Other urls found in this thread:
>responding to a micropenis shill thread
"My wife's son" refers to the pathetic self-degrading fantasies of cuckold-fetishists, or to the stereotype of a woman who gets pregnant by a feckless but attractive man (generally a black) then seeks out a hard-working milquetoast to provide for her.
Kratos is man of immense power and attractiveness to women, if he is indeed raising another man's son it is an act of kindness, not inferiority, on his part.
In short, OP is a meme-spouting moron, and it wouldn't surprise me if he himself likes cuckold pornography.
It gets brought up a ton thanks to Sup Forums
It makes sense considering Kratos literally killed his entire fucking family in a fit of rage and then killed an entire pantheon because of his anger
But Ill admit I fucking hate the new environment they chose and idk how the fuck they make this new story compelling or the combat interesting cause it looks SLOW
What does Microsoft have to do with anything?
i laughed
Reminder that the kid dies after the second boss and is just a marketing ploy to snag TLoU sales numbers. Gameplay is traditional GoW after the hour-long prologue.
Burn more people in cages for me and ill give him back - Allah
lol wut
Microsoft employs literally hundreds of indians to spam Sup Forums slandering their competition.
This thread is created by a paid Microsoft Indian shill just like the hundreds of other ones in that picture
Does no one remember in GoW3 he was growing father feeling for pandora and she wasn't even real or his kid? I mean the dude fucks and kills whatever he wants, if the boy isn't his and he wants to raise him still, let the nigger do it.
Is this the dankest meme Sup Forums has ever come up with?
Jesus kill yourself
Or just leave
Viral marketing is part of Sup Forums culture, get used to it faggot.
Not OP, but I post this thread at least 2-3 times a week.
Lighten up and enjoy the shitposting, you autist.
Why isn't this shit series cancelled?
It's profitable, for the most part.
Normalfags love casual hack n slashes/cinematic games, but hate shit like DMC, Ninja Gaiden, etc.
Borderlands is the only case of legitimate astroturfing on Sup Forums. Every other time has just been Sup Forumsirgins pretending to be marketers because it makes you mad.
Micropenis shills out in full force today
Toddposting is the only good Sup Forums meme right now. This is just another Sup Forums meme adapted to Sup Forums shit.
wasnt always like this
was a time you could attack the virals and be joined in your defense of Sup Forums against the marketing
all changed one day, a check cleared, m00t got paid, something happened suddenly if you dare even point it out, you get it attacked instead.
its all just shit now.
Microsoft Indian Shill Sup Forumsiral employee shilling marketing poster detected.,
Microsoft Indian Shill Sup Forumsiral employee shilling marketing poster detected.,
Microsoft Indian Shill Sup Forumsiral employee shilling marketing poster detected.,
I want to believe.
No, don't you remember when Sup Forums welcomed the Borderlands 2 shilling with arms wide open?
Reminder Kamiya loves the series so much he said it was the biggest influence on Bayonetta.
I hate shitposting as much as the next guy but I love this Kracuck meme
Microsoft Indian Shill Sup Forumsiral employee shilling marketing poster detected.,
Microsoft Indian Shill Sup Forumsiral employee shilling marketing poster detected.,
Microsoft Indian Shill Sup Forumsiral employee shilling marketing poster detected.,
I will tell you, if you accept to participate in a certain tournament.
You are part of the problem
That was the end for me. Hell Sup Forums in general has lost its soul these last few years. Kicking out the pedos is one thing but this place is stale now. Its fucking bland. The hype is everywhere and its got no bite. Fucking moot saw it comming I guess, or the helped end it. Probably did that fucker. Just aint the same no more.
There is no shilling here and there will never be ever again. Sup Forums knows that the ONLY FUCKING GAME THEY SHOULD BE BUYING IS FALLOUT 4
I mean shit like this makes me wanna just buy a kayak and sell my computer. Call it quits for gaming, and Sup Forums, hell just own a tablet for porn and scrap the rest. Fuck i'm old I guess. When the hell did this happen.
Oh I was being sarcastic, Sup Forums shitposted every single Borderlands 2 thread since the shilling was so blatant. Viral marketers have gotten smarter and have learned how to better blend in.
I never played God of War, but I think the idea that a guy who killed gods for a living being a cuckold is fucking ridiculous
Nuke this shitposting
It's the faggy beard and the transparent attempt at hitting the innocent child companion market after TLOU and the fact that any who knows even anything about Kratos would know that this is extremely out of character and tryhard pandering.
Shitty memes have always been shitty. Pretending to be marketing has been a meme since 2010.
>if he is indeed raising another man's son it is an act of kindness
That's pretty out of character considering we're talking about the same guy that murdered scores of people, enjoyed it immensely, waged a war against one of his fellow Gods after he ascended, killed his mother, all but forsook his brother until he got sent to the Underworld and conveniently released him from his eternal torment while he was there, started a war with ALL of the Gods by using the Titans, killed each and every God, flooded the world, then killed his father, with all of the Gods having been corrupted by the evils in Pandora's Box that he released.
What? I only played through 1-3. What the fuck happens in the portable games and ASScention?
Then maybe Kratos has become a legacy character and this is actually someone completely different.
Maybe that's the logical progression of the God of War series now. Kill off one pantheon and move on to the next with a new Kratos. The last Kratos exterminated the Greco-Roman pantheon, and now we're doing Germanic mythology. Maybe in a few years, we can look forward to one where Kratos goes to Egypt, although that would basically be Serious Sam with no guns.
IIRC, everything after 3 was a prequel
Why did they turn gow from a fast-paced hack and slasher to a slow-pace walkie-talkie action game?
A lot of crazy fucking shit. The tl;dr is that Kratos makes everyone's life a living hell, then kills them either directly or inadvertently because he doesn't give a shit about anyone other than himself and his revenge.
Why would he kill the norse gods? They are pretty cool mother fuckers.
Greek gods are naturally assholes though.
Norse mythology is pretty violent, as far as I know. Sounds like a logical progression for the concept.
Why does Sup Forums say they despise all of these retarded memes from tumblr and reddit and then turn around and spam these memes into the dirt far harder and faster than both of thise sites combined?
Sup Forums are hypocrites
Blame eurocucks
"Hack and slash games tend to not do so well in Europe, so the narrative this time around will make a big difference. European gamers love narrative games. And Singstar." -Sony Europe boss Jim Ryan
Yeah they like battles but they are not assholes.
If anything they would talk to Kratos and be like "Hey man we saw how you totally killed that faggot Zeus. Do you want to stay here and have endless women, mead, and food? I see Freya over there eyeing you, she wants that ashen dick. Go for it man."
Seriously in Norse myth getting into the halls of Valhalla were easy as fuck. Kill five people in battle and don't let your death be in vain. If you just want to chill in Asgard its just don't let your death be in vain.
Now Greek myth? Those fucks would curse you for no reason or because they stubbed their fucking toe on their own dresser.
The feelings of regret and penance are heavy players in Greek Mythology, especially in Heracles, the main fucking one God of War takes from.
Isn't the boy confirmed to be Kratos son though?
Well you can't have God of War without mass deicide, so that's out of the question.
First they ruin their continent by letting in millions of barbaric people who is incompatible with their culture now they've ruined GoW. What next?
The only regret Kratos ever showed was the end of the series where he killed himself to release "hope" back into the world after he fucking ruined it all. Except he didn't die, apparently.
Uncharted ruined sony.
Oh its simple. You just have him fight off Ragnarok.
Shit man. Loki's children would be awesome boss fights. I mean it is Ragnarok so there will be mass deicide but not really done by Kratos's hands.
thanks sadiq
devs confirmed that it's not
Would you say it's part and parcel of browsing a popular board?
>we finally get a video game showing a strong male father role teaching his son to be a real man in a way presented as entirely positive
>Sup Forums turns it into a cuck fantasy because they literally can't go two seconds without thinking of giant black cocks
who the fuck says 'Sup Forums culture'
Shh, when using American website call me "Josh".
looks like you haven't been browsing this subchannit for that long you noobhomo.
Where are you getting Sup Forums from?
Its funny that tthe faggots here are making Kratos into a c uck, because he is black.
Shut up
>being autistic enough to compile this image
Thank you for your service.
It's not his son.
I really hope they don't spend a lot of time on this, though they most likely will. I could care less about this game/series.
It's because it's a shitty devolution of a good series designed to cater to the sensibilities of people who didn't like the original series
Also, it's not his son and it fits the cuck meme perfectly, so mocking the game with a perfect meme fit makes a lot of sense
It's his son.
Because adoption totally means cuckoldry, guys
Sure thing Hameed.
The kid doesn't have a beard, how could it possibly be his son?
Prepubescent children don't have facial hair
[Citation needed]
>being this new
>faggy beard
Are we seriously at the point where a full beard is no longer manly?
>It's because it's a shitty devolution of a good series
>Good Series
Its shitty DMC.
Facial hair of any kind has been retroactively tainted by fedora faggots. Now it's gotten to the point where a battle-hardened warrior would be laughed out of the room if he didn't have more than a 5:00 shadow.
Kratos beard in 2017 is not "manly," it's
So the new manly is smooth-shaven twinkface?
I'd say the new manly either clean shaven with an actual strong manly jaw or highly maintained, consistent stubble
I remember when facial hair meant you were a man. Nowadays facial hair means you're a liberal fedora, which means being a man means you're a liberal fedora.
I don't spend my life on a board unless I get paid to. Normally I would be on Sup Forums astroturfing for Hillary, but now that's over.
Haha put me in the screencap!
All that time and that's the best you can come up with? Stale bait?
And by the end of GoW3 he is heavy with regret over killing pandora, he finally got the revenge he always wanted, but there is no one to share his joy, those that hated him, those that loved him, all gone, there is nothing left.
If the writers behind the game can come up with a decent story about a older and wiser kratos, it could be good, one of the few things that made Kratos feel joy in life was being a father, and the loss of his family is what set him on this path.
People did not call Lee a cuck because he was willing to die to protect Clementine, I see no reason for things to be different for kratos, we already have too many father-daughter games, at least one decent father-son would be good.
I just wish the gameplay was more god of war and less the last of us.
Have they released any more footage of this game?
>confirming he is a Sup Forums retarda and a newfag congratulations you played yourself
Do you have any proof of this? Compiling a bunch of shitposts isn't proof.
He only said micropenis. He never talked about Microsoft.
You just outed yourself shill.
You sure about that? Having a different eye color is not an accident in terms of character design.
I will laugh my ass off if this meme shit turned out to be real.
The PS4 is already the numale console, if it's for cucks too, I will never cease laughing.