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This picture hasn't been relevant for over a year. Jesus Christ give it up.
Where is Pikachu taking him?
That's a long neck
Should i download it again?
This is one of the most pretentions pictures I have ever seen.
This picture pisses me off every time I see it. It's about 6 years too late for the point it's trying to make and simply jumped on the pokemon bandwagon to try to get some attention.
loong boi
Its even worse when you meet the kind of people who think this shit is poignant and meaningful.
Copy that.
I'm thinking in so many layers right now
I have a terrible catch in my back for the first time in my life and I'm not even old, this isn't fair.
Really extends the ellipsis.....
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really like these type of images.
Really makes you think eh
of fucking course
Yeah, I can believe those people are complete faggots. I'm just mad that this what, do you call this, a satirical comic(?) completely ignored half a decade of retards staring down at their phones doing other things already.
Just fucking kill me famburger
yea but how does he spin it?
One of my few hopes in life is that whoever made this was being dead serious about it.
No, it spins him.
>Make 2deep4u image about how social media and technology is bad
>Only see them on facebook with thousands of replies saying omg so true
Jesus, I don't mind those people, but why do they even bother, don't they have a cave to go back to or something
Really makes you think.
did anything came out of this?
TED talks are fucking full of garbage like this and TEDx shit even more so you have to think there must be a significant amount of these embarrassing normal faggots with zero self awareness.
Same with this here: Humans are shackled to their bread and circuses, we are no different, we follow the trends of the moment for popularity.
they don't realize that they could replace the pikachu in that image with the facebook logo and it would ring just as true
thanks for the aids senpai
Hey we are on the same level.
Who even fucking plays Pokemon Go anymore? That fad came and went within a month almost a year ago now.
Whoever made this is a faggot whose only taste of beer was at shitty house parties and aids tier microbrews. There are some absolutely wonderfully tasting beers out there.
>Whoever made this is a faggot whose only taste of beer was at shitty house parties and aids tier microbrews
I love this meme
REALLY made me think.
beer tastes like shit, don't feel like you lose your man card for admitting it.
really makes me think
>underage detected
maybe your tastebuds just arent developed enough or something?????
Michelada is better
A huevo
if he doesn't like it why does he drink it
Name 7.
That's the point, none really likes beer and most people only drink it because they want to fit in.
but the other guy says he doesn't have to
So what, he was too cheap to pay the ~$5 for an actual spinner so he just plays with one on his phone? He kinda deserves to be subdued and ridden on like that desu
brain: on
Literally only middle and highschoolers drink. If you're out of school and still drink then I'm literally lmaoing at your life.
fuck you
Really makes you tink.
That's a good trick
Kill me, Pete
Please kill me Pete
lol the spinner is obviously traced.
Imagine the ego necessary to assume that because you don't like something, nobody does and anyone who pretends otherwise is doing it just to fit in. I see this image on Sup Forums a lot, and usually it turns into a "Beer is good/bad" argument, but that's not the issue with this image, it's the EGO. Seriously, think about the mental perspective the author comes from to write a comic like this, and not second-guess it for even a moment before he uploads it.
The ego man... the ego.
But beer taste like shit and the only reason people drink it is to get drunk or fit in.
It's XKCD, nobody expects anything different from le based science comic that acts as a voice of reason for pseudo intellectuals.
What the fuck
A good thread, on my Sup Forums, right now!?
Damn user, you really primed my pistachios with that.
A lot of people don't like beer, user. Don't just assume that because you're a defective alcoholic who enjoys the numb feeling beer supplies, that everyone else must like it too.
Drinking is the only way I can get laid though. Passionless drunk sex is better than being a 22yo virgin who jerks off 3 times a day.
v-video games
I'm gonna ignore all that swiss-logic of yours and remind you that there are non-alcoholic beers.
>big and round
What did she mean by this?
Once you get acquired to the taste, there's a lot of nice beers and pairings out there. An IPA cleansing your pallet between bites on a burger is pretty nice. Or a nice lemon shandy on a sunny day; gets you nice and relaxed in an already relaxing environment. Yeah, there are people who typically drink to get trashed, but it's not like that's all that beer is good for.
Ghost ship
Poacher's choice
Worcestershire Sorcerer
Bengal Lancer
London Pride
Look at this edgy redditor right threre
user, that's basically what he's pointing out about the image in >just because you don't like beer doesn't mean everyone's forcing themselves to drink it
>yeah well just because you like doesn't mean everyone likes it
Like, no shit dude
>Worcestershire Sorcerer
Okay I have to try this for the name alone.
it's not about the feeling, it's the taste you bean.
And for that, if you don't like beer/lager there's 'alcopops' like smirnoff ice and other various alcohols
also this
>literally stockholm syndrom in ing your tastebuds into liking something just to look "cool"
"Acquired tastes" are the biggest load of horse shit in existence. I'm sure someone could convince themselves they like the taste of dog poo if they are it every day but that doesn't mean that it's something people should do.
>Whoever made this is a faggot whose only taste of beer was at shitty house parties and aids tier microbrews. There are some absolutely wonderfully tasting beers out there.
>99% of all beer taste like shit
>But beer does NOT taste like shit because 1% of it is bearable.
Why? Surely after having sex a couple of times your confidence around women improved. I used to be able to barely talk to girls but after my couple of gfs I was confident to the point of boning girls on the first date.
It initially took me literally a month to even hold hands with my first gf.