Where can I find a decent FPS game for PC?
Is the genre down the tube? Is it DEAD?

Here's the thing.

TF2 is shit. It's not fun, and it isn't a standard FPS.
CSGO is shit. It's not fun, and it isn't a standard FPS.

Define standard FPS:
An FPS game that has "aim-down-sight" mechanics. A game that revolves around hitscan weapons. A game that has medium to fast paced gameplay. A game that lets you use explosives. A game that has penetrable objects.

Do they not make these anymore? I know that they still make COD and BF, but those games are just skr8 trashio. They have gotten progressively worse.
Did these games never exist in the first place? Come to think of it, COD is really the only game that fits this definition, and it was never very good to begin with.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sounds like you want Rainbow Six Siege

So, Siege? You're just describing R6 Siege

I know you're trolling but

>Tactical Military FPS with great coop and pvp
>Tactical FPS with swat and full lvel destruction
>Arcade FPS with coop and heavy customization
>Payday 2, free right now too

also, somebody in the previous thread said something about Titanfall 2.
From what I've looked up, Titanfall 2 is dead. Only 14k players online. I'm not spending 40 bucks on a game that will be dead in 2 years.

Also, for clarity, the "TF2" I refer to in the original post is TeamFortress, not titanfall.

I've heard that that game is trash. Seige sounds a lot more like csgo to me than anything else. Besides, I've only heard negatives about the game. Graphics, hit detection, etc.

I'm not trolling, you retard.

>>Tactical Military FPS with great coop and pvp

No? I never asked for tactical military. Also, insurgency is shit. GARBAGE. It looks disgusting. There is no UI. It's obtuse and it's just not fun.

>>Tactical FPS with swat and full lvel destruction

Again, never asked for that.

>>Arcade FPS with coop and heavy customization
>>Payday 2, free right now too

Payday is about tower defense wave bank robbing. Do you seriously consider that a classical FPS?
These games all have terrible reviews, Payday especially. Are YOU trolling?

>CSGO is shit. It's not fun, and it isn't a standard FPS.
>>Define standard FPS:
>An FPS game that has "aim-down-sight" mechanics

OP is an asshole. Give him nothing


>game that's in first person and you shoot people in the face
>no a first person shooter

great post. Care to elaborate?

Reword your request with the proper manners and I'll oblige
Otherwise nah you know the argument.


>Define standard FPS:
>An FPS game that has "aim-down-sight" mechanics.
>A game that revolves around hitscan weapons
>mentions BF
>A game without hitscan on it's weapons.

>FPSs without objectives, classes or abilities are fucking nowhere to be seen
What the fuck happened?

>Otherwise nah you know the argument.
ok then
squandering a chance to be educated is the calling card of the dim btw but i guess you have your limits ______:^)_______

a thread died for this garbage

jesus christ he gives you boatloads of examples of things to play and you bitch and nitpick all of them , what a little cunt you are

PC players are finally being introduced to something that console players have had to deal with for a decade.

op you sound like a bitter cunt


>how do I read

Kill yourself. I didn't include BF as a standard FPS. Learn to read.


And another thread died for your garbage reply.

hah. Do you happen to browse reddit?

Rainbow Six Siege is the best FPS on pc right now.

It has a lot of flaws but it's the only one worth playing

Op since you know more than any of us go find your damn game yourselves. Fucking asshole

>And another thread died for your garbage reply.
how so? do you literally not understand how this website works?

fucking kill yourself you retarded dullard

stop bumping this shit thread

Are you an expert on the matter OP? Cause if you're not an expert then your opinions and views and boot-licker tier

>An FPS game that has "aim-down-sight" mechanics. A game that revolves around hitscan weapons. A game that has medium to fast paced gameplay. A game that lets you use explosives. A game that has penetrable objects.
>Do they not make these anymore?
You're describing COD you fucking millennial

Thats not a "standard" FPS at all. Tons of FPS games have had no ADS or penetrable objects

Rising storm 2 is bretty good too right now my man

Kill yourself.

>fucking millennial
op is clearly generation Z

lul, off yourself you fucking cunt

For consoles, Halo 3 had no classes and no load-outs. All the good guns were in a spot everyone knew about, so it was really a battle to aquire these guns. It was fun because everyone was on an even playing field because all the good weapons were found throughout the map. You purely relied on your own skill.
Halo 4 hit and turned it into CoD. Unlockable weapons? The fuck is this shit?

>op never specifies multiplayer

Wolfenstein TNO

>standard fps
>any game with aim down the sights
Holy FUCK kill yourself

Only people who are shit at the game say this. You're probably that faggot who runs out into the open all the time, gets sniped and rage quits because you're a cod fag used to 360 no-scoping.

Have you ever heard of Quake, you massive retard?

Yes I have, what's your point?
I enjoyed Halo 3 very much. Are you butt blasted because I didn't call it "quake esq"?

>how so? do you literally not understand how this website works?
>stop bumping this shit thread

I'm not a millenial.

>Tons of FPS games have had no ADS or penetrable objects

Name some.

No it's not.

Halo was good. I enjoyed playing Halo.
Halo isn't on PC though, and I also wouldn't consider it a standard FPS.
Halo really belongs in its own genre. There's nothing else like it.


Is this what you guys are on about? Quake is an arena shooter. When you hear "FPS", most people don't think of quake or doom or unreal.

No. It's just not a fun game. It's a simulation for retards who play arma and are too pussy to join the military. You probably play competitive airsoft.

Multiplayer. I forgot to specify that.

I legitimately want you to die.

>Name some.
CS, CSS, CSGO, CS1.6, Halo, Quake

>decent FPS

Sounds like you have a case of the shit taste

What shithole did you come from? I've never seen such rampant entitled faggotry.

You praise Halo for something Quake did.

>Halo belongs in it's own genre
OP, why do you think that all FPS games have to have aim down sights and casual gameplay?
>First Person
There are literally two requirements for an FPS game, you see through a first person camera and you shoot a gun. Why do you think there are exceptions to this rule? Your personal experience of being a faggot?

If you want a casual kiddie shooter, you should have said so in your original post.

OP sounds like you should be playing PUBG with your fellow preteens.

>what is sage
i am not bumping your shit tier thread you retarded fucking newfag

go kill yourself

I was praising Halo for being a unique in the console market. Look at the first two words of my post you fucking gronk.

Consider killing yourself. Did you read ANYTHING in this thread?

This is bait.

>There are literally two requirements for an FPS game, you see through a first person camera and you shoot a gun.

Is Skyrim an FPS?

I want a casual kiddie shooter.

is there anything hitscan in battlefield?


Try Dirty Bomb

are you trying to be stupid?

>I have never played fps in my life:the OP

Its not the games falt you suck ballz, that doesn't make it a bad game

now neck yourself plox

I'm pretty sure that's a crossbow, thou I can't quite tell because of all the shit compression

Blacklight:Retribution. Build your own guns and use them to shoot other people. If someone has an OP setup, kill them and pick it up.

>Define standard FPS:
An FPS game that has "aim-down-sight" mechanics. A game that revolves around hitscan weapons.

Haha, holy shit this is the best fucking bait I've seen in a while. Good one, OP. Got these suckers real nice with this one.

>aim at something
>shoot projectile

It's functionally a gun. I guess skyrim is an FPS, right?

isn't that game dead?

Hey, I know it's not an fps but have you played plants vs zombies garden warfare?
Don't know if your mom will actually let you play it though (it's rated for everyone 10 and up)
Seriously though, kill yourself.

there is no option to not bump threads when you post, stop making shit up

what the fuck do you mean "you can't tell"?
do you not have any fucking eyes?

It's not a gun, though. Sounds like you're trying to move the goalposts here.

prove that you saged the thread.

also, you are indirectly bumping the thread.

this faggot responded to you, and he's not me. He bumped the thread. So HAH.

It is a gun. Sounds like you are retarded here.

Unfortunately. BLR was so god damn fun.

Not OP, but I just found this tidbit. Since it's based off of mechanical energy and not an explosion, a crossbow isn't legally considered a gun. Here's another tidbit: "Since a crossbow is not considered a firearm, felons are not restricted by federal law from owning one."

If the guvmunt doesn't consider it a firearm, it is not a firearm.

Again, Play Urban Terror if you don't mind old graphics.

>No cash shop
>No matchmaking
>Not hero oriented
>Everything is available from the start
>Fast paced gameplay
>plenty of good maps and game modes
>jumping servers
>GNU/Linux friendly

Can you stop acting like a fucking child?
Here's the answer that you asked for, no. There is no "decent" FPS for you because you hate most aspects of the genre itself.
You can fuck off now.

Skyrim doesn't revolve around the use of guns.
Stop being a fag, just because MGS has a first person camera button, doesn't make the game an FPS, it's a third person game because you spend the majority of the time in third person.
>What do you do in Skyrim?
The majority of the time in Skyrim, you use swords, magic, bows and walk to places. Bleh


Not OP, but I just found this tidbit. Since it's based off of mechanical energy and not an explosion, a crossbow isn't legally considered a gun. Here's another tidbit: "Since a crossbow is not considered a firearm, felons are not restricted by federal law from owning one."

If the guvmunt doesn't consider it a firearm, it is not a firearm.


>aim at something
>shoot projectile


Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself.
Why would you ever consider a crossbow anywhere close to a gun?
>You can trigger a feminist and cause her to throw shit, does that make a feminist a gun?
>You can trigger a chemical reaction to cause it to bubble up and throw some liquid, does that make chemicals a gun?
>Your dad fucked your mother, does that make you a gun?
You're a moron.

>No matchmaking

???? How is this a good thing? Does it have a server browser? Do people still play the game?

how does it feel to be so stupid?

>There are literally two requirements for an FPS game, you see through a first person camera and you shoot a gun.
>just because MGS has a first person camera button, doesn't make the game an FPS

Are you even the same guy?

seems like this thread was made by a master troll or a true idiot

How does it feel to be 12?

A master idiot.

>It has two legs and it's yellow

Crysis 2 multiplayer was the peak of multiplayer FPS games, nothing has come close ever since

this is hilarious
was this made after evolve crashed and burned or is this legit pre-launch shill?


not bait

desu you don't deserve Sup Forums suggesting games to you. fuck off you contrarian faggot

sage in every field

not vidya

>Searching for posts with the image hash ‘Ez5L/kkrN0VVcvrSFOPuGQ==’. 11 results found.

fuck this guy

>contrarian faggot

That's a nice one. I've actually had that one used on me before. Sorry, I just don't have bad taste.

*never had that one used on me. That's what I meant to say.


>An FPS game that has "aim-down-sight" mechanics.
fucking kys you trashtier faggot

>Do you seriously consider that a classical FPS?
>aim down sights
do you even know what a classical fps is you 10 year old?
>yes, muh blops!!!

Are you trying to be retarded? Show me where I said "classical fps". Kill yourself.

>Do you seriously consider that a classical FPS?

I mispoke. The OP of the thread mentions "standard FPS". It's written all throughout the thread.

Standard and classical are not the same thing.


>I mispoke
>The OP of the thread
you're the op you fucking retard

I like you. You have a unique way of thinking.

Yes. I am the OP. I never said that I wasn't. Do you know what OP stands for?

>I refer to myself in the third person
Original Poster, you dumb fuck.

>Original Poster

Try removing the -er.
Have you heard of context clues? Was the bus you rode to school shorter than the rest?

>i want aim down sights
>Was the bus you rode to school shorter than the rest?
Apparently not, since you weren't on it.

Is it really worth getting uPlay just for Siege?

>CSGO is shit
we can't help you, it's terminal (your reddit taste)

To be fair, CSGO is an okay game.

shitty custom servers

This is reverse trolling. CSGO is actually shit. The first shot isn't accurate, so gun fights at certain distances can be entirely determined by randomness. Thus, making it a shit game.