's obvious but they never flat out state it.
I am still surprised they never gave us a playable Xenolith like they did with 3 & 4s final boss
>girl laharl had a better evility than normal laharl
Why was she so perfect?
It was a great game in terms of gameplay and events. Sure it kinda shits on the story of D1 but that was Literally its only fault. Female laharl, flonnezilla, magical girl flonne second player etna. The game was soo fun and didn't take its self seriously. I would honestly DD2 over a "serious" D1 sequel. I always thought of it as a fan disk.
What makes 3 so bad? I havent ever touched it or seen any videos on it
>change Laharl into a girl
>entire dark assembly doesn't want to change her back
I only have one thought.
>Where the fuck is Gig
>retarded story even by disgaea standards
>still uses pixels despite being ps3 title
Beryl is the only redeeming factor until they added Rutile because cat spats
Who would, shes a cutie patootie
D4 Vita is regarded as the best game in the series by a lot of people. Even if you are one of the people that don't really care for the story and would rather have more coming of age and friendship shenanigans, it has easily the best gameplay out of any of the games.
D1's Item World was pretty goat, but I don't mind how it turned out in D5. I like trying to get the best bonus meter I can, so each map is a puzzle on how to clear it fastest with the most geopanel shenanigans I can fit in.
i'm about 5-6 chapters into it and don't have a lot of complaints about the gameplay. i've only seen others complain about non-issues (the story, characters, setting, or sprites) and i'm enjoying it a lot more than the snoozefest that was D2 PC. had some slowdown in IW but overclocking fixes that.
>First PS3 Disgaea game
>Sub-HD Sprites
It was a travesty.
Dumbing down and streamlining the Item World is one of the worst changes D5 made to the old systems. It's just tedious and monotone now, when before you had to actually pay attention to how you leveled your item, do quite a bit of planning, and approach maps individually instead of just taking your Sage+Supports out and using Land Decimator no matter how the map looks or what floor you are on.
was meant for honestly the "HD" sprites always remind me of iphone shit, i'm not looking super forward to them.
It was obvious the game was made for the PS2 then ported on the ps3 later probably to late dev reasons.
The graphics are hard but the gameplay evolution was enormous, biggest jump and novelty addition in the franchises. 4 just refined it, and 5 mostly tried a few new gimmics on top of it.