I found several pirated games on your computer user

I found several pirated games on your computer user.

Care to explain?

that's a pretty cute dog

Nice cat ya got there

i used to kill those things in the woods when i was 16

Why do I have a panda as a boss?

>ywn get drunk with your raccoon buddy after a long day of work

I don't get my stuff through pirate practices. I torrent some games though, but that's besides the point. Why the duck are you in my house

Don't worry I downloaded that porn game you wanted. A copy of it is on your desk

it's a sloth you fucking idiots, we have them in hawaii


You've really done it now arai-san~

The fact is, strange talking raccoon, that I'm in love with you. I know we can never be together, but my heart can't be so easily denied, and in my anguish, I committed the most heinous crime of digital piracy. You should hate me, but know that I will never stop wanting you.

Has anything like this happened to you guys before?

>Years ago when I was younger
>Family PC had to be repaired
>PC is fixed
>Had emulators and ROMs on it
>"Oh yes, I found illegally downloaded games on this computer. I went ahead and deleted them from the computer."

Is that even allowed? This actually happened when I was younger.

why pay when i can get it for free

I was going to buy them if they were good.

If an adult complained to the manager about their employee deleting some document of theirs then there's gonna be some reprimanding but no one is in legal trouble and wont care about anything owned by a kid.

Robert, get off my computer.

I'm more worried about other people finding my porn honestly.

>care to explain

Sure. Somebody must have come in and downloaded all of them while I was looking at the massive pile of garbage somebody dumped out front. Normally I wouldn't have stopped, because it's just garbage you know? But this was full of really good smelling food that looked like it had just been thrown out.

What do you have?


I did all my own repairs.

about 3 gigs of images, gifs and webms. It's mostly cartoon and hentai.

Haha, it's clearly a different animal! That's hilarious!

You were better off not posting.

i've never ever in my life done this before, but go back to plebbit you fucking retard.

And your point? Do not give me that moral superiority crap, I bet you do the damned same thing with music or other media.

>Not getting a Flash drive and putting the games on it.
Your own fucking fault.

that keyboard is clearly too dirty for it to be his.



this is the only correct answer

If you're a fucking insufferable faggot, sure.

I'm gonna describe the joke in a sarcastic way with emphasis! Hilarious!

i was curious about them but didn't really feel like buying them
games like firewatch, night in the woods, life is strange, undertale
for some reason I just instantly consider games like that pirate tier

Yeah it highlights this silly behaviour in a way that makes you feel bad for your 9gag humour.

This DE should do the trick.
*/k/ noises*

this guy is actually getting mad on the internet

I don't gotta to explain anything to a God damn TRASH PANDA!


>its a stealth kemono friends thread on Sup Forums

please continue to prove my point