Shantae - Switch

Alright fags, Just finished Disgaea 5, Need something to play.

This game any good? I know its a side scroller, But i need a true faggots opinion.

worth 20 Canada bucks?

I love the Shantae series to death but 1/2 Genie Hero is incredibly short compared to the previous titles.

Hmm... Like 2 hours short? or 6 hours?

I could go for some replay-ability rather then long

Very mediocre.

Around a 4-5 hour short if you know what your doing. Since Hardcore mode is out as well as Risky Mode coming early summer it has replay ability. All in all I'd give this game a B-

>Just finished Disgaea 5
>Wants to play Shantae
Don't. You'd go from a game with a fantastic battle system, to one of the absolute simplest.

get it when Risky's campaign comes out. Bolo, Rotty, and Sky's campaign will come out sometime afterwards.


I want to fuck Risky so hard.

>I just finished a 2 year p;d PS4 game, should I buy this other port?
Imagine buying a new console and only having ports.

Is that real? I don't remember seeing that in the update.

Is that neon joycon Shantae playable in the Switch version?


Yes, it's real.
No, it's just marketing gimmicks.

I bought a Switch, I don't have to imagine.

>finished Disgaea 5

Yeah right. Post pics of your 12+ fielded stat-capped 9999 Sage and Killidia tag team with legds in all fields with cheat shop maxed Final Baal on farm.

You're never done with Disgaea son. Disgaea is done with you.

I paid less than that but I enjoyed it

idk if its worth $20

Money spent:

Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero: $130 KS/Wii U/Switch
Shantae PC: $60 Wii U/3DS/Steam
Shantae RR: $50? iOS/3DS/Steam/PS4
Shantae: 5$ 3DS


No. Wait until it's actually finished.
Until it gets the extra game modes it was supposed to ship with.

>Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero: $130

youbetter sauce me on that one

or i'll donate some pledges to your mother.

Is Pirate's Curse worth $15 for a used copy?

What so her farts taste like?

If you're new to the series, it's an okay substitute for the original if you don't like the idea of a long, tedious "Metroidvania."

Otherwise, don't - it's the weakest title, unfortunately.

Fuck no. Not even Pirate's Curse is worth that, and PC is the only one worthwhile.

>This game any good?
It's fucking terrible.
Don't bother.

HGH isn't worth full price. Don't listen to the biased faggots who usually accompany their "GET IT RIGHT NOW" with fanart.

I bought a PS4 at launch so I know what you mean.

>first time to receive everybody's atenttion
>will no longer be an obscure niche indie game but instead a widely know series
>fuck up the game launch with bare contents
>not even a good platformer at that
I guess it's destined to be a mediocre

Her pudding tastes better.


That's actually outdated, I switched additional copies of the game for a t shirt.

I'd wait for a sale. It's a fun enough 2D platformer to occupy your time, but it's pretty subpar even compared just to other titles in its own series.

fun games. Check em out

I hope to fucking god they drop the kikestarter shit. It was fine for them to experiment with it as a method for production once, but they proved to be sort of incompetent with the whole model. I'm terrified that WayForward will become yet another kikestarter based indie developer.
>yfw kickstarted mediocre MSF sequel
>yfw kickstarted mediocre Sigma Star Saga sequel

Pretty decent game, sort of sucks that it's not as good as the previous one.

Play on hardcore mode. Normal game is too easy and magic is exploitable.

>get Bikini Armor in HC
>hah this will help a lot
>mfw I get hit

I reccomend Rabi Ribi

What flavor of pudding?

At least you don't get 1 shot by crabs. Bikini armor was the first thing I bought.

>one-shot by crabs

Suddenly I'm thinking hardcore mode is worth a looksee.

It changes enemy locations and attack patterns, restricts the amount of potions you can have, and rebalances magic, off the top of my head.


Reminder HGH almost had a real dancing mechanic.

Don't remind me. I was so amped for that, it was the first time since the GBC game that dancing would be a real thing again.

Now I haven't played Half Genie Hero, so feel free to elaborate to help me out here, but Shovel Knight also launched with the minimum amount of content and I found that game to be worth the money.

As someone who loves the shit out of the franchise, HGH was...alright. I wouldn't say bad, but you can't really say any part of it aside from the cute characters and writing was exceptional. It doesn't help that the previous game in franchise was unbelievably fun with different mechanics. And HGH doesn't even have any of the updates yet, and we're almost half done with the year.

Risky comes out this summer along with tinkerbat.

Dancing mechanics aren't interesting.

That being said HGH is a fun ass game.

Random Question, Would Shantae work better Dressed as Alucard Or Seras Victoria from Hellsing for a cosplay piece?

Shantae can dress as anything.

>Finished Disgaea
Lol no you didn't.

>Dancing mechanics aren't interesting.
Yes they are.

Rotty as Alucard
Shantae as Seras

What about Sir Integra?

Risky as Integra

>hold button to start dancing
>let go when you get a specific dance to change into an animal

Shit's slow.

Play the original shantae
>muh pacing
Too bad that can't be solved with a few saved quick transformations or something.

>I never played the original

How does it differ? I have no idea.

It's an actual mechanic.

Too bad they can't have dancing be for puzzles and as a money making mini game in town. Like you have to do a set dance to unlock doors, activate things, or get power ups and then you can use the power ups whenever. Maybe have some fleshed out side story at the dance parlor in town so Shantae is still a dancer, but it doesn't get constantly used.