It is not too late for my Morrowind thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

ive arrived with the music

>OP makes thread about one of the greatest RPGs of all time
>0 replies
>overwatch waifu thread
>200 replies

this board really is reddit now

Lay down your waifu threads.

What great house did you guys join?

>muh morrowind
You have to be 18+ to post here

this is now an argonian thread

Hey, so I heard only good things about Morrowind, but I never played it personally. Tried to get into it a few years back, but simply couldn't. Any tips to make it more playable today? Graphics aren't the most important thing, but goddamn is it hard to overlook

>Sup Forums discussing a good video game?
>"n-not on my watch!"

neck urself kiddo