Only 25 mins long

>Only 25 mins long
>B-b-but nintendomination

Fucking wew lads, how will nintenbros recover?

>projecting this hard
Last time was 35 minutes, it's not that much shorter.

It could just be that Japan has less to announce and the Western version of the Spotlight is going to have localization announcements.

Seiken Collection and MHXX come to mind.

They announce everything at directs anyway.


I'm guessing fine.
since any Nintendo direct over 30 mins long is plagued with pointless fluff.
So Pokemon, Splatoon 2, and Arms are not making the presentation.
Means the 10 mins wasted on each of them telling us what we already know isn't in the presentation.

It doesn't need to be that long since they don't need to show much gameplay. Just basics + trailers. Then they have days of Treehouse streams.

We've had this exact thread every year since they started doing Treehouse streams instead of a big presentation.

good one

They're giving more light on games coming in 2017. Nintendo doesn't give a shit about your worthless hype. Leave it to Sony to show off CGI trailers of games that you won't play in 5 years just to hype your gay console war bullshit.

They're always the same, even if they show games already out in Japan.

My expectations are rock bottom. All we're getting is new footage of already announced titles plus that stupid Rabbids game.

No they're not.

it honestly only needs to be 1-2 minutes long to BTFO stupid sonygers with 1 game like it did last year.

Well considering thier new direct format
That's at least 25 announcements

Watch the Japanese E3 directs, they're the same. The non-E3 directs are different.

nintendo's "presentations" are just a trailer for the real show, the ~30 hours of treehouse

Nintendo only needs 25 minutes to destroy E3.

So it stays on point and doesn't spend a bunch of time doing stupid presentation shit I couldn't care less about? Sounds good to me.

literally just 2017 games, and most of the stuff you know about already. No one except consolewar shitters are expecting much.

>Splatoon 2
You're insane if you don't think it will be in the presentation. I bet Arms and Pokemon will be too but Splatoon is a guarantee

Only thing I care about is MHXX localization

Please just give us 10 seconds of metroid.. :'(

unless you really think its coming out this year, it aint happening

I don't know why they think showing 2018 games wouldn't be good for them.

Atlus already dropped the best swan song of all time for the 3DS and I wasn't dumb enough to buy a Switch yet so I'm pretty stoked

>Deep Strange Journey
>Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology

Just beat Radiant Historia this morning, was pretty good

As long as I get Xenoblade 2 info, I'll be fine. At least confirm that it is a direct sequel, god dammit. I am so fucking worried that this game is gonna pander to fire-Emblem fags hard and be bad.

What about it would pander to FEfags? The sword waifus?

I'm essentially watch e3 for 3 things

Xenoblade info, possible metroid, a new ps4 IP or something out of the left field from a previous sony ip

because they'll have Mario and public opinion on their side, especially now that E3 is public. Those announcements will come later in a typical, excluded, Direct. Probably before the holidays, but most definitely in January.

It's not going to be a direct sequel. The end of the previous game doesn't lend itself to Skies of Arcadia with more whales.

There won't be any big surprises. The focus is Mario Odyssey. Even if there is a big title like Metroid being developed, it won't be shown. Doing so would take away focus from Mario. After seeing how much social media freaked out over Zelda last year, Nintendo is trying to repeat that success by focusing on one game. So lower your expectations, it's just going to be Mario and you're going to like it.

Thank you for reading

>25 minutes of games
>2 hours of celebrities talking about motion controls

Why do Nintendo fans always think Nintendo won all E3s? I don't see this happening eith any other fan base.

>Sony bros think they win every E3
>Nintenbros think they win every E3
>Microsoft bros know they never win E3

uh... do you even know Japanese? it literally says it's going to be approximately an hour and 25 minutes.


>30% shorter



It starts at 1 am Japan time user

You probably shouldn't expect anything important and most likely 3DS stuff but they have announced new stuff during their treehouse segments in the past.

yes, it starts at 1, but is estimated to rub an hour and 25 minutes. it's literally right below the time.

The spotlight is strictly 2017 Switch. 3DS shit will probably be Treehouse fluff.

2015 was 50 minutes long and was absolutely terrible. Time means nothing.

They will still announce more first party titles than the xbones current one

wrong. i can read moonrunes, can you?


I know how niconico schedules work.
Also, the Treehouse goes live at 9:30, and the Spotlight is at 9. Do the math.

Its a spotlight, they arent gonna spend 3 seconds with every game. Expecting 10 more games this year for Switch when its already a little packed is setting yourself up for disappointment.

nintendo will literally show nothing but shovelware, amiibos, and mario, and theyll still be convinced they won

He's pointing out that that's what was contained in their last half-hour routine.

and I'm pointing out that they wont follow that same format, there just isnt room for that many Nintendo games to be released for Switch alone in 2017

I've never really gave MH a chance before. I think I may with this one because my friend wants me to play it with him. Do the games have language option? If so you could buy it on the Japanese shop to play. Also, with it being a 3DS game already, I'd imagine there is almost zero translation work needed.

Length doesnt really say much nowdays when you get random shitty indie developers on stage talking about their "grand" projects

There is no english option in jap MHXX for Switch. You have a point about much of the localization being done, which is why I expect a MHXX announcement at E3 for this year

He probably knows that. It's just a list that was produced when these shitposting threads started days ago with the reveal of the English presentation time.


kek Xbox fag jealous that Nintendomination is real and his dead console is already being shut down for the Scorpenis

Hopefully they announce it'll be a simultaneous release, because I know fans would be stoked.

>OP wants to watch an hour of recycled garbage instead of half an hour of pure new video games
Is this mental illness?

I hope they take about Fire Emblem Heroes.

ACTUAL Switch owner here. I agree, it's very disappointing. After seeing the Pokemon Direct and hearing this new about E3, Nintendo really haven't learnt anything.


What is the disgusting Sup Forums hate against Nintendo? Dialy 10 fucking threads of this shit. Don't like it? Don't see it, simple.

Switcher owner too. Why would think think that a mainline Pokemon would be on switch?

Go back to Facebook. We're talking about actual games here.

No but really, we can't let Nintendo get their hands on the nuclear codes.

They're doing nothing wrong. I own a Switch and I believe that no company is immune from criticism.

Its gonna happen eventually. Nintendo aint dropping a New New 3DS.

FEH is a game. It's pretty much better than Fates too.

You got a point.

But Sup Forums is Nintendogaf

>Pocket Monsters
>implying on the go
>switch a home console
>Home console
Also you're retarded. Then we'd have to pay to play Pokemon online

If you had said Awakening someone might have believed you

I dont respond to idiots, enjoy your last (You)

It's a glorified slot machine.

>Switch owner

My condolences.

My condolences too. Must hurt owning what is essentially the 2010s Virtual Boy.

>My condolences.
Yeah, I get you. I really hope E3 isn't a disappointment. Luckily, I'm a PS4 owner too.

I just want to see MHXX western release and the no bravely default game

man you are really stupid and short sighted

SwitchKino Ver. will be there, bro.

>yfw they do only one game again like last year

All I want is even the littlest bit of information about FE Switch, maybe a new Metroid announcement which is never going to happen and SMT HD. If those are shown I don't give a fuck about anything else.

Those arent gonna happen, they are all 2018 games.

Then sell your switch and fuck off

I know. I don't really care about trailers for any game coming to 2017 since I don't want to spoil myself.

Hey I really hope I'm wrong. I just don't want to get disappointed for setting my expectations too high. I'll be content with some new trailers for games we already know about.

That's too bad, because I do.

Honestly Nintendo is so fucking stupid I almost expect it.


Nintendo people gave you a free pass because you straight up admitted Zelda would be the only game there and we knew you had a new console you were working on. You don't have that same luxury this year. Fuck you basically SKIPPED AN ENTIRE YEAR OF E3 and you'll STILL HAVE LESS TO SHOW THAN MICROSOFT AND SONY.

This company never learns.

>Nintendo people gave you a free pass because you straight up admitted Zelda would be the only game there
and now they are admitting they are only showing 2017 games. Whats wrong with some heads up?

Oh i did. Infact I gave so little of a shit I sold it to gamestop.

Probably focused on exclusives only, thus why it's so short. I mean at some point they need to differentiate the platform from a port machine. Sony didn't do that well enough and it hurt the vita, for instance.

Last year was a perfect time to be passive, when they were in the twilight years of the Wii U and were recuperating. This year they're up against a new console launch and a Sony who's sitting happily on top of the industry. They need to blow people's minds and steal some of that Scorpio/PS4 Pro thunder, but instead they're just hiding their cards for no real reason.

why do so many people actually think, that they only show one title this year?

Focus=/= only

Nintendo had and will have directs throughout the year.

Last time was 1 fucking game too, you fucking moron

Where are you reading "focus"?

If they end the spotlight announcing a direct in late 2017 that will touch on 2018 games I'll completely forgive them. I just want Nintendo to come straight out and say "dude fuck E3 lmao"

Here's how I think it will go:

0:00 - Mario Odyssey trailer, much like the previous one, shows how the hat(s) will work and a few more levels, out November 17th.
2:45 - brief intro, the direct is structured like the April one, no 3DS or mobile.
3:00 - Virtual Console on Switch. Consists of "Starting X date, you will be able to download countless titles from Nintendo's history. For the first time Gamecube titles will be available and will run at an increased resolution. The WiiU Gamecube adapter will also work for GC and select Wii titles. Online play will be coming to VC games at a later date along with some games which were never released outside of Japan (while showing Fire Emblem Binding Blade and Mother 3 for around 4 seconds each)"
4:00 - Zelda DLC trailer. Pack 1 is available that day.
5:30 - Fire Emblem Warriors Trailer, coming October 2017 followed by "check out more on treehouse later today"
7:15 - Fire Emblem Warriors Amiibo (my gut tells me this is going to be a thing.)
7:35 - Fire Emblem 2018 Teaser Trailer, personally I'd like to see it based off of Roman/Greek stuff rather than Generic European Fantasy, but that's just me.
8:45 - ARMS - literally "Arms is a game where you punch with extendable arms, buy it this Friday, goy! There will be free DLC updates later this year, watch the tournament!"
9:15 - Xenoblade 2 trailer in English, coming "Holiday/December 2017"
11:00 - Pikmin 4 trailer also coming "Holiday 2017" even though either it or Xenoblade will get delayed to Q1 2018.
13:00 Splatoon 2 - Buy it, goy, there's a bundle with the game, the system and a pro controller for $400, Testfire 2 will be the weekend of June 23-25. Watch the tournament.
14:00 that Project Mekuru thing
14:40 Mario + Rabbids
15:45 "Now its time for some third party partners"
15:50 Skyrim Switch Edition
16:30 Sonic Forces with exclusive Nintendo stuff
17:10 Mario and Sonic at the 2018 Winter Olympic games, out February
18:10 Call of Duty WW2
