Do people still care about CDPR/Witcher games/Cyberpunkt after this?
Giving Sony's propaganda games attention and doing this cringe-worthy shit is just awful.
Do people still care about CDPR/Witcher games/Cyberpunkt after this?
Giving Sony's propaganda games attention and doing this cringe-worthy shit is just awful.
Other urls found in this thread:
They should also know that Horizon does not need Geralt's help, she is a strong woman.
>Do people still care about CDPR/Witcher games/Cyberpunkt after this?
Nope, a single tweet made the millions who've played their games stop caring because they're all easily triggered snowflakes like you.
Guerilla has some ex-CD project employee that's why.
Fuck you poltards are whiny pussies.
>sony's propaganda games
back to Sup Forums please
>Real women make you feel insecure
>Digital women make you feel insecure
You should probably just kill yourself friendo
>propaganda games
Yeah gotta say this is cringe.
They'll never accomplish their goal surpassing Rockstar like this.
Don't forget that cdpr liking zelda means that botw is great, we're on nintendogaf after all
game is irrelevant console-only feminist's first shitty skyrim clone. still waiting for Cyberpunk but know it won't come out until about 2020
Contrary to popular belief, enjoying video games is not considered taboo among normal people.
so you only have the one pic right
no, I fucking hate them now
this drawing totally devalued all their efforts for me
you sound fucking retarded
Calm down, Sony nigger.
so you are just a shitposter ok
>why can't everyone have severe autism like 99% of Sup Forums and blindly hate on things because they feel threatened by some boogeyman they created
It's a fucking video game you retard. If you don't like it just don't play it. Crying on an anonymous imageboard won't magically make it worse for it's target audience or stop it frome xisting altogether.
Fuck off, Sup Forums.
>Choosing a Sony Jew made movie game over CDProject Red
Not even once
>Horizon: Zero Sales isn't far left propagan-
the witcher series were my favorite games but i just threw them in the garbage
this betrayal is unforgivable. I literally don't know what to do with my life now, i'm shaking
so you just post this in any thread
>Crying on an anonymous imageboard
you're doing the same
>Some of the worlds best developers love Horizon Zero Dawn
>Sup Forums hates it
Hmmm what a tough choice lads
>SJWs complain about video games
>Sup Forums tells them to try making their own games if they care so much
>SJWs start making games
>Sup Forums complains anyway
but why
>Not literally shaking
You blew it.
>zero sales
>sold over 3 million copies
ok whats so sjw about them
One of their writers helped work on the game retard.
So you're saying because CDPR tweeted a positive image about another game that (YOU) don't like we shouldn't care about them anymore?
I just can't comprehend how a human being can be so autistic?
>george soros bought 2.99 million copies
>poor sonygroids bought the remaining 10k
>still only has a 3% attach rate
keking at your shit failed game, loser
what the fuck is this logic
The climate debacle is leftist propaganda now? Just kill me now. How can this even be debated when 99 percent of scientists agree that there's a problem.
>March 2th
OP is really on top of the news
Seriously How can you endure being such a triggered cuck?
Never run a fucking business you faggot pretentious piece of shit. My fucking god.
>Horizon sells an incredible number of copies
>Easy publicity: say you like the game and post artwork on twitter
>Your own sales increase as a result for no cost whatsoever
It's simple math you fucking shit stain Sup Forumstard 20 year old manchild. I know you've only left the house 6 times in your adult life but there are real world issues out there that you've never seen, one of those is called "making money," which is something you've don't worry about because you've been handed everything in life.
I'm sick of this extremist Sup Forums worldview where video games are either -1/10 or 11/10 and if you even talk about the -1/10 game
"you are a dirty faggot nigger who deserves to die kill you'reself withdraw all support from this dev because they played a video game i don't like"
I think it's the "refugees going to europe" thing that annoys people.
I haven't played the game but it just looks like a merely okay-ish bit of lore. Nigel's response is pretty based.
Because uneducated fuckwits who've never spent a second getting an education that wasn't compulsory, think they're smarter than literal doctors and scientist.
>Georges Soros boogeyman
is that way sperglord
>hillary voters are THIS dense
Here, a free education
Time to grow up, libtard. Trump is our president for a long, long time.
Probably late 2018.
>propaganda game
In what way? Other than "female MC" and "black people exist?"
I thought you were posting a video proving that Soros bought 2.99 million copies of Horizon.
I was deeply disappointed.
Honestly I had more fun with HZD than I had with any of the Witcher games. I don't know if I'd call them better games but I'd buy an HZD sequel faster than I'd buy another Witcher.
I loved witcher 1, 2 was meh and i don't even bother with 3
I jumped off the cd projekt train at good time
>maybe we should give some attention to this climate change thing, sounds important = lefty cuck
got it senpai
>he gets his education from YouTube
see climate change is not a problem that any actual scientist is concerned about, retard
go and learn about gender pronouns with bill nye you reddit fedora tipper pseud faggot
the lead is female, therefore, it is a sjw feminist piece of shit
I never brought up Trump? I believe he has the capacity to see through the veil of his own ignorance and start acting on the climate problems. There is a problem and it should not be a partisan issue. But whatever call me cuck and a faggot. I just want what is best for our future. And I'm not a liberal, not that you'll believe me.
>his "climate change" conspiracy theories get debunked by a minutes long youtube video
>no sources on description
I don't even need to watch this to know that it's bullshit
So the game being historically accurate upsets people. I mean, where else would they go? Europe is the most viable choice since it doesn't require them to cross an ocean and is developed / large.
Where else would they go? Australia? Tiny island japan-town?
I bet you think the Earth is flat
so this is sjw
it's talking about a sourced paper you mongoloid
>Actually feeding him (You)'s
He does this all the time
I have no idea. I see people posting this all the time and I never understood what was so propagandous about it either.
sick redditgaf post bro
see you on r/destiny
>played horizon
>got bored and stopped playing before the 5 hour tutorial was even over
>not putting the paper as a source
you are right, the chinese made it up. You know, the chinese thought it was bullshit too. They didn't give a shit and went crazy with 0 environmental laws.
Then the situation in their cities got so bad that they would literally need smog alerts that would all but freeze the city and oxygen stations everywhere because their air was so trash.
Now they are revamping their environmental laws and are the country spending the most on the environment. They learned their lesson the hard way.
It is incredible that you can see what happened to them and think, "nah, that won't happen to us".
Even monkeys know how to avoid getting shocked when they see it happen to another monkey first, so I can't even call you an ape because you are too dumb to be one.
The main thrust of the argument in that video is "Yeah, we're fucking up the environment, but it would inconvenience me too much to make any changes, so fuck it." Fuck off.
Jesus fuck right wingers are idiots
>Brown Girl saves the town fom the evil white man
If this was a western game /vpol/ would be all over it
You've said your piece now go back to neogaf
Confirmed for not watching the video and desperately trying to discredit the truth
I can already see this guy screencapping this whole thread, going back to 8ch/pol/ and making a thread about how he triggered the lefty cucks at Sup Forums with his superior debate skills and youtube sources.
What I kind of want from the Cyberpunk game of theirs is to have it be set in the "futuristic" world you see described in HZD. LIke you can witness, first hand how everything goes to shit, see the hacker-group that is a thinly veiled user, see the birth of the machines, and see the world fall while you defend and support the Zero Dawn Project.
I'd also like to see Aloy's ancestor/original be kind of an asshole to the player character in general, not because I want to knock her down a peg, but more because I think it would add to the character to see just a little more reality to her humanity.
>g-go back to X
good argument, you triple nigger.
It's a money issue. All the posts from pol when we left the Paris agreement was America first, fuck their scam etc.. so short sighted and it will bite us in the ass if we do nothing.
>wow I got trashed what should I do
>commence "call everyone except me Reddit" protocol
>heh that'll show em ;)
don't spread your filth here.
>left wing artist states this museum is so important we literally need one asap
>right wing political diplomat likens it to pointless tripe and addresses the refugee in question by telling them to basically go kill themselves
WOW rly make me thonk!
>look mom i said nigger do i fit in like the r/socialism IRC told me i would
you have no power here
we all know who you are
disgusting fat tumblr antifa legbeards trying to influence the culture of the board
I watched the video. That's his argument. Also
>no sources other than a single study not even linked in the description
>calls out Cook's research by saying he falsified the information, but doesn't say how he knows this
>arguing against "propaganda" by linking to an arguably propaganda video
So yeah, you're a retard. I'm done with you.
>Sup Forums has ids and flags enabled
What is even the point of being here then? They might as well make a sub-reddit since they want to be identifiable and "known" in their little community.
witcher is absolutely full of waifu shit garbage, which is a large theme in HDZ as well
did you forget you fucking play as Ciri for parts of the game
its not surprising really
i forgot how cyberpunk 77 was by the same people as the witcher, cant fuckin wait now actually because the same type of waifushit pandering would actually be very VERY fitting for a fucked up dystopian cyberpunk society
there would be tons of strippers and prostitutes and hoes with big cleavage, but that shit doesnt fit in medieval times even if its fantasy
>continues to deflect and run away from the arguments made, giving no answers
>trying to influence the culture of the board
What the fuck are you exactly trying to get done?
Yes we are done here, as you can't watch a simple, easily understandable video and grasp its meaning.
Sorry you're a 50 iq ape, most lefties are. Try lifting I guess?
>y-you don't understand it
>a-ad hominem, heh, that'll show ya
>g-go b-back to R-Reddit
Right-wingers, ladies and gentlemen
>assuming political stances based on apolitical lore
The only thing you can possibly garner from that lore is that there were environmental activists and their opposition, no one is necessarily left or right wing. Anything else is an assumption that you personally projected into the text.
You know, death of the author and all. The only meaning that exists is the one you give to it.
So that is what all this antagonism is about? You saw some faggots on reddit run their mouth on something incredibly stupid and took it seriously, so that activated your almonds and you are now on this schizophrenic paranoid spree?
You think le redditors are coming to take your 4chans? Jesus christ dude, get help. I bet you think Obama made the CIA gang stalk you too.
why do poltards love buzzwords more than the people they claim to hate
Am I to assign no political stance to the authors of Gone Home based on the subject matter, then?
Seems like it won us the election?
8 years homo!
>le schizophrenia
Imagine getting this BTFO by someone you think is mentally ill
>be the earth
>have polar ice caps for millions of years
>my caps have been decreasing over time but again thats over thousands of millions of years
>let humies evolve
>they dissolve my ice caps within a few hundred years
>let them stay because they're a race of peace
Wait a minute
>they bomb my environment for explosives and nuke testing
>let them stay because they're a race of peace
>let them kill my beautiful animals few are extinct because "muh survival"
>let them stay because they're a race of peace
We are all Muslims.
I am sorry to ruin your self-insert fantasy, but I think the protag in Cyberpunk is a chick. So I guess that absolutely ruins the game for you, eh?
I'll take the word of thousands of environmental scientists and educator's than some random youtubber who is talking out of his ass.
maybe you should finish high school before posting here
I am sure you have a perfectly reasonable explanation as for why a cyberpunk society HAS to have "strippers and prostitutes and hoes with big cleavage". I am sure you have a good argument as for why this is apparently some sort of cyberpunk law.
No. Depicting a subject isn't the same as endorsing it. People are capable of writing whatever they feel like, whether they agree with it or not.
Unless you know for a fact the political standings of the author from external materials, trying to use a work to read the author is just stupid.
I mean, if you think the redditors are on some sort of secret mission to get your boards, you must be mentally ill, because this level of paranoia is off the charts for normal people.
ok is this sjw