He plays Persona games to make up for not having a love life in high school

>He plays Persona games to make up for not having a love life in high school

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>not turning down everyone
>not using every bit of time to max out your stats

True patrician spotted.

High school love is overrated


Actually I think that's why I couldn't get into them. Everyone is all into my character and he's hot shit and it's like my brain just can't take it seriously.

My girlfriend actually likes to watch me play person's 5

t h i s

not really

Had a highschool love

I agree

No that was Katawa Shoujo. I like Persona and SMT both for their dungeon crawling/religous themes and subject matter.

really though isn't that just the same kind of thing?
you still want to be the alpha chad that you weren't in high school, just without the sex

What's the point in saving ugly cartoons to your hard drive?

>dungeon crawling
Oh the tartarus is so much fun right?

I'd like to think in some other reality or in another life, I'd have been as successful in high school as P5's protag. That I wouldn't have utterly squandered every waking day in that shit hole. Playing Persona 5 was a double edged sword. Now I'm 30 years old the only thing greater than my despair is my regret.

>Having regrets
Not living your life correctly famicom.

>plays 1 game out of 5+ and thinks he can critique the entire series without sounding like an idiot

Tartarus was decent anyway, just inferior to other forms

Before 4 and 5 yeah.

bitches change after highschool anyways aswell as your friends.

>Have love life in High School
>Ruins my love life for the rest of my life

What is love?

that's a bummer user, what happened?

>he uses the cat brush

>in high school
try ever

also more like "to simulate women that don't act like real women" because as most everyone knows, real women are worthless

Baby don't hurt me

That's not true, I play it to make up for not having a love life now

I've never played Persona. Does the game have any appeal beyond waifu romance shit, or is it just one of those "uguu kawaii girls" games like Neptunia?

>he plays Garfield games to make up for the fact that he can't find his pipe


ayy same

I'm still trying to date again though

Who's there?


Heh. Joke's on you. I play FFXIV and pretend to be a catgirl so I can have the lesbian love life I never had with other grown men pretending to be catgirls.
Or at least I used to, anyway.

Literally everything about it is great imo
if you like JRPGs then its a must unless you absolutely can't STAND social simulations because that's like a 1/3rd-1/2 the game

>20 years old
>Don't know why I should keep living in this world if not my mother

Having a job sours the entirety of existence.
It just seems to not be worth it, and I don't know why people bring children into this if they know what will happen.

Are all humans with caring parents created through religion?

Define "social simulations"

Artificial Academy is better for that

most people's first times are generally shit, and their first relationships generally shit as well

they play it up to pretend things were better than they actually were

i just make sure my relationships and romantic encounters are 100% just right,

like some people sit there bragging about a girl, then cant get it up, or have the most piddly lackluster sex imaginable, then go on bragging about it , like , nah, if i sat and played video games for h ours i would have had a better time than you


I wonder when the next dump of TGT will be

>he posts threads to make up for not playing games

You can't fuck a bar bell my dude

Assuming you're not just memeing retard. it's romancing and relationship building is a crucial part of what how the game plays and how you continue, not necessarily something you need to do, but if you do depending on who it is can create better uses for your party

Made it by a hair. Though I do like lifting heavy objects.

Wrong, I played Persona while dealing with my emotionally and sexually abusive high school girlfriend.

High school was fucking shit. No good memories of those 4 years and having a gf probably wouldn't have changed that.

I'd be a little worried if a 30 year old man tried to date a 13 year old girl.

>be student
>have too much time
>no money to buy games

>be wageslave
>have too much money
>no time to play

>first time
you're detached from reality if you think thats how old people wait til
most people are on 2nd or 3rd intimate relationship by that age, only the nerds virgins and losers are virgin by that age

also, having sex =/= love
your virgin meter might count, but its more about coming to terms with expectations of life rather and your inadequacies

>Not becoming a Klaaash master

I tried so hard to become a Klaaash master, but I never got it. I was just too stupid, and the other people were smarter than me.

Even if nothing goes wrong, you got no experience. While porn may give you ideas, it's actual fucking that'll tell which ones work for you.

Can I form a group of Chadbros, or do I need to romance Itsukanchunichaeggroll-chan-senpai?

If I don't care about anime girls, is the game worth playing? That's pretty much what I'm asking

>tfw finishing high school and still a KHV

Well, at least there's always college right?

College is even worse unless you're just looking for a quick fuck.

Don't hurt me

*knocks on your door*

She was anxious to the point where she couldn't be in a relationship. After trying twice she wanted to be friends but I told her I can't handle that and cut all contact. Now she wants nothing to do with me after regretting it.

Please stop projecting

I played p3 while in my senior year while dating someone. Checkmate dude.

You did the right thing. That relationship was never going to work. All that is is baggage weighing you down.

>Average age in USA to lose virginity is 18 years old

Just pretend to be a liberal, you'll be swimming in pussy.

Depends where you live, I grew up rural and people wait longer typically which sucked.

John Arbuckle, 2!

who said anything about sex?


dated a girl for 2 or 3 years in high school, she was religious and we never boned

stopped talking to girls after high school, going to be a 25 year old virgin this year

also gonna own a house before i stick my penis in a vagina, who knew

>He plays Persona games to make up for not having a love life in high school

But I did. Had my one and only relationship in High School, we dated for a year, and fucked for the first time at 16.

>tfw it's been something like 5 or 6 years since you last even held a girls hand.

Why would I do that when Persona girls are all shit

I would rather play them to make up for not having friends I had a cool adventure with. My friends and I just talked about vidya, then never saw or even cared to see each other again after graduation

John Arbuckle, 0

>only ever dated one girl
>date her for 6 years out of high school
>she basically drops out of school to work full time in retail management
>pressures me to find a way to move in with her
>only way for me to do that is to abandon my CS degree at a real school while she goes 8 credit hours a semester at fucking DeVry
>grow distant over a year
>she asks me if I'd be comfortable with her moving in with a male friend of hers since I go to school full time and don't make enough money to move out
>tell her no fucking way
>grow even more distant
>break up with her because I can tell it's over and don't want to be the one who gets left, or worse get cucked
>three weeks later she's signed a lease with her new nigger boyfriend that she barely knows
>the other male friend she wanted to move in with and was convinced wasn't in love with her tells her how he feels
>she reports him to HR (they were coworkers) for sexual harassment and he gets fired

Trust no twohole, anons. And for fuck's sake don't dump your entire early 20s into some high school kiddie shit like I did.

How'd you afford your own house? Do you live outside the US?

>Having a GF in highschool

Literally the worst idea ever, don't fall for that meme.

>Tfw dumping early 20's into video-games and jacking off while working a horrible job

I feel like there's really no way to waste time in this life.

Eh, its never too late. I didn't lose my virginity til I was 22. Now talking to girls or fucking aren't even a second thought in my head. Better to have the keys to a house first then to get someone pregnant and ruin your life by accident. Maybe it all played out for a reason.

>it's a "seemingly everyone but me on Sup Forums has relationship experience" episode

Jesus user, you really dodged a bullet there.

I hope so. I'm 18 now and going to start my senior year next year, still a kissless, handholdless virgin. I was hoping for something before I graduated but I think my path to wizrdhood has began.

I was exaggerating a bit, I'll only have it half paid off this year but oh well, more than most people my age

I make $45k/year but work 60 hours a week so I don't have time to spend money or enjoy anything really

I know that feel bro

Depends on housing prices and cost of living for your area

Normalfags love attention, only natural they talk about their loves to a bunch of anonymous users on an anime imageboard.

I'm 27 and I've never been kissed by someone who wasn't related to me

Call me handsome.

You're ugly.

If it makes you feel better I was projecting somewhat when I made this thread

I'm not though, now give me attention.

Guys, a chick I work with wants my dick, but I have absolutely no interest in her, what do?

I'm handsome and get told so by girls and am too much of a sperg to ever actually conversate with girls or get laid ever. I'm too afraid to make a tinder, and I don't know how to let people in emotionally. I'm a waste of whatever potential my parents blessed me with. Feel better?

They say it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.

Fucking try it. I drink the days away and play Overwatch. The only thing that brings my life any joy is trying new liquors. I miss her so bad.

>I'm handsome

It's just waifu/friendfu faggotronics mixed with uninspired dungeon crawling that pales in comparison to games like Legend of Grimrock 2.


I feel like that's the majority of the populace.

I see people that love other people that get nailed to crosses, or they only stay together because it's like staying alive.

>absolutely no interest in her
She's either fat, ugly as sin, or a terrible person on the inside. Your subconscious is trying to save you no matter which it is, listen to it.

24 KHV here, I have never been in a relationship in my entire life.

>no gf, no prospects of getting one anytime soon
It never gets better, does it?

Most of the time its physical appearance I retcon

Of course you do, goddamn I can't wait to see every boomer die.

Doesn't mean much when I'm such a fucking sperg I can't get anywhere with them. I'm not a Chad, just cute. But I have no style at all and don't know how to talk to girls at all without it turning into awkward silence. 3 of my wagecuck female coworkers have invited me out to a bar and all three times I sit there in silence not knowing what to say beyond small talk

You are not alone user, I am the same

You will eventually reach that jaded frame of mind late 20s, it was weird for me. Or maybe my test and hormones just finally said fuck it and gave up.

Tinder is a fucking gigantic waste of time. If you aren't in the highest echelon of handsomeness, you'll never get a match, and even when you do, 90% of the time you'll exchange pleasantries and then the conversation peters out and nothing goes anywhere.

Also, 50% of the matches you get will be advertising bots.

I've never been in a relationship.

But I've never wanted to be in one.