What's the Sup Forumserdict?
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
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Relatively fun, has potential. Not worth 40 dollars.
Decent early access game, give it like 6 months or so
Have the updates improved it at all?
Gonna buy it in a couple of weeks myself.
Buggy as FUCK release. Even after a 2gb update it barely fixed anything.
Waiting for a sale
costs about twice as much as it should, blatantly unfinished
Broke ass game
Really hope they add a challenging campaign where you play through the film series as Jason or something.
Or better yet, just make their own levels and characters.
It's buggy and broken, but still better than DBD.
I hear it is fun, despite it being buggy and expensive and maybe unfinished. Most people seem to really enjoy it.
I don't want to hear what most people think, I want to hear what YOU think.
I haven't played it. I've been in the threads and watching some people play it to see if I'm interested.
AJ is best girl.
two guys I work with are addicted to this game
Nobody cares
That's not Deborah
Can you faggots stop waifuposting and tell me how the game is?
>trusting Sup Forums's opinion
Honestly quite fun.
They nailed how Jason feels (God bless Kane Hodder) and playing as a counsellor is tense but rewarding if you play them right.
That's not to say there aren't a few fucky things with the game though. Jason can force grab you from way too far away and once he's grabbed you he can basically insta kill you making the whole break free bar redundant.
Apart from a few other glitches like clipping into things and getting stuck there's not much technically wrong with it.
It's a fun game with a fairly steep asking price. It's pretty much like how Payday 2 was at launch in terms of content and bugs.
Like most small studio games it's best to probably wait until things get fixed and content is added, or it goes on sale.
Am I the only girl around here who enjoyed this game?
Pretty buggy and has stability issues, but it's the most fun I've had with a game for a few years. Definitely worth the asking price.
Yeah, I said the same thing about your mom.
>$40 for this
tucking doesn't make you a girl, fag
>posts n*gger pics
Kill yourself.
I bought it on xbox
has the patch come out yet?
ahahaha fucking faggot
After 100 hours I have finally killed Jason.
who's dick I need to suck to get this game gifted?
Why is your first reaction sucking a dick?
I'll ask in the thread here: if you have perks that up your damage or health, do they carry over to Tommy if you spawn as him?
I don't think so.
because after years here I learned you would never get anything for free without whoring yourself out...
What's wrong with naggers?
Fun if everyone role-plays.
>playing as Chad
>Carrying Bear trap because i couldnt find any weapon
>Notice some fast player running in my direction
>Probably some Vanessa player running away from Jason and trying to get me killed
>Plant the bear trap and start running
>Hear in the mic someone saying who the fuck put the trap here?
>Jason grabs and kills Vanessa
>Died 5 minutes later
Such is life as Chad
get me a boner and we will see...
Now that everyone has epic level tier perks the game is un fun now as Jason. Dropped. I will just wait for Dead By Daylight release.
please user
The only truly annoying perk is the double heal one.
>implying Dva is anything but by faggots for faggots
Zarya or bust.
you there user?
>10 Stealth
>Get 5-10% sense resistance perk
>Get 20-30% sense resistance when crouching perk
Absolute cancer. I love it.
whats the program to micspam
im sick of being with these fucking BRs and chinks and i wanna blast some eurobeat over their autistic moon scribbles
sadly I dont have any Zarya Stronk user...
have some blue berry muffin
there are perks specifically for him so probably yes
That is absolutely fucking hilarious.
>Bronze Shitter
>"Mains" Widowmaker
Nah fuck off bro, you aint getting anything like that
Came here to post this, having a lot of fun with it but anyone considering buying it wait for more content/sale/price drop. Its not worth the $40 asking price right now, I'd say its worth $20 maybe $25 max.
SP is suppose to be out in the next month or 2.
>Car launches across the lake
Holy shit sides are in orbit.
Gee user, he just asked for Zarya, I dont have any so I tought he would like some muffin
What the fuck is with all the anime shitposters? Go shit up your own threads.
still there?
fuck off already
More fun to watch than Evolve but still FotM.
Jason grab mechanics in general need to be retooled. His range is too far as you said and the fact he can kill you instantly without being able to put up a struggle is fucked.
want me to "fuck off"?
Buggy god damn mess
They just need to make it easier to struggle out the first or second times but make it super increase your fear so it's too hard after.
>mfw bound a macro to mouse 4 that mashes E 50 times in a second
I'd like that, and also make it harder depending on damage level. Make strength allow far easier escapes, so that way Tommy is a bit more of a legit threat
The only buff Tommy needs is to be given an inventory. He spawns after every cabin has been searched. He will never find a single pocket knife and won't even find meds or firecrackers unless it's on someone's corpse.
>mfw bound a macro to mouse 4 that mashes E 50 times in a second
You get hacked to death and then tunneled or shot in all subsequent matches.
It'd be cool if telegrabs were cut back and environmental kills were made a bit easier. Not sure how they would do it in a fun way though with how inherently slow Jason is.
He's not really supposed to be a normal surviving counselor though, he's really just a last shot gambit to help others.
>play part 8 Jason
>only go for environmental kills or weapon kills and never the choke or head punch even if it means counselors escape my grip once or twice
>still get called a tryhard because two AJ buttbuddies used a pocket knife to disarm my trap and failed the phone box repair which alerted me to them and I teleported there instead of letting them call the cops for free
Sucks that my favourite Jasons have terrible grip strength. If I want good grip strength I have to play as the most boring Jason or the underpowered one.
>or the underpowered one
All Jasons are pretty good in their own right. Yeah, it does suck that Part 7 has the strengths and weaknesses that will make it the most ineffective Jason. A weakness to traps is the single worst thing a Jason can have if he's looking for a 7/7 round.
>4 seater is fixed up
>4 of us get in
>jason shows up
>car flips on side and kicks us all out
>we get killed
I have the two handed choke and head punch on Part 8 because those are from his movie.
>Actually got the 4 seater full and running
>Swerve SLIGHTLY offroad to avoid a teleporting Jason
>Car gets stuck on a rock and can't be moved off of it
Honestly my new favorite Jason moment happened a few minutes ago
>4-seater full and all the counselors around it
>me, savini jason, won't be having that. Morph in and wreck that car.
>I kill two counselors, a couple run away, and the rest try to fight me off and get the car started.
>one of the counselors manages to get the car started while everybody else is outside keeping their distance with their weapons ready
>I walk up in front of the car and turn my voice on for the first time in the match
>"leave them all, and I'll let you live."
>step over to the driver's side and let them make their choice. Counselor floors it as the others yell for him to wait
>proceed to slaughter everybody else.
>1 survivor
The shock and betrayal of their hope being crushed was the greatest feeling I've had all night
I wish more people realized the game is less about winning and more about creating funny moments like this.
Personally I think it's kind of silly that Jason can talk back to the counselors. Removing that and giving him some gestures would be pretty neat.
Nah the talking is fun most of the time.
I don't know about gestures, that might be a little silly. What I would like to see is Jason having a wheel of dialogue lines to play for counselors, but since Jason obviously doesn't talk it should be Pamela. They could make a bunch of specific ones for certain situations to taunt players.
>"Where are they hiding, Jason? Maybe they're under the beds..."
>"She thinks she's safe... so precious."
>"Can you hear them, Jason? Running around inside. Go find them."
Maybe a series of grunts, clicks, or some shit like that?
Sucks that my favorite Jason's are played by tryhards and have a shitty reputation.
>Playing part 9
>not really having a good game
>3 people about to escape by car
>can't catch them because I don't really know how to beat the reverse driving strat
>Chinese dude keeps taunting me in broken english
>keeps driving from one exit to the other laughing and taunting while I follow
>his teammates keep yelling at him to escape and stop tempting fate over and over
>he doesn't listen and eventually I get lucky and stop the car
>kill his teammates first
>they call him a fucking retard as they die
>kill him last
Went better than expected
>>can't catch them because I don't really know how to beat the reverse driving strat
Smash the car from behind?
Do you get to pick to be Jason or is it fucking random and gay?
You can only smash the car from the front, but I've seen the car reverse into Jason too fast and break
It's random because you obviously aren't going to be the only one wanting to play Jason. You can set a preference to which side you want to be on though
It's shit. You either run for 10 minutes and get killed for some bullshit reason or play AJ and escape every time. Playing Jason is boring as fuck.
>but I've seen the car reverse into Jason too fast and break
This is what ended up happening
You don't have to be going fast, if it moves into him at all in reverse it breaks so just shift right into the bumber.
Jason 8 boat level when?
>Multi level
Could be awesome.