Rival team does their best to win

>rival team does their best to win
>this somehow makes them the villains

What video game is this?

NBA 2K17

Who's fucking idea was it to let two of the top 3 players in the game right now on the same team? Who let this slide?

Also fuck kevin durant

>Chris Paul can't go to the Lakers, that would be unfair if he played with Kobe!
>ah, fuck it, Durant can join an already historic team
The biggest dog piling I've ever seen in sports. I hope they sweep the Cavs because the NBA deserves less games to televise for revenue after this shit, Jordan didn;t join the Pistonms after they kicked his ass in the early 90s, and at least when Lebron joined the Heat Wade was on the downslope of his career and Bosh fucking sucked ass. Little pussy ass bitch millennials, there can;t be a worse fan base than the West Coast pussies.

>paved the way for rivals to do the same as him
>gets mad when rivals do the same as him

really makes you think

No, but it DOES make them antagonists

theyre just the villains for making the entire sport boring. i dont even watch apehoop thank god, but i cant imagine being a serious fan of a sport where you know in the previous fucking offseason who is going to be in the finals and who is most likely going to win the championship. talk about a fucking snoozefest

Kevin durant is a bitch

fucking this

the NFL and NHL are superior to the NBA in every way imaginable. I don't understand how people can watch that garbage.

>turning a mediocre team into a super team is the same as top 5 player joining a team that was only 1 game away from being champions AND also happened the be the same that eliminated you from the playoffs because you choked

Yep. Shit sucks.

*smacks lips*

As far as content goes, the NBA is more fun to watch imo. It's just the meta that sucks right now.

Correct me if I'm using that word wrong.

Ages before The Patriots, The Lakers and The Celtics were winning year after year.

*blocks your path*

What is yhe VIDEOGAME equivalent of this?

Don't you have some tight pink pants to prounce around in?

Fuck outta my face.



Stop right there, criminal scum. The NFL is almost as bad in a lot of ways. It's probably the shadiest organization for the shit they pull with paying off concussion cases and "just buy this pink jersey, who cares if 2% of the cost goes to actual cancer organizations?" shit. Not to mention three teams moving in two years because it lines the pockets of billionaire GMs, who by the way, don't pay for their own stadiums, but we sure do. xD

Fuck the NFL. The NHL is fucking tits, though.

This has happened time and time again in the NBA. Lebron going to the Heat. Shaq going to the Lakers

Except the Lakers and Celtics were interesting to watch.

football is different, one fluke play can change the entire game. basketball is too highscoring with too many possessions for anything like that to happen. you cant have an upset in the last few minutes unless the teams are relatively neck and neck nearing the end.

the lakers and celtics traded championships, i agree, that's why i said basketball just sucks

>stack team by buying best players
>cruise through playoffs

Lebron didn't go to a 73-9 championship team

We acting like DWade and Bosh were top 3 players at the time?

We acting like Shaq was a top 3 player at the time?

What said pretty much covers it. KD is a fucking bitch and when he wins this ring everyones just gonna discredit deservedly

Not Vidya, also you're delusional if you think that GSW aren't the clear cut favorites

>Watching and discussing niggerball


>Cavs are finally up

>drain the 3
>omg boring af

lebitches pls go

no one likes GSW fans except people from oakland because they have to and little kids who like steph curry

>based Durant chucks the most overrated player in the NBA into the dumpster

I need something in my life until football starts.

Golden Sun

>not jungleball

>Work your ass off to be the best in your league
>Suddenly the last team you have to play against has a dog
>A fucking dog
>You argue with the referee that you can't have a dog on the team
>Only rebuttal is "Well, there's no rule that says you can't have a dog!"
>Forced to face a fucking dog in the championship match
>Somehow it wins
>All that hard work down the drain because of a fucking dog

*drains 3*
*chews mouthpiece*

>Bosh fucking sucked ass

CP3 was going to be traded. Durant was a free agent.
Anyway the real reason the trade was vetoed was because the NBA owned the New Orleans team at the time and they weren't about to lose the franchise player

The correct term is Apehoops, sweetie.

No wonder its so boring

bronsexuals are pathetic as always

>Cavs in 7
How delusional. If the Golden State Chuckers actually flop and lose this series I'm going to shit in my pc and send it to currys daughter.

>91 days until football starts

fucking kill me

*attacks hoop*
*and 1*

All organizations with a collection of billionaires pull shady shit. That's not up for debate. The NFL does have some form of parity, it's just that Brady Belichick are disturbing the natural order by staying together for so long.

I prefer niggerhoops

I know the feeling.