What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Never heard of it.

It was kind of slow

team-shooter when TF2 wasn't on the decline

I want to say "Too ambitious" or "TF2 killed it", but in reality the Original Mondy Night Combat was good and pretty fun and the community was there knowing the current multiplayer climate, but Super MNC screwed the pooch going F2P and just fucking over people content wise and gameplay wise.

Zero advertising
Sports aesthetic
6/10 name

I don't know. I remember it being decently popular around here, and then it just kind of disappeared.

bullshit, it was the fastest moba on the market.


also sporadic release schedule, and only 3 maps for most of it's life

>release game on Xbox 360 only
>entire fanbase and playerbase is on this one console
>don't update your game for ages
>promise an update on forum after the other one ages ago
>release game on PC and update it on PC, abandoning your only fanbase entirely with no updates
>release shitty sequel on PC only, leaving your old fanbase betrayed and abandoned
>they spread ba word about the company and the sequel isn't all that good anyway
>sequel and old game dies

It was a great game. Then the devs abandoned it for SMNC. I enjoyed that too, but then that got abandoned for Planetary Annihilation. They also fucked up the launch by accidentally releasing it too soon and then deciding "fuck it lets leave it."

Sucks because I really enjoyed both games and now they both literally dead.

SMNC was fucking great for awhile then the armies of terrible BRs moved in. Got a good 15-20 hours of free fun out of it though.

SMNC was shit and ruined it

Shit I miss this game. I liked the ninja bitch

A friend gave me his download. I enjoyed it on the ol' Pleb-box360. Especially playing with 4-5 people with mics.

Kids were tryharding as ninjas all the time so when we co-ordinated efforts it got easy.
Anyone get into pic related? What classes did you main?

I ran girl, w/ shotty, skates and dmg upgrade. I really liked the builds you could make and had gold katana, uzi, partisan and shotty.


i played that for a while in it's heyday, was a surprisingly fun cod-clone
it was so long ago that i don't remember what loadout i used but i remember i alternated between medium build and girl build, and i remember thinking that skinny build was too weak and thick build was too underpowered, and heavy build was fucking annoying as shit to fight against.
too bad they ruined it with a disastrous series of "fixes" and then abandoned it

They lost Mickey Cantor, and added a pretty bad unlock system late into the beta. It was pretty fun in the beginning and if it were new in the current market it could probably land in a good place.

Scathis is a shit-tier dev.
Uber is a shit-tier company.

This is what happened.

SMNC had potential, but the shitty devs failed to listen to the beta players and fucked everything up.

t. Best cheston/Gunslinger on SMNC.

Big dude with targeting goggles and motion sensors. Frequently got 100+ assists per round.

MNC was good.

SMNC is what I heard killed it. Too much into the moba direction, took too long to kill people or something I think.