It's up

It's up

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My dick? Yeah it's up right now

Laura Bailey bj vid?

Geek and Sundry, losers.

Ohh, this is Mathew Mercer's D and D campaign?

Fuck Laura Bailey. She's the female Troy Baker

>Fuck Laura Bailey
I wish

What are we talking about?


Go tell reddit


Voice actors should not be allowed to be attractive.

I wanna cuck Ethan

What's up?

my dick

>Geek and Sundry

Where do you think you are you fucking normie

Could she get into real life acting? She's got the right look and obviously good voice control/delivery.

This is the normie board.

No, she's a hag.

She's fucking 36? Man she aged well

I'd do Cristina Vee of a few years ago. She's got a cute voice too

Some VAs just want to do voice work, she probably could do RL acting but when you are so good (and hopefully happy) at voice acting why try to cross over?

Nu-Vee doesn't look nearly as good as she did before.

She's pretty fit now but yeah, too skinny and hair is too short. Still impressive how far she's gotten considering she started out singing on youtube.


Yeah she's still delicious but she was so damn hot before.

And you're right. She started off pretty fucking bad too, VA wise. Now I really like her voice, she's come a long way. Her singing is still pretty cringey for some reason though. Not bad, just cringey.

I don't really think she's that cute, but she voices my waifu.

It's an abstract kind of feel.

I'd put my penis in her vagina if you know what I'm saying


She was good as Noel and that was her first major role.

Compa? Shantae?

cute tbqh

I'd have sexual intercourse with her.

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong board, the /tg/ board is a few doors down


Yeah I liked her Noel.
She was pretty good in K-ON too. And her Compa is honestly better than the original.

Ah, Bailey.

Looking at her roles, Bloodrayne 1 (the only Bloodrayne I ever played) is the first time I hear her voice in video games

I'm not telling, but she made her have the cutest voice.
I love my waifu.


I'd Laura her Baileys if you know what I mean.

who that is?

pic related

What did he mean by this?

who do you think?

Aw fuck you, Pastahead

Give me a hint!


fuck luigi?


>dat intro
not fucking bad


She's a qt.


What is going on in this thread? I have no clear answers from you kids.

Honest question, why do most people seem to full out hate the switch?

I love mine, but I also went in expecting an awesome handheld and passable home console despite how they were advertising it.

I also agree that all the reboots are a bit of a cop out, but I also love having those games on the go and it seems to really make a big difference to me.

As a fan of all games, I love Nintendo games, and nothing is like them, but I fully understand that I am going to most likely only get good Nintendo games, and would always recommend getting a PC (Or PS4 if you don't want the hassle of PC and good exclusives) before buying a Nintendo console.

I would say lets have a civil discussion, but that won't happen. So if you're going to shitpost please at least put effort into it.


Any hint would be stupid obvious when Wikipedia exists.
You ain't getting shit from me, Mr. Tripfag. I'm not gonna scar my waifu's reputation. I wouldn't dare.

So is more than half the shitlords in the acting industry.

A cute hag.

He meant that he would Michael down her Vincents.

God I would bareback her so hard.

Her voice literally makes my dick diamonds.



What games has she VA'd?

That's Hila? Shit I thought it was Joost at a weird angle. Damn good for Ethan.

>The sucking noises in Bloodrayne
Good lord man have mercy

I like D&D but i can't stand watching other people play it let alone doing it for 6 hours

Laura is for warm embrace. Prove me wrong

I'd warmly embrace her with my dick if you catch my drift

Such hard on reactions for Bailey, it surprises me.
Shes attractive yes, but I feel like she is more on the plain end of the scale then the hot one.
Like shes pretty but not pretty enough for all these hotness comments.

she's literally attractive

What are you gay?

I have no idea what anything in this thread is. Should i be happy?

Plain girls are the best.

Voice seals the deal.

>he doesnt like them plain

>SJW actors
Who gives a fuck about their personalities?
They aren't good improv actors they are just good actors when directed properly.

See she IS plain, but shes got dark hair with light colored blue eyes which is like a defining feature. if she just had brown eyes she wouldn't be as cute.

I dunno, I don't really follow voice actors hard so I can't place many by voice, I just know she was Fetch in Second Son, but I know shes in a lot of shit.

It's not lewd if I'm doing it to procreate.

It kinda is.