I just pre ordered that limited addition ps4

I just pre ordered that limited addition ps4
If I actually get it and my order doesn't cancel due to jews what games should I get for it?
My list:
Birthdays The Beginning
J-Stars Victory VS
NieR: Automata
Uncharted Collection
Digimon World Cyber Sleuth
Digimon World Next Order
World of Final Fantasy
Yakuza 0


learn your vocabulary you dumbass

Bloodborne you stupid fucking idiot

they should make an aluminum ps4

I'd buy that.

Bloodborne, Ratchet and Clank, Persona 5

There's a silver one lad, 500gb only tho.

holy fuck, that ps4 looks ugly

As someone that owns and has beaten every single game on your list, the only enjoyable ones are...Yakuza 0. That's it. Nier is the most overrated game that I have ever played. Even with Weapon Damage +6 and Shockwave +6 chips.

>being yuropeen

lol git gud

>not getting a pro

>getting a pro

I mean it's $250 for a 1TB PS4, that's not bad
also seriously listen to this, don't get Nier

I didn't like dark souls
Pro is useless

Yakuza 0
Persona 5

Do not listen to
NieR: Automata is fucking amazing. Buy it. Also Uncharted Collection is worth having.

I just preordered mine yesterday too and bought the new DS3 and bloodborne DLC included versions I cant fucking wait

I plan on not listening I wanted more games not games taken off
Never listen to anyone that says "All those games are shit"

>He doesn't stack consoles

Oh and I forgot, Horizon: Zero Dawn is worthwhile. The story gets kind of meh after a bit but if you can push past that, it's an aesthetically beautiful and damn fun game.

Furi, Dragon Quest Builders, Let It Die

Looks like a nigger machine.

Is the Pro really useless?

this guy is a liar.

Not really useless
If you have a 4k tv then it might be worth it but at the same time it's better to just save your money and get a slim since some games don't have the performance boost option

Get a pro dumbass

Just like your mom lmao kid

hoooo boi

I'm not paying money for some shitty boost in fps

You should sell it at some point

I see a lot of people suggesting bloodborne
I wasn't planning on getting it because I didn't like Dark Souls but should I still? If I didn't like DS would I like BB?

>recycling the joke
Don't do it

It's a lot faster pace than Bloodborne. Core gameplay is relatively similar, but it encourages much more aggressive play. Plus the music and atmosphere are top notch.

>mfw Europe gets cucked and only gets a 500gb version
Should I bother? Is 500gb enough?

If you buy physical than 500GB is enough

Is this the special tracksuit edition?

I don't like any of the DS games, but I loved Bloodborne. You've got a good number of games, so don't worry about it for now. You should definitely pick up Yakuza 0 though.

>Never listen to anyone that says "All those games are shit"

Here we go.

>Birthdays The Beginning
Once you meet certain climate and geographical conditions, new species will start to appear. The problem is, they do not interact with each other. A Tyrannosaurus Rex will not wreak havoc on weaker lifeforms, it just sits in place, for eons.

>J-Stars Victory VS
Naruto, Ichigo, and Goku do not team up to defeat Aizen, instead characters sail around on a boat, in the middle of a strange land, while fighting cheesy Shonen Jump enemies.

>NieR: Automata
The game takes out sequential parts of the story, then forces the player to replay the game twice in a row. The story only truly begins to differ on playthrough C. Yet playthrough C feels entirely rushed. In the end, the entire game felt pointless.

It had the potential to be better than Dark Souls, but somewhere along the line, enemies became generic and it felt like the game was just intentionally stretched out.

>Uncharted Collection
For the price this is great. Don't expect to be amazed, but it's still fun in a Tomb Raider kind of way

>Digimon World Cyber Sleuth
Your character is infected with a virus that makes them 100% digital information. In order to discover how to retain your body, you are forced to do an endless amount of grinding and fetch quests. No matter how high your Digimon are, the game's artificial difficulty will still give the story bosses three to four turns in a row.

>Digimon World Next Order
The entire game requires backtracking across the same areas until you are able to recruit all of the Digimon. Instead of battling them and capturing them, you have to keep evolving the same two Digimon that die and are reborn countless times over.

>World of Final Fantasy
Fun at first but repetitive. Each area has a certain theme, along with the monsters in that area. You go through the same actions over and over only to be rewarded with a predictable ending.

I'm still going to buy them and enjoy all those games and there is nothing (You) can do about it