Already have bro. Love it. I'll be spending all of Friday night in /squad/

the game has been abandoned by the devs.

Last major patch came out over a year ago.

40 dollar price tag.

Why buy it when arma 3 does everything it does for better and cheaper?

memes aside, it's actually a fun game

Honestly squad is so much better than rising storm. I decided to buy it instead last week and already have 600 hours logged. Great game would recommend to people thinking between squad and rising storm.

Please don't lie in this thread

eh so what's this about?

Battlefield meets arma. Good middleground between the two

sounds like fun. i don't know if i'd pay 40 for it though.

Don't. It's a super autistic early access game.

Just get RS2. OPs thread is just baiting the fact that Squad players literally begged people to play their dying EA game instead of RS2 in every thread.


this, they should lower it to 19.99$

It wouldn't be fucking dead already if they did

They have to realize they are stagnating to death with the abusive pricing

Shame too because its cyclical. Higher price, less people buy equals less people playing and less people willing to drop money on a high priced dead game

This is why smarter devs will literally give their game away for fucking free before they kill off the player base, Like Rising storm and Payday 2

>super autistic

This meme has to end. It's nothing like the arma community

600 hours
>last week

really makes you think

Nah, games shit. Buy Squad instead.

Arma has been abandoned for a long time, and the developers came out as massive SJWs.

>replies to OP shilling Squad
>says Squad is shit
>proceeds to encourage people to buy Squad

It's a new and good meme

I'll include a sarcasm warning next time just for you user.

Reserve shilling/shitposting is still shilling/shitposting.

I like this game and also like how there are frequent updates to it