Does this kind of character design appeal to you?
Does this kind of character design appeal to you?
No, I don't like Shortstack, but I do love Christmas Cake. I'm sure you can understand i'm in quite the conundrum.
>but I do love Christmas Cake.
She's lolibaba, not shortstack.
Yes, I do like 100+ year old lolis.
Check it.
Is that even a thing?
How do you guys come to terms with being into loli? I feel like shit and never even get off to it. I wanna draw Purah lewds so bad though.
Purah is cute.
stop making this thread
It's pictures man, pictures of fictional beings. Don't think so hard about it.
Please post more lewds
Yeah, its old women in loli bodies.
I came to terms with it by realizing it's a fucking cartoon and I'm not actually out there raping children and shaking hands with Chris Hanson. Quit being a dumb moralfag.
There not real user don't worry about it.
There's a dozen gay Link threads every day and you're getting mad at lolis?
You some sort of faggot, user?
I want to ______ Purah
I prefer old men in loli bodies
Isnt that kind of gay?
>that pose
Don't scare the granny loli.
Would roughly mating press this granny
I wanna fuck that hair
No not at all.
Lolis don't even resemble children. They're just sexualized teddy bears. More realistic loli art disgusts me.
What a coincidence! As do I.
She's so FUCKable.
How about now, does this design appeal to you?
What makes it "more realistic" to you?
It actually does, yeah. Thanks for asking my man
What has science done?
Not him, but images where they take key features associated with children and real life not normally associated with anime.
Things like spaced out/missing teeth, short and stubby fingernails, etc. The unrealistic approach is what gets me going. 3D children and 3D in general will never look like this, so I separate them both.
It is
>Those panties
3DPD, a truer meme Sup Forums will never make.
She's cute and cute things are cute, so sure.
How'd they get away with giving her randoseru? Isn't that blatantly associated with lolicons?
It's drawings/pictures of imaginary characters. It's literally just lines on paper pixels on a screen dude. Same as with other video games when you kill a character, you're not actually killing anything.
so anything by anne frank then?
>Little girls are literally just pieces of inert matter arranged into a self-propagating system, why would anyone feel outraged and me wanting to diddle them?
See that's how that king of analogy starts breaking down. Yes nothing intrinsic exists about any figure or person that makes them holy, but that doesn't mean that society wont shun you for it; as long as the observer and those around him feel it is wrong, it is wrong to them.
so what was the thought process behind not modeling underwear for any of the women in this game?
Every school aged child in japan uses randoseru, user. That's like saying nap mats are blatantly associated with pedophiles.
Because anime doesn't look like real life at all. I have zero attraction for actual little girls or F+ cups.
I think it's cute, and by cute I don't mean sexy. It can be but it's almost always separate unless I actively search for porn of something cute.
as long as it's fake, it's fine
What kind of panties does a Skeikah granny loli wear?
>See that's how that king of analogy starts breaking down.
Not really. One has feelings. The other is just lines on a piece of paper.
I like loli but I think she's really ugly.
I haven't fapped to loli in a while. I even deleted my loli folder and replaced it with traps but I don't even consider the real shit.
It's just a drawing, dude.
lewd frilly ones.
>I even deleted my loli folder and replaced it with traps
At least you didn't migrate to something terrible. Good man. Loli and traps are probably the toppest tiers you can go.
Just go to your favorite booru site and put the realistic tag together with it. Some artists are into that.
I'm a sucker for the butt stuff and "get me pregnant" or "asspussy" variations.
But what if oppai?
Dr. Purah, I'm HotW.
I honestly like regular loli better. Cereza is daughterfu though
Verbally abusing and shaming a trap does it for me.
>makes weird fucking hand gestures all the time trying to be a cutesy kid
>she's like a hundred years old who fucked up age reversal but her mind is still normal so the weird 'cute' gestures just come off as really strange and try hard on her part
>diary says she can fix her age to make herself just a bit older but the furnace went out, you fix the furnace but she never fixes her body
The situation would have been way hotter if she fixed her body to be 16 or something like.
It's hotter to think that she actually doesn't mind staying in that body.
I came as quick as I could
You know what I meant.
sexualized teddy bears huh? sounds like koki's territory
I wish you could interact with most characters in the game more than once outside of maybe coming back one time to scroll through the same text boxes and finish one sidequest or using them as a vendor. There were so many interesting designs and fun side characters, but the only ones I feel were really fleshed out in any way were the Tarrey Town guys and the construction crew.
post more Purah
dude she's less than 10 years old...
Character design itself is fine but it gets overwhelmed by how dark the overall palette is
She's a thousand year old dragon so it doesn't count.
oh wow really wow oh no :((
Post the full version, faggots.
oh weird
When Smash comes to Switch I'll be sure to get Purah's game.
hows this then?
maybe it'll happen again
>coming to terms with loli
Never even crossed my mind. I just fapped hard and still continue to do so
>god tier shortstack character
>barely any porn
i'll never be able to predict porn fads
>tfw age regression fetish
Thank you Aonuma
I want to kill here with my bare hands. I would squish all the anime out of her god damn degenerate cliche character.
She's cute though.
>Lines/pixels = real, living, breathing people
Sure, if you can't differentiate lifeless, unfeeling lines that represent fictional nonexistent entities from real living, breathing beings with actual feelings in which case you're the one who needs help.
I associate my loli fetish to the bodytype, which is either petite or shortstack. More often than not, the lolis that act too much like kids or are straight up toddlers is something I can't get down with. So for the most part, it doesn't bug me.
I don't understand
Purah needs to give Zelda a demonstration on baby making with Link
Last time I checked, little girls were still really sexy.
Tanya is a business man reincarnated as a loli.