Filename thread

Filename thread

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What the fuck did I just watch?

New ben10 nigga

Thread related I tried thinking of a name but i'm at a loss



It was an episode of Ben 10.

Hadn't seen that loss before.









I'm not gonna lie, this seems fun as shit.

I think I would sit with the party animals.



Jocks or freaks for me.


The Critic is such an underappreciated gem





>Hang 'Em High Speedrun.webm






game me a heart attack

Why is this happening to this home?



i fucking hate these pretentious deliberately nonsensical endings

What is this? It's really neat.


Why would you ruin your house with some deranged chemistry experiment?


okay I'd fuck Lisa

Have you people never had fun before? You don't ask why you ask why not

Because it's covered your house in shit and it's gonna be hell to clean? So what reason overcomes that?

>pretentious deliberately nonsensical
did you even watch the movie, retard-kun?

the spider is his wife. throughout the entire film, the spider represents his fear of commitment and anxiety about women. some spiders even eat the male when mating.

it's pretty cut and dry, unless you're a moron.


I want to know what it is and googling "house full of jizz" hasn't worked


And that's only a cub.

>not identifying as Prince
y'all unfunky niggas



God, I hate anime.


l2google. The name of the station is right there.

It's from a TV show. No one lives there and it was probably ready to be demolished. They just placed some props there.

Gotta love goldenboy.



Post the Polygon's journalist test of the guy where all he does is talkign about his ptsd around guns while he confuses the acog with a magasine

There comes a point when a person can only suspend so much logic.


No Patrick, mayonnaise is not a gender.
Also, anyone who doesn't identify as Chaos Undivided is a faggot


I never understood this. It takes more effort to look down and squint at your tiny ass controller screen than it does to just bring up your pipboy.

Why didn't the monsters start killing each other after this?


I think it's just a sticker, mate.

*has yielded mixed results

I wish hyper still made cool stuff that wasn't trapped in Titanfall ((((

Why doesn't ics do shit like this anymore?



Ok I can understand you never hold a gun in your life, but please, don't tell me he never saw a movie showing some m-16 or related weapons.

It's a show or youtube channel (I dont remember) where they got an abandoned house unfit for living and they do experiments and shit like that in it. There's another gif where they have a grease fire and they pour a can of water on it (with a 10ft pole) and fire explodes out and boils across the ceiling.


boner pls

>Civil and Attack helicopter aren't separated
I'm literally shaking right now.

whoah hold the fuck up

did symbionic titan get renewed for more episodes on AS?