Assault was a solid shooter without being a 64 port/remaster, yet I generally only see negative reception on Sup Forums. Why is that? Were the land missions that bad? I didn't think they were terrible, and they weren't that long either. And they even tried to mix it up a little so it wasn't repetitive, like having Fox get on the arwing mid-mission to fight off Starwolf.
I would welcome a Switch remaster of this.
Assault was a solid shooter without being a 64 port/remaster, yet I generally only see negative reception on Sup Forums...
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And the multiplayer was badass.
In general third person shooters from 6th gen haven't aged super well, but for its time Assault was a good game and I still enjoy it. It's actually my personal favorite in the series, even though I'm supposed to say 64 is "the only good Star Fox game." It dared to imagine Star Fox as something bigger and better rather than treating 64 as the be-all-end-all of the franchise. Being able to control Fox outside of a ship made the player feel more connected to him, and the greater emphasis on story and expanding the Star Fox universe was a step in the right direction even if the writing was largely standard space opera cliches.
To add to this, I thought the aparoids were cool as shit. Assault was an example of franchise progression instead of rehashing. Even if ideas were reused, they were reinvented (Android's boss battle was the first fight in the game - his nephew operating a mech)
Also is that quote actually in the game?
Assualt was pretty barebones outside the multiplayer though. Especially after the robust (But still kind of shit) Adventures.
Adventures had some great music at least.
There were only like, what, 10 missions in assault?
Wasn't Adventures an entire different game reskinned with Starfox? I have to confess I've never played Adv, only saw my childhood buddy play it, but do you even pilot an arwing in the game?
>Also is that quote actually in the game?
Yeah it was originally a Zelda clone called Dinosaur Planet but changed to starfox so it was more marketable.
More barebones than Command or Zero?