What are some of the best 3DS games? I'm thinking of picking one up for a flight coming up.


Animal Crossing.

Animal Crossing is fun, although I've already played it, any other good games? I was thinking rpgs

Kirby: Planet Robobot, 999 (DS), and its sequel, VLR (3DS), any Ace Attorney game, Ocarina of Time 3D if you haven't experienced the original or Master Quest before, Kid Icarus Uprising (warning: requires you to not be a little bitch and learn to adapt to a strange--not bad but strange--control scheme), one of the 3DS pokemon games if you're into that, star fox 64 3D, GHOST TRICK (DS), and many more I'm just not thinking of right now

RPGs? Soul Hackers

Everything this guy said is good but don't play VLR because it'll leave you wanting more, and the sequel ZTD doesn't satisfy at all and will retroactively ruin the experience for you. Just stick to 999.

There are a bunch of really good DS rpgs you can play if you can find them on the cheap, but the ones I was gonna recommend were SMT SJ and Radiant Historia until I remembered they were being remade.

Try Legend of Legacy or the Etrian Odyssey games.

Donkey Kong Returns
Yoshis Wolly World
Mario 3D Land

all basic, mainstream games that make the 3ds enjoyable. everything else is a JRPG or a Phoenix Wright game

Thanks man, is it true that kid Icarus works well with the New 3DS nub? I've already played the Zelda games, but I'll check out all the other ones

Thanks amigos, I'll take your advice