Fucked up games

What are the most fucked up pc games around? I'm talking in terms of the creator must have been insane or how is that legal etc. My contribution is corpse party

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I'm sure Rapelay's pretty high up there.

i'm playing condemned criminal origins right now and its really good

hahaha omg thats exactly what I'm going for. Like fucked up mentally H.P. Lovecraft type stuff. Brutally dark. Awesome, thank you brother

>Run of the mill rape scenario
>Fucked up
Hola Tumblr


That one horror game about the loli where she gets sawed in half and shit.

I almost want to make a youtube channel dedicated to overlooked fucked up indie games. I would definitely do lots of lets plays, would that be something you guys would be interested in?

Sounds interesting desu as long as you're not a total bore to listen to.

>someone from here
>having a personality
Funny joke

Demonophobia or something like that?


Corpse Party legit made me sad.

thanks desu I think i'll start on it right now. Arigato, Merci boucoup. I think i'll call my channel Tales from Satan, I'll post here if you guys really dig this sort or stuff. Love you all

Euphoria by Clockup

>"fucked up"
>not hot as fuck
Summer Sup Forums was a meme, they said

Post a link to the channel please.

Why, my peenus weenus of course :)

hahah! :D

it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah

ITT: What are the most fucked up pc games around? - my answer is, of course, my peenus weenus :D


Probably some doujin made guro nukige. That would be an easy answer though, should find a mainstream game.
It is not even the worst translated VN.


aww just a moment, I think i'll lets play condemned criminal origins and who knows what from there

so the channel is a thing and the link to it is this youtube.com/channel/UCqSspsa-Cbi1-Jv0fW2GFYg

Satan help us all

I went through the series recently. While the first game is pretty messed up, I feel like Blood Drive retroactively reaches back and makes it less messed up with how stupid it is.

I actually didnt know there was a sequel senpai

Agreed. Blood drive was awful.

Digital Devil Saga