Runescape klan rally


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who the fuck plays this in 2017 lmao

>still bootyblasted over homosexuality

its degenerate user

Its not what this was really about, heres what happened.
>every update gets polled and players vote if they want it in the game.
>jagex put a literal faggot on the team and he somehow convinced everyone to have gay pride event without any poll
thats why everyone got mad really


faggots ruin everything

t. a faggot

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay.

being gay is a choice

i say this as a former faggot who thought i was born gay then I realized I was just choosing to be gay

why tho vaginas are icky

Opinions on anything can be changed over a long enough period of time

The only thing degenerate is people like you having a big cry about it.

Why are you crying about people having a good time on a game? Protests nowadays are just about socializing and having fun

>every update gets polled and players vote if they want it in the game.
Wrong on all levels Goblin raids, Big Mo, WWF big cats (which did have an agenda), cryptic clues, Midsummer, all unpolled. Even nerfs went unpolled when it was polled before and didn't pass(aka dspear and nmz). Stop spewing shit you don't know about.

The problem is that this was forced into the game. Most decisions are voted on by the community. This was not, probably because they knew that if it was put to a vote it would not pass. It is shoving homosex down the players' throats. If this had been another game, one with a track record of no input from the players, then the argument wouldn't be as strong, but in this case it clearly is another flaming faggot insisting everyone revel in his faggotry.

>current year
>im a huge faggot please rape my face
I smell the AIDS from here.

i hope mod wolf gets a public thrashing for this

>Degenerate KKK members and 12 y/os LARPing as said degenerates meet up in a trash game for degenerates

Checks out

You're thinking about RS3. OSRS never had any of those and polls its updates. This event is OSRS exclusive. Stop spewing shit you don't know about.

>Sharia law for Runescape! Shariah law for Jagex! Ban and fire homosexuality!

Holy shit best community

Millions of people LUL

It's a white peta movement


Those are all OSRS events I mentioned retard but you wouldn't know because you don't play the game autistic retard.

Is this a Masquis de Sade reference?

Which world is this?

Nah, faggots are pure, shit eating degenerates. Half of all fags have been with 500+ partners, the majority of which they fucked unprotected. Your old faggot, if he makes it to old age, is a disease ridden cum bucket with a prolapsed anus.

eat shit faggot

might be, remember it is about gays


>tfw you will never bring back the innocence you had when you would come home from school still high as fuck from the amphetamine based ADHD drugs and play this for hours

Runescape 3 best RS.

Prove me wrong.

you cant

It's better that way. A game like Runescape will never exist again.
The internet is different, way too many people and normies spread apart into too many online games (mobas, etc).
The people that play MMOs have changed. The Runescape community is what made the game. Nowadays you'll only see people posting shit memes and only worrying about min/maxing exp instead of having fun.
And of course, you're now aware that grinding your stats for hundreds of hours is a waste of time and the only thing the gameplay has to offer besides quests.

>current year
>he still hasn't received medical help to get over his mental illness

Why do you hate western medicine?

probably because modern medicine used to turn fruits into vegetables

To be honest, I'll do it just because I want more Rainbow shit.


That doesn't excuse the fact that those updates were not about forcing a political agenda into a fucking video game without the consent of the players

why does people of the same gender have to be about politics? Honestly since when is recognizing a minority something to have to do with politics?

Why are them triggered hypocritical fags so dumb to not even recognize the irony and stupidity of the shit they are supposedly all up and arms about.

Like shit i know that alot of em are just edgy teenagers and retards but still. Shits dumb and hypocritical as fuck . Like shit the faggy klan rally bullshit is gayer than two dudes wanting to plow each others assholes all night i swear.

I love this kind of shit. It's more people having fun than anything. Telling fags to shut up is just a bonus.

I get that you're 15 years old, but something as silly as a gay pride event is going to be received as the farce it is by a niche settled-in playerbase. Especially as contrived as it is in this case

Can't tell if retarded

I stopped playing RS3 after EOC beta came out, have multiple accounts on OSRS now.

Red pill me on RS3

yeah bro and WoW Legion has millions too LOL

>Stop spewing shit you don't know about.
>doesn't know shit
I bet you dont even play runescape and are just here to way your fucking political agenda around

holy shit LMAO these guys are going around saying 'buying freedom 20gp'

This is art

Why do you need to recognize a fucking minority in the game via an in game event? Do people not realize gay people exist? Do we need nigger/chink/spic etc awareness events? It's a load liberal virtue signaling bullshit. For the record I don't feel that the other shit jagex promotes belongs in game either. They used to have this ridiculous well which you dump ingame items which serves a pathetic excuse for a item sink of which the value is donated to a charity but the community eats it up for whatever reason. At least this event doesn't fuck with the economy in game.

Eoc has gotten a lot better with the release of revolution, RS3 is pretty good.
A lot more engaging than shitty click and wait with protection prayers for full immortality.
I don't know how anyone could ever defend the only system.


>This backpedal
>Still wrong because WWF big cats had a political agenda.

>players does not want


>enjoying new expansion
>having fun playing ironman

>grinding forever
>every update is QoL or combat related.
>fag event
>dumbasses overblow fag event and create drama

I like RS3.

dude what

the homo putting it in the game is the biggest lala twink cake boy fag sucker I've ever seen.

I'm opposed to anything he touches desu.

So glad RS3 is rid of him.
now all that's left to do is to get rid of mod raven and mod moltaire.


holy shit this is kino

What has this fuckboy done?

>rimFeces wishes to trade with you.

About 120-160k if you count active users in a 24hr period

imagine the most camp cliche gay twink bottom lisping stereotype imaginable and you'll have it

its understandable that someone who is literally a living cliche would want to put some stupid gay pride scarf into runescape

Did they hack or did they literally level a character with that name to level 49 just for this event?

>level 47
>Level 49

How many weeks were they planning this in advance?

Is there a practical purpose to leveling your character for a joke?

It's not about whether or not people agree with homosexuality, it's about keeping politics out of gaming.

I don't care about Runescape but if I did have a game that I loved and they suddenly decided to shove their bullshit identity politics down my throat I'd be pissed as well. Games are supposed to be an escape from all the nonsense we have to deal with in real life so this bullshit has absolutely no place in video games.

why do their levels matter

Only if you really don't care about playing it past the one time you do it.
You better believe Jagex will start handing out carpet bans to every person to attended the event.

I don't get it

Because Runescape is "Grind: The Game" leveling isn't hard, but it's tedious as fuck and not something you'd do unless you're actually trying to play the game. Getting to level 49 would take two weeks at least.

I actually agree with that I think vaginas are gross but I've never been attracted to men in the least. I like tits and asses and just think of vaginas as a place to put my dick in and that's it.

I think it's pretty common for straight men to not find vaginas attractive.

Level 47 alone would take three straight weeks of grinding to get, if I remember correctly.

>I actually agree with that I think vaginas are gross but I've never been attracted to men in the least.
This is 100% normal, there's a reason women don't like dick pics. We're attracted to the opposite sex, but that doesn't mean genitals themselves are the most attractive organs. Vaginas are literally fleshy wet holes that smell like ham dipped in urine. Great for fucking, that's about it.

If you're a shitter, waterfall quest alone nets you like 30/30, and the first few defense and prayer levels nets you lods of ecombat.

This, if you are smart with your questing you can get to level 50 in a few days.

Still impressive on their end though, to organize a virtual slave march.

>Leveling defense
I don't know the details of how it levels into your combat but you're wasting your time leveling defense alongside strength and attack. Combat exp is determined by damage dealt, which means it's actually slower much slower to level everything equally than to just level defense in those instances where you need levels for armor or something.

I don't see why people complain. If homosexuality is something you're born with like they claim, then the population won't breed and they will die out. It's only a matter of time before everyone on earth is a hetero.

Do you have no reading comprehension, fucktard?
You get some easy levels in defense that throw the cb formula out of whack compared to being a pure, so that you can have a relatively high combat level to show off compared to the time invested. You wouldn't even need to actively train it if you did your quests right.

Retard logic

Defense and your highest damage combat skill (ranged/strength/attack/magic) factor the most into combat, then summoning, hitpoints, and prayer are applied after.


I'm fine with the KKK rally as well as the gay pride one, let people have fun desu

oh fuck me this is great

They probably just renamed an account that they already had