What the fuck is wrong with western developers? Why did they completely lose it?

What the fuck is wrong with western developers? Why did they completely lose it?

Too many low-test nu-males, women, and LGBTLMNOP in the industry now.

Anyone that is actually talented and has self respect won't develop games.

When you have big teams on AAA games you can't really have a work environment where everyone is keeping everyone else in line and raising them up. Things inevitably slip through the cracks and the shitheads get away with putting dumb things in. No one was there to suggest a better line, just look at the animation it's clear from launch that they never actually went through everything before they shipped it.

if shepherd can be brought back to life they can make some quality feminine penises

They haven't realized SJWism is the most bland, safe strain of normieism imaginable.

They pander to who shouts the loudest. Now they know that's a bad idea so the future games should hopefully show that.

>Now they know that's a bad idea

Not going to link to shitty-ass Kotaku but they had a decent article about the shitshow that was Andromeda's development. Seems like the game was put together in about 18 months.


God please tell me that another pic somewhere got it's thumbnail replaced with a stretched image of heero's face

>"progressive liberals"
>learning from mistakes

Mutually exclusive.
If anything, they'll double down on their bullshit.

Or maybe

Have to have faith that things will change. Otherwise the series is dead to many fans and that would be a shame.

It's just bad writing.

>teleports behind you
>propagates Cultural Marxism
>שום דבר אישי, ילד.


They're not even human. If Quebec was destroyed I might actually respect Canada.

Hey Sup Forums! Reminder you have your own board right here it would be great if you posted there instead!

And bad game design.

I'm a tranny. Is that trainwreck of a character supposed to be pandering to me?

but I'm not even white...


Where does this meme come from that Sup Forums is the only board that hates Jews, blacks and SJWs?

I never saw ANYONE saying "go back to Sup Forums" a few years ago.

Probably because we didn't have so many NeoGAF tourists like you back then.

>laughing at game devs never learning and always following the latest trends is Sup Forums
I'm a leftie and you're fucking retarded. Kill yourself and fuck off.


If it helps, I can confirm that basically all of Canada rolls their eyes at Quebec. They are openly hateful towards english speakers.They have their own rules for everything, openly despise Canada, and yet demand far more in federal funding than any other province. We would be far better off as a country if they just fucking got on with it and left like they've been saying they would do for decades.

it just popped up near the end of last election.

either its psyops or actual paid shills shilling liberal shit

Take the Zelda pill.

Why do conservatives try so desperately to use trannies as a hill to die on? No one fucking cares if someone cuts their dick off and takes hormones. It's just authoricucks from Sup Forums and other alt right sites.

What's insulting is these people claim to be libertarian despite being the opposite

Oh dear, looks like I upset the snowflakes. Sorry sweeties no one wants your bigotry here

>mfw even SJWs apparently got mad about this
I know they get mad at everything but when it's something that's supposed to pander to them it's always funny.

Vidya was always made by and for numales.

You don't get a safe space sweetie.


But the alt right shouts the loudest and no one listens to them.

Sweetie, you have to lurk more. All boards here are Sup Forums and they always were. Sup Forums is just meta Sup Forums.

Why do people post an image of Colbert mocking Alex Jones as evidence of anger?

Fuck off libshit, there's a board for you too


the funniest thing is it's exactly the same as that random-ass trannie that accosts you and tells you its life story in that shitty BG1 xpac made 20 years later


wow, so amazing! i remember when I was 9 years old I equipped a Girdle of Gender Change and my character turned female and I thought it was a funny joke but seriously you just took the joke way too far.

Except it is objectively correct. Liberals are always at the forefront of art. Research political science. Liberals tend to be less risk adverse, and a willingness to take risks is a key component of creativity

Liberals are more creative. Conservatives excel in other areas

BG&E would be an SJW game if it were released today

All of that is varyingly reasonable as far as tin foil hats go, but the ugly fairy in a Link to the past wasn't intended to be a man, or trans, or ugly or gay or anything, they were warped by the Dark World of Ganon's wish, like EVERYTHING else in the world.

The mere fact that the fairy still helped link should be testament to the fact that it still means well.


Not seeing what's wrong with honestly. Ryder asks Hainly why s/he's there. Hainly responds with how things were back home, how s/he didn't like it, and how it's different which led to being in Andromeda.


Maybe it was. Ubisoft was always libtard frog fucker shit. You also have implied racemixing in the game XIII (white protagonist and that black girl).

But it was not annoying or something. Focus was still on gameplay. Now it's annoying.

Liberalism is usually defined as a freedom of sorts, breaking out of predefined social norms to achieve said freedoms.

If liberals are ever the controlling force, then they stop being liberals by common definition. You cannot be a liberal in a liberal environment, because there's nothing to liberate.

That said, most art comes from lashing out against the norm as well, and most "great" art is usually incredibly edgy, like sexualized marble sculptures depicting rape or murder or something. Nowadays liberals are so afraid of hurting people's feelings that they've lost their edge.

What/Who people call liberals nowadays are not in any way liberals anymore, at least not by the common artistic and social definitions provided for them.

>wasn't intended to be a man, or trans, or ugly or gay or anything,
>not ugly

Well, that's just weird then

What company is the worst offender? My moneys on Ubisoft. Evey game they've made in the last 5 years has had subversive shit in it.


See here

Ubisoft coincidentally also has my vote. They probably have the most offending "Shit game to Liberal Pandering" patterns on the market right now, where they quite literally lowered the quality of their latest 2 Ass creed games while trying to appeal to a demographic that couldnt give less of a fuck.

Ubisoft or EA
What, you don't like killing capitalists for Karl Marx?

Ubisoft went from being largely innocuous and producing mediocre to decent games pre-2010 to becoming fucking absolute trash and pumping out nothing but shitty open world meme games for fucking years.
I can't wait for Vivendi to fucking gut them in their hostile takeover.

Yeah, apparently they were pissed about "dead naming" or some dumb shit like that.

Dead Naming? What's that? Pardon me, I'm out of the loop on my liberal jargon.

It's exactly what it sounds like.
Not using a trannies new chosen name and instead using the old name causes an amount of mental pain and stress that is akin to rape.

That is a french media company. Ubi would just go from pushing liberal trash to Muslim propaganda.

How do these apes function on a daily basis?

I don't think liberals say that desu

>That is a french media company.
Pssst, user...
So is Ubisoft.

Lets see in the last few years their games have had:
-Pro Feminist characters
- pro-Islamic propaganda
-Pro Tranny propaganda
-Pro communist/Marxist propaganda
-vehemently anti-Christian and anti-West
-Forced minority protags that don't sell
-completely rewritten history

Most people do not care, so devs have more reason to push the boundaries. The angry Sup Forumstard is a loud minority. Most Americans don't give a fuck about trannies.

They already push muslim propaganda, so not much would change



You have to go back.

ttheres a pretty active andromeda thread up on /vg/ 24/7 with hundreds of posts

better question is, what the fuck is wrong with modern white people and or Sup Forums?

They've tried to fix this shit twice now but since she's a quest-giver they won't just do the needful and erase him from the game.

this entire site is Sup Forums

its even more popular than Sup Forums was


Not him but I can sorta see why some of them would get triggered by that even if it's still kind of retarded. I doubt they feel like it's literally rape or something.

>Most people do not care
You'd be surprised, even here in MA people are getting tired of the tranny shit (probably moreso here since some people believe identity politics helped Hillary lose the election).

>Has a screenshot from prince of persia 2008

we've hated blacks since the first year of this site, a lot of the oldest memes are about niggers

I love when people try to say "Anonymous" leaned left. THey always hated illegals and muslims

Sup Forums and racism are inseparable, and anyone who denies that is a newfag that needs to lurk more or get the fuck out. And yeah Anonymous was never left, they were more right-wing libertarian.

Most of this is just false alt right boogieman shit

I have never seen a game do almost any of those things. You sound like a retard looking for a boogieman to blame shit.

I legitimetly thought my screen was dirty when looking at that ham beasts face. The fuck is up with the symetrical scarring?

Why lie? It harms your position

>If liberals are ever the controlling force, then they stop being liberals by common definition. You cannot be a liberal in a liberal environment, because there's nothing to liberate.
They become America.

>Most Americans don't give a fuck about trannies.
Yes, because most people don't give a fuck about things they don't encounter in everyday life. If they'd be forced to interact with trannies on a daily basis, I doubt most of them would be as accepting or careless.

Top meme

Tell that to the people who created DOOM

Now kys

Thanks for reminding me the Prince of Persia series is dead as shit.

Is this a thread where we bitch about a non existent chimera liberal that is made up of every negative in about liberals I have read?

I assume you haven't played Assassins Creed Syndicate or Watch Dogs 2?

the op is a picture of pro-tranny propaganda

Hm, you're right actually.

Do you really want it back in today's environment?

Be honest.

Damn, you are retarded. Are you like 14? You are legit embarrassing trying to talk about things you don't know

Baldurs gate put in a tranny NPC who literally stands in your way in a bottlenecked area and forces you to respond only nicely to them about them being a tranny.

This is in a game where you can kill most NPC's on sight if you want to be a dick. Even important and recruitable ones.

Libcucks/SJWs never actually buy and play the games. They just complain about them.

Sup Forums leaned left. We made jokes, we didn't legit hate black people. This place was not founded as an altright hugbox. I am sorry to break your illusion

Fox literally called us radical liberalss

PoP wasnt even that good. The combat was just generic hack n slash with rewind mechanics mixed in and the protag was edgy as FUCK after sands of time.

Have you played a Ubisoft or EA game in the last 5 years?

>Are you 14

Only used by underageb& and newfags. Age doesn't even matter to someone who's over the age of at least 20 or so.

Either way you got your (You)'s :^). I was here and saw it all so me and many others here know you're totally full of shit. Its like walking into a VFW as a teen and trying to tell them what the gulf war was like. You're found out fucking immediately you retard.

>tfw tranny
>tfw hate sjw devs pushing us down people throats in their video games for diversity points more than anything

The backlash against us when people finally get fed up with us being shoehorned into everything is gonna be rough :/ We make up like 0.01% of the population, we dont need to be in every video game. I just wanna be left alone and live my life without everyone hating me for this stupid mental ilness i cant control

Most people are libertarian and have a live and let live attitude. Your situation doesn't matter because it isn't real.

>we were just joking


>Send out a colonial fleet to colonise another galaxy
>Send a deadbeat tranny that contributes nothing to anything and can't even reproduce

Fuck this game. Uninstalled after 2 hours.

Tits or gtfo

I am not alt right so I don't see the boogiemen you see. I don't think you know what that word means m8