>The audience that buy Ubisoft and Bioware games day 1
The audience that buy Ubisoft and Bioware games day 1
waht the fcuk
Would destroy that boypussy, holy shit.
looks like a fucking goblin
What the fuck did I just watch
you are right though
found a new steam name
Friendly reminder any degenerating civilization that will soon be overthrown has gone through this phase. I hope you know Chinese, because they are going to take over world politics soon enough.
I want to fuck that little boy.
It's a canadian kid.
This is a quote from his parents. His name is ''Nemis''. Yes, it's a boy.
>Obviously, we’re not like most moms and dads. Instead of Saturday morning soccer practice, we have Vogue classes. When we go clothes shopping it’s equal parts black skinny jeans and skulls as it is sequins and tulle. We talk ollies, grinding and dropping in- he’s pretty dedicated to his skateboard, just as much as contouring and tuck tape!
>And as far as sexuality and drag go, Nemis understands that a majority of Queens are gay. It’s something we’ve talked a lot about at length because he expressed his concern that people wouldn’t think he was a” real “drag queen or take him seriously because he doesn’t feel like he’s gay.
This is what grooming looks like.
Everyday we stray further from God's light.
a fucking leaf strikes again
Kid sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders and is having fun. I don't see the problem.
Western society has fallen
>Nemis understands that a majority of Queens are gay
Is there actually any proof of this
why did she choose to name herself after black milk sugar?
We've reached the 4th dimension of degeneracy.
Part of me just wants to think this is an isolated case, and that the benefits of modern society far outweigh the drawbacks compared to the "moral" times we look fondly back to, specially considering we just idealize the past and it was probably just as fucked up and degenerate as the present.
The other part of me wants to kill all fags and niggers.
holy fuck that is gay
Montreal and Vancouver are the social justice shitholes of canada
t. Leaf
you forgot Toronto and to a lesser extent Ottawa
There is literally NO WAY that kid isn't be groomed by someone.
>Groomer: Here try this dress on! Isn't fun?
>Kid: Yeah!
>Groomer: Do you like wearing those clothes?
>Kid: You bet!
>Groomer: That means your a drag queen
>Kid: Whats that?
>Groomer: Some men like to dress up that way.
>Kid: Why?
>Groomer: Because they're gay.
>Kid: Oh. Am I gay then?
>Groomer: Only one way to find out kiddo.
Call CPS.
It has happened. It's over
Yes, I fucked enough of them to know they are fags.
>You have to suck my dick to find out if you like it or not
That's pretty much legal in Canada and there is nothing one can do to protect this kid.
Lgbt bs aside raising a child to obsess over sexual identity, dress, and ego seems pretty fucked to me.
>drag superstar
no thank you
mods are really killing it tonight
>children will literally be taken away from christian parents in canada to give them to pro-LGBTQI foster parents
>pro-LGBTQI are literally allowed to turn their kid into a dragqueen
What is happening to Canada?
is that canada? ha ha
Most western people living in a urban areas are obsessed with transhumanism and gender issues. It's just the way it is. It's only going to get worse.. the LGBT/Leftists will force babies to enjoy sex because they will find a fake study "proving" it prevents racism
Women are absolutely amazing. The only reason they aren't on top is because of our social roles constructed in primitive times. Women are blossoming now, they're taking over sports, education and entertainment.
Go back just 10 years, back when Sup Forums was spamming ps3 has no games and talledaga nights memes, there were almost no prominent female game devs, figures or players in the industry. Now they're all over and growing.
>we aren't like normal parents
>we forced our kid to be part of us instead of an individual
Just fuck my generation up famalam
>this girl looks better than most girls who are "of age"
>still get called a pedophile if you fins her attractive
Fuck this planet
>this will never be illegal
t. cletus from kansas
Reasons Canada shouldn't be nuked:
I was about to ask if this was a cucknadian or brit, thanks for the heads up in the file name.
>that creepy gay pedophile salivating at the sight of a little gay boy towards the end
>no nazi patch
>you were born just in time for underage traps to become mainstream
>8 year olds
>Drag queen star
Jesus fuck US, just invade that shithole already.
t. non-argument
>women are blossoming now
>society is going down the drain
name twelve
so do lgbt and pedophilia go hand in hand? I'm not sure this is a positive representation of queers
>live in vancouver and going to Uni
kill me
What the fuck dude
10% of the population isn't cancerous
we have nice land as long as the fags are away
maple clan will kill your family if you fuck with us
stuff canadians made google about them
That super faggy dance on the catwalk made me spit my tea.
>so do lgbt and pedophilia go hand in hand?
You're still getting nuked.
yeah so since this video exists, OBVIOUSLY Canada is overrun with drag queens
Never change Sup Forums
because the rest of the country shouldn't suffer for montral,vancovuer and toronto
t. Lactatia from Canada
just contacted the maple clan you better hide your family cause you're fucked now
>5 year old girl use the same bathroom as a 39 year fat pedophile
>his parents allow the pedo to rape the kid because he was oppressed by society and is a victim of Christian morals
Can we declare that God should end the world please?
Vouging is fking lit u ignorent gtfo
If god existed the world would have ended lifetimes ago
feels good
I'm from Alberta and I say nukem all.
>this is 100% okay but I can't jack off to loli
Really makes me think
Does anybody have that video of that boy who is dancing like a stripper at a pride parade?
Why do these fucks sexualize children so much? Surely it can't be as simple as they fuck children?
Poll time.
How many of you are interested in like actually being in a relationship with a cute boy who loves you and vice versa? How many of you just have traps/cute boys as a fetish and nothing more?
>Mankind listens to Lucifer instead of God
>People get mad that God is not doing anything to end this mess
That rly activated my anal...
i really dont know why it doesnt end yet
>"look even kids war doing it! we arnt freaks okay guys?"
It'd be great, but it wouldn't work.
They're trying to make pedophobia a thing. (so they can fuck children)
that guy at the end has some fucking moves holy shit
Calgary master race
>omitting the steaming shit pile that is Toronto
Does there need to be?
I remember reading this in regards to Rome, do you have any literature on it that more strictly outlines the exact symptoms?
Pedophobia is a fear of children.
>Master race
>12% unemployment
>Never change Sup Forums
Wait, I thought this was Sup Forums
>atleast we are not nova scotia
This. It isn't gay if it's smooth prepube ass and moaning and they keep the wig on.
Bro your fucking f150 is sick !!! Lets jack off in it and go to the strip club! BTW every other province is gay! Dude want to practice kissing on each other for when we fuck girls
Well I don't know what the equivalent of homophobia would be then.
>Why do these fucks sexualize children so much?
it's part of the demoralization process
Go clean your room Sup Forums.
Never mind, I found it.
I just have to wonder what the fuck is wrong with the parents to dress their son and teach him these things.
>a-atleast our mayor is progressive
homophobia and islamophobia aren't real words. phobia means fear, but what those word describes don't have anything to do with fear. It's literally a marketing buzzword. That's like saying racism should be called negrophobia