Just beat this, and this is better than the first game in every way aside from story.
Just beat this, and this is better than the first game in every way aside from story
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I liked Dead Space 2 better as well. I thought Isaac as a silent protagonist didn't work, it made the game feel too serious. Glad they got him a VA in the second one.
>There will never be a dead space 4
Why even live
Wasn't too fond of the voice acting in the game desu, but I'm fine with the idea of Isaac talking. Him being mute during Dead Space 1 felt unnatural and reminded me of Gordon Freeman in HL2 where everyone would have fullblown conversations and he'd just blankly stare at them.
But yeah the combat's tigher and I like the upgraded kinesis, the environments are hell of a lot better like the Unitologist Church, or the nursery. The Zero Gravity sections were actually kind of fun and not like that clunky shit in DS1, and it was just overall a lot more memorable with the set pieces. First time encountering stalkers beats just about anything in 1.
Refresh my memory, I know Isaac doesn't have any dialogue in 1 but does he at least still shout expletives when curbstomping shit or is that also only in 2?
As much as I'd like one, I have no idea how a Dead Space 4 would even work into the storyline. Everyone seems pretty fucked, Isaac can't shoot his way through those two giant planet sized necromorphs
I'm pretty sure he doesn't say anything when stomping in DS1. Pretty sure you just heard him like yell AHH but not like FUCK or anything like that.
Tbh after finishing 2, Isaac's story seems like it should be retired. I know 3 ends up botching it up hard so that probably influences my thoughts on a sequel continuing Isaac. But what else is there for him. 3 should have used another character.
I don't think I trust the EA of today to put out a good new Dead Space, anyway. They'd probably just continue 3's trajectory and make it even more of an action game.
He has 1 actual voiceline at the very end, when he's opening the door to the cockpit
Despite it being so simple, the scene after Isaac launches what's her nuts and slumps to the ground and gets a vision of Nicole is still one of my favorites in gaming history.
>Nicole: Touch me Isaac
>Isaac: ...I don't think that's a good idea
>Nicole: make us whole
>Isaac: I can't.
It is more action than tense thriller though
Isaac deserved nothing that was placed on him.
I feel that he should have died in 3 to end his suffering.
This series literally takes everything from the Alien movie series.
DS1..Survival Horror
DS2..Action Horror
DS3..Action wtf is going on..
Honestly DS3 was nowhere near as bad as the hate it received, I steered clear from it until it was on sale and had a blast with a buddy of mine playing through and this is coming from a huge FAN. This is in my game setup...
Yeah, I still remember that scene. Honestly the Story was handled pretty well. Good worldbuilding, decent characters and the internal conflict of Isaac that played throughout the game. That scene was sort of the culmination of a lot of it
When did you beat the first?
Try playing the first again and you might change your mind, I know I did.
Or better yet replay it again and you'll find how terrible the pacing of the game is compared to the first, all the fucking taking segments, long raido conversations, "epic" moments.
You'll might find that it's actually lesser game gameplay wise and it just put forth a more impressive "experience".
He actually DOES shout when stomping in DS1. Also when taking damage.
nice blog autist
Just recently like a month ago. Beat it twice actually on NG+. I don't think it's a bad game, far from it, and I could see people preferring it. I thought the story was much more interesting, probably because there's mystery to it (where's Nicole/what happened to her, the origin of the necromorphs, who's the mole) and I always listened to the audiotapes and remembered particularly liking the one with that guy who's situation mirrors Isaac as he was trying to find his girlfriend. I barely listened to audio logs in 2 and stopped caring about the story halfway through.
Wasn't a huge fan of the voice acting either.
But aside from that the backtracking and repetitive nature of the Ishimirua made it feel really repetitive and boring at times. The varied environments in 2 were great. I feel like the first game blew its load early and it just felt like it was just unnaturally extended to get more playtime. And I liked the "epic" moments though I can see them turning people down. I always saw the series as action horror, not really survival and Dead Space 2 was much better at that imo. Oh it also gets bonus for no fucking turret sections.