So this is why people like Phoenix Wright? I don't like where this is going

So this is why people like Phoenix Wright? I don't like where this is going.

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I always enjoy the judge, but I hope he doesn't age more anytime soon

I don't see the problem here to be honest

>So this is why people like Phoenix Wright?
No, Trucy isn't really one of the reasons. Although the case you're on is really good.

>caring about this series after trials and tribulations

There's your problem

>judging the series game by game instead of case by case
I am a bit ambivalent about the future of the series though, yeah

But this is my first game in the series I'm playing. How bad was the quality drop?

Spirit of Justice is great though

He's just memeing. The only really "bad" games are Apollo Justice and arguably Dual destinies. You should really buy the original trilogy on the E-shop after you beat Spirit of Justice.

I bought all the games from the E-shop. I want to give ghost trick a try soon.

Why did you buy the entire series and then decide to start with the 6th game instead of the 1st?

I thought the spirit girl was cute...

i know these games are more about how the murder was done rather than who did it but i just wish they didnt point a huge flashing arrow that said "this is the murderer"

Apollo Justice is the worst game in the series

Well, at least you have them

No people liked it for 1-3, it started going downhill after that

>First ace attorney game
>Apollo justice

This stupid trope keeps happening from Apollo justice on. It started there.

Play the original trilogy.

There are a few where the killer's identity is a legit surprise, I'd say, as well as a number of cases where you'll probably spend at least half of the case not 100% sure who the killer is for a reason other than not being introduced to them yet.

But yeah, realistically you can't usually put the true culprit's identity in doubt without cluttering the story with red herrings or extraneous characters who exist solely to make guessing via process of elimination easier, which would kill the pacing.

The first game is literally the best in the series, it all goes downhill from 1

Nah, 3 is the best one.

>case 3
>case 5

Had some of the most retarded shit I've seen

Every good game in the series has at least one case that's 'meh' or even outright awful (usually one of the "filler episode" cases that have no ties to any overarching storyline) and every bad game in the series has at least one case that's pretty good (usually the last one.)

>starting with the 8th game
>in a plot-driven series
Are you retarded?

I just picked the game with the cutest girl man

>he doesn't know

I'm playing AAI2 right now, and it's pretty good. There's just two technical things I want to pointlessly say to Capcom.

>Why is one of Ray's poses copied directly from Palaeno? Be more original

I'll be leaving to avoid spoilers now.

>Why is one of Ray's poses copied directly from Palaeno?

To throw you off when he's revealed to be the mastermind.

If you guys meme this character into being a dude I'm going to be so god damn mad

Do you think Rosalina wears her magic panties?

No she's a girl. Just not the cutest one

> not liking Trucy