Yukiko is going to Antarctica!
Say something nice before she leaves!
Yukiko is going to Antarctica!
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Have fun.
Welcome to America.
Lucifer is cuter.
Alex, and every new story bit added into Redux is going to be shit, isn't it?
Buckle up, because she's canon to the neutral route now
>neutral route
Oh, this is good. Shit I don't care about.
At the very least, she's been written in so that she's not optional, so it's possible she'll affect every other route too
>Lucifer is best girl in the game
What did Atlus mean with this?
>implying she won't get her own special route
Yeah, probably, but as long as I can fuck her up, I'll be okay.
So it won't be different from the original in that regard.
Ah, shame about Commander Gore then, but Chaos is where it's at.
I'm wondering if this'll just make some QOL improvements like selecting skills in a fusion, or just straight up make Strange Journey easier.
Probably both. Saving anywhere is confirmed, and there making some sort of tweak to the combat system. Hopefully they don't just making it Press Turn and call it a day.
Hope they don't make it Press Turn, it's a shit combat system in comparison to Co-Op
I don't mind Press Turn, but I really enjoyed Co-op. Now that I think about it, they may have a menu like Soul Hackers on 3DS that'll let you change things like having a full map from the start, or other things.
will they fix the embarassing SNES graphics or is that going to stay
Idiot, all land is truly owned by America.
Read Stay woke, my guy
Switch game is using UE4 with some P5 models but a decent amount of important demons that aren't important in Persona like Jack Frost are getting new models, that and demons from 4A are also getting models for the first time.
Enjoy it while you can, sadly we'll never get those sprites again after this.
They can't. The entire game has to be re-balanced if they do press turn.
Can I get my boy Yusuke in the spotlight next time?
He will be implemented in the future Devil Summoner remake
Co-op is dogshit. Press turn or the session system are much better.
Was it really that bad?
They didn't rebalance P3P despite it being completely broken with the ability to control all your party members.
No? IV isn't bad
No. But the demon designs are really bad.
So is she gonna be the Marie of SMT?
>Yo man FUCK the rich AND their babies!
>Why cant poor people just be happy that theyre poor?
>Lets go read manga together Flynn-kun!
Kill his squad Nukiko
>JP voices only
>Atlus USA
Is it reverse day?
Say hello to mum for me
>Only game where a dub would be the best option
>Only JP voices
It's atlus alright
It's really weird. #FE being jap only was because of Nintendo but this is the first time Atlus themselves has a game with no dub. Thankfully at least
Yet EO5, a weeb loli dungeon simulator, only has an english dub.
>Yet EO5, a weeb midget dungeon simulator, only has an english dub.
Fixed that for you
Maybe the gloves are off with Japanese audio after P5. I sure hope so
That is nowhere on the level of gaining the amount of extra actions per turn.
They literally wasted all the potential Mikado had
I hope they have dual audio because SJ is the one game that should be in English
Lack of party control made P3 annoying to play, not hard
White Ending is Best Ending
>no option for a game where everybody is not japanese
Guess they are too lazy but hey, they already fuck up the artstyle so who cares
There's literally nothing up there besides sidequests after Kiccigiorgi is there
Do you have a single fact to back this up?
>have an awesome setting at the start of the game
>just send the rookies to tokyo for an ebin fish out of water story xD
literally had a more interesting setting and they marginalized it to some secondary areas
woulda been better if the majority of 4 stayed in mikado for like 50-70% of the story then they went to tokyo for the ebin twist, and just had IV:A take place completely in tokyo with just a small visit to mikado. Well at least IV:A got it right in that regard, too bad IV shit the bed
I like first person battles with 2D sprites, it's much faster than 3D
Mikado helps make the setting but it's a mainline SMT game, did you expect it to not be primarily set in Tokyo? I just wish more attention had been paid to the intrigue/unrest/reform subplot of the surface world. It's not like Atlus was looking ahead to Final when they made IV, and to me Fantasy JRPG rings more mundane than occult post-apocalyptic cityscape JRPG
I don't see any confirmation that it's JP voices only.
IV's engine is gonna slow down the combat though
It means I want to FUCK Lucy.
One small step at a time. P5 has dual audio, SJ is jap only. Soon every Atlus game will be jap only.
That ass made my Mara learn Focus.
Not one of my favourites but its pretty good. Also Walter is my favourite SMT character.
Please no.
If there's an option for it, whatever, but I'm hating this trend of companies cheaping out on dubs because of weebs like you.
Mangoes it is.
Amon looks great and trustworthy
Playing Japanese dungeon crawlers on a Japanese system kind of weakens the term.
Did they just confirmed a new map/dungeon?
Then what happen to that nigger?
they confirmed at least one new dungeon and multiple new endings I believe, not 100 percent sure though
I'm pretty sure its just gonna end up being Amon's human form
Multiple ending??NANI, I thought they just add Yukiko's ending
Hardin quit months ago. This is the age of JP voices in Atlus games.
Designs were and some aspects really stunk. fiends, unlocking neutral route, ai partners. Cool game but some mixed execution.
Whattttttt. They finally fired him? Holy shit
>he thinks this will actually happen
Watch out for those Preta assholes, they are a common encounter and they have Macca Beam. I think they are wear to a bunch of damage sources, fire one of them if I remember correctly.
>>Lets go read manga together Flynn-kun!
>That bro as fuck old Britbong soldier who is implied to be KIA right before the alignment lock
I want him to live.
You're going to be the face of the blight that ruined Strange journey. But at least you'll never be as bad as that Gullible bitch Zelenin.
All Ruski deserve to be gassed