Hey user! Stop playing Skyrim: Special Edition for a second

Are you going to be watching our E3 presentation? Make sure you and your friends buy Skyrim: Special Edition and Fallout 4!

Of course Todd. Right after I finish up New Vegas but idk when though the game is just so fun and long :^)

Fuck off Todd

Now hold on pal!
Why would I want to stop playing The Elder Scrolls™V™:Skyrim™ Special Edition™ to watch your amazing E3 presentation? You wouldn't be announcing a new amazing game would you?


Hey Todd, I'm looking forward to your demonstration of Skyrim for the Switch during Nintendo's Treehouse presentation

I too will be watching Todd Howard's E3 presentation. In the meantime I'll be enjoying Fallout 4's 2nd DLC Nuka-World™ for the 3rd time. Just bought the game and the season pass for full price on my new Xbox One©.

Why do you even bother? Zelda is GOTY. Try harder next year.


Skyrim? What's that?

Todd I'm really enjoying this Morrowind! It's a great expansion to ESO

buddy please.

Zelda was just training wheels for good open world games like Skyrim.

Sure grampa whatever you say...

Is there one for skyward sword?

Is Toddposting unironically the best thing to happen to Sup Forums in the past decade?

I think so.. where/when did it all start, and why?

>"very possibly the best video game ever made"

D-delte this!

Will New Vegas be ported to PS4, Todd?

But Todd, what about Starfield?

Whats going on in this thread?

Todd explain this