>It's a "woman joins the guild and the guild immediately goes to shit" episode.
It's a "woman joins the guild and the guild immediately goes to shit" episode
Other urls found in this thread:
>enters a random guild
>people in it seem to be pretty cool
>that one girl is one of the strongest players
>"alright cool, she seems pretty chill"
>months pass by
>said girl quits the game because she's bored and goes play another MMO
>me and guildmates continue playing regularly as a group
>suddenly, we become the strongest players in the guild surpassing said girl by a large margin
>suddenly, girl comes back into the game
>she expects a huge welcome back celebration from the guild
>no one really cares she's back
>starts saying we're a bunch of elitists now that we out-leveled
>starts talking shit behind our back to other guilds because we're "not like we used to be"
Why are girls such attention whores?
>start guild with friends
>officer cadre is 50/50 male female split
>new people join and guild gets big, we're doing great
>suddenly we get new people who join and freak out upon hearing a woman on teamspeak
>immediately start white knighting and trying to suck up to the women despite all of the female officers being in relationships and two being lesbians
Why are beta males such a plague?
>it's a guild leader invites his internet "gf" to the guild then accidentally spills his erp into chat revealing everyone as closeted degenerates episode
>Banter with friends all the time in guild.
>Girl joins.
>Banter with girl.
>Takes it personally and tries to make her banters personal.
>Everyone whiteknights her because they're pathetic virgins and tries to hit me at my ego too.
>Can't even do anything about it and it's past the point of no return so I just leave forever.
>all the girls in your guild are already taken
>that guy who's voice goes up an octave in the presence of a female
>it's an angsty passive aggressive virgin episode
>"I n-never needed a girlfriend a-anyways..!"
>playing mmo and games with social bullshit.
>Gay couple who are healers join the guild and think they're the hottest shit ever despite them sucking ass
>Play disc priest and do better than both of them by myself.
Fuck you Cory and Jeremiah, you guys are shit.