What's more complex? Level 50 or Level 70 rotations?
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ARR Dragoon was boring as fuck, I wish I had never bought into the AF gear meme.
50 had a lot of boring classes, BRD was good 50 and is going to be hella fun and mobile again with 70. God I can't fucking wait for stormblood.
>potential to be unbalanced and poor illusion of choice
Trying to make it too balanced is what makes it boring in the first place. If you just make it so its """balanced""" then every class ends up doing the same shit which is the ACTUAL delusion of choice and Its pretty much what we're headed too. If YoshiP wasn't so afraid of adding things that made certain classes more useful than others in all kinds of content, we wouldn't be having this problem and we'd still have interesting debuffs and shit like making use out of binds, heavy, and malady.
Dungeons being a fucking hallway with trash is also another problem.
The game can be fast-paced, rotation-based, and mechanics-heavy without having to take off all the depth.
I'm not saying that guy is playing right for not wanting to equip his jobstone but he isn't hurting anyone because of it, hes not running current savage on it either, not that any group would seriously take him.
I think its more the fact that he's in such an obscenely small minority that there is no need to cater to people like him whatsoever
>completed my 3rd anima
>still a week to go
wat do
stop playing idiot
>The FFXI playerbase is a small minority
If you assume at least half the players who played XI are playing 14 thats at least two entire servers worth of people. I wouldn't call that a minority or something to ignore. Yoshida solves it by just saying "lol its a different kind of game" and not delivering any of his promises.
Like I said in my post, the game doesn't have to be any different than it already is, my suggestions only add more depth to what is already something very shallow and completely based of muscle memory, and Yoshida actually wants to make it MORE shallow.
I miss ARR rotations. In SB rotations will feel like some shitty minigame.
And "MNK but slower" is fun?
Not only FFXI players want this stuff, anyone who played a MMORPG before WoW will probably want it.
Hell I'm from RO and the idea of having zero customization at all bothers me. Is this a fucking RPG or some random action game?
>your FC loves lalas
There a samurai one for this yet?
γγΌγ !
I wouldn't know. I haven't played SB monk yet.
Rotate 3 Sen combos > Kaiten + Midare
If Hagakure is up then use that instead of Kaiten + Midare and do 3 Shinten between GCD.
sounds like a whole lot of baseless assumptions.
the fact that you don't see anyone clammering to save CC skills seems pretty indicative of the fact that no one gives a fuck about them and would rather they went the way of the dodo.
>We still don't get red eyes
This is FFXIV's playerbase
>something is less than optimal?
>something dispenses free, great rewards for no effort?
addons when?
I already took a 2 month break before coming back recently. Too hyped not to play.
>zero customization
you glamor your gear, that's how you customize
So people who know how to make rational choices?
Even the glamour customization suck
1 color
>I want to intentionally play poorly
go away forever
This game isn't what you want it to be. Get over it.
"Gimme" generation right here folks
I'm not saying the cross class skills need to stay, but the Role Actions aren't any better.
They removed something with a slight amount of customization and also something that gave slight advantages for being a certain class (like AST not having E4E for example or when Protect gave Shell only as a WHM) and removed it for something that will basically be the same fucking thing, but without ANY CHOICE whatsoever.
EVERYONE will use the same fucking role actions. Instead of adding more depth, they took it away and gave you something braindead.
Theres also the fact that Yoshida has kept pretty much none of his 1.0 promises to all the Legacy players and did gross and stupid shit like making Scholar into a fucking fairy summoner healer when it would have been a better fit as a sage-like DPS and Summoner not having any actual summons till now.
This is the healer that doesn't DPS
>t-t-t-t-those d-d-damn k-k-k-kids!!
quit grandpa
Are you insane? Role actions have way more customization and thought required than ARR's crossclass ever did.
is it possible to use two mudra at the same time as ninja? i keep noticing it and at first i thought i was retarded, but for some reason i can cast raiton and shuriken at the same time
is this a thing im missing?
>stormblood will force blizzard to announce the new wow expansion early
>EVERYONE will use the same fucking role actions. Instead of adding more depth, they took it away and gave you something braindead.
But don't you see! EVERYONE used the same fucking CC skills! In terms of how it will impact your gameplay, its the same fucking system but now you don't have to level up DRG to be a good MCH and so on.
Packet loss.
sounds like you're lagging like a little bitch
As a 37 tank is it preferred, in order to somewhat optimally gain exp, to spam, DF, fates or quests?
so then im not actually using them both? which takes priority?
Sounds like you are a humen bean and not a west coast commie subhuman.
nothing can be as brain dead as 2.0 rotations.
Spam tank dungeons. However, if this is your highest level character you need to be keeping up with the Main Scenario Quests as well, as they unlock most of the content in the game.
The later one, so most likely Raiton.
>the new wow raid comes out on the exact same day as the SB release.
Reminder this is what you ERP with.
>It was ready since 3.56
>Role actions have way more customization than crossclass
This must be bait.
oh wow a whole raid
however will a full expansion ever compete
Fucking bullshit to be honest. They didn't even update the darkside effect at least a little.
You're right, but you're forgetting the fact that certain classes under the same role had access to CC that other classes didn't, that had potential that was never built on.
Cleric Stance is gone so this is inaccurate
It's not gone it's just a damage buff now. Stop spreading misinformation you dumb shit
Cleric Stance isn't gone. It was turned into a damage buff.
A raid that Blizzard has held ransom for 3 months to try and compete with XIV. I actually feel bad for the WoW players.
does anyone actually play both?
legion felt like a full time job from what little I played of it at launch
the leggo grind, the AP grind, the extra leggo grind because your first X leggos were shitty, the rest of the AP grind that never ends
>Alphinaud is always with us
>Estinien is coming back
It will be like travelling with the old gang again except for Alisaie being a poor replacement for Ysayle.
>tfw less pleasant grandpas with inferior glamours give you a bad name
This looks too hard
wtf nigger, you stupid or something?
>priority system is too hard for the average FFXIV player
Why am I not surprised
Shit I hope we get an /Adventuring Party/ in Stormblood like we got in 3.0
make it fucking happen
>"I don't dps so that I can focus on healing. You don't pay my sub."
>"I have to heal you now? Git gud and do mechanics."
Is there anybody more whiny and entitled than people that play healers?
Alphy had like no screen time in the release trailer so Alisaie is probably his replacement for this expansion while Alphy is busy being the ambassador for the Scions in Eorzea
I guess they fixed surecast never being used making it 100% worthless.
Priority and rotations are boring. They should have just made FFXIV into a lobby based action game like Phantasy Star Online. Maybe then they focus on making better instances and interesting loot instead of more bland open world garbage and weekly grind bullshit.
>alphinaud's gay level for estinien suddenly multiplies after he nothin personnel'd vidofnir in falcon's nest
i'd rather travel with moghan again instead of ysayle or alisayle
I went back to WoW for a bit during the Legion launch and felt the same. Also fuck you if at launch you decided to play a different class because you had the artifact grind to look forward to all over again not to mention the order hall time gating missions and shit.
People who pay their sub.
I was misinformed and didn't really care to pay attention further
People like that should get paired with dps who only spam 1 button, or better yet, only auto-attack and tank who does nothing except getting bare minimum aggro.
Cleric stance feels like such a shitty pick. A lot like Mercy Stroke but worse because I'd rather take Rescue so I can kill people.
I'm alright with that, Alisaie needs more screentime since most newer people who joined during HW and such probably never did Coils.
From what we've seen so far, it looks like the party is less static than in Heavensward, with the main core comprising of Ysale and the twins.
Think FF6 with the rotating party members.
>since most newer people who joined during HW and such probably never did Coils.
>tfw this is me
Should I go back and do coils for the story lads
>wasting a GCD on Fracture
It's now only about 80% worthless. The other 20% of the time being immune to cc might let you cheese stuff.
well in 7 days they're gonna get paired with a RDM who only casts Vercure
Will he come back for the HW questline?
it's not even open world yet and it's already barren as fuck with faggots saying it should be even bigger. fuck open world with a rake
instance design in this game is shot in the foot with the way the rest of the game is designed:
- line of sight breaking casts
- cast times at all
- the jump action being used for fucking nothing
so enjoy the linear hallways and round/square arenas
>all those classic FFVI enemies in the Stormblood trailer
My dick, you Wowfugees don't deserve this
I need Red Mage gameplay videos
>Alisae the arcanist summons a fucking aether sword during the WoD fight
>I had hope in the back of my mind that either we were getting a new arcanist job (tank) or a sword-based Ravana-egi for close quarters combat
>instead we get nerfs and more bahamut shit
Being smn main is suffering. Rdm time
lolfracture. what dumb nigger made this rotation guide.
Phantasy star online had more depth than this game because it wasn't balanced.
There was a reason to take cast versions of classes over humans and vice versa. All the forces specialized in different spells and it made a difference.
I doubt it, since he was dead before we ever met "him", and what we did meet was just our darkside acting up. Even if he did come back, he'd probably not look like the Frey we knew.
>w-why is my summoner focused around summoning now?! where are my dots?! ;_;
you can do the whole thing in 2 hours ignoring how long it takes to make the party unsync
SMN mains.
It's probably someone being retarded, but if this was made very very very early in ARR's lifespan, Fracture actually was used on Dragoon
Gold star to anyone who remembers why
>they should've just made ffxiv into a clone of this game
>Press the 2 key
>Watch as your character does something
Why do people like this gameplay? Why cant MMOs have good combat?
I liked playing as a Fomar because I could cast high level spells while regenerating TP with my double saber at melee range. I also could equip weapons during combat to augment my spells (demonic fork = more potent megid, lighting rod = stronger zonde)
I don't. I started playing in 2.3
Was it because asinine positional requirement and how certain oGCD didnd't line up?
0% or 100% bust
Stormblood storyline party:
Please make it happen Yoshi
>he'd probably not look like the Frey we knew
us but in AF gear?
i like manual dodging and dances. in this game you have to move the FUCK out of the way to dodge instead of *evades ur attack with my iframe* pshhh nothin personnel or just eating unavoidable attacks in the face like a bitch like in other games
>Press a button on the controller
>Watch as your character does something
Why do people like this gameplay? Why can't [any videogame ever] have good combat?
This is how dumb you sound.
I feel like we should just let estinien rest for a while. He's been through a lot. Like, probably more than most other characters in the game. Dudes going to have another mental break.