Its up

Its up.

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I looked up your game, Fredrick, how long have you been working on it?

I hope you're not one of the AGDG sheep.

For about a year on a $0 budget senpai. Got any other questions?

Iv got a game so I'm not like agdg nodevs.

You're quite young, how finished is your game?

40% Its got over half of its 70 levels DRAFT wise completed. By the end of summer all of the single player levels will probably be completed if I use my autism to focus my development of content.

I'm currently working on the games water world right now. Next world after this one is Sky City.

I hope to release the game in November on my birthday.

saw your stuff in my brief time posting in /agdg/, looks fun. Good luck bro, feels good to be releasing shit.

this dude is the biggest unironic racist
in chat he constantly goes on rants about niggers and is an alt-right trumptard
give him all your money desu

i'm not making this up by either by the way lol i have screencaps on my computer somewhere i'll find them


>Those stretched textures
>That ugly ass hill in the back
>3 different water styles
is this a joke?

Thanks for your feedback I will fix up the level now.

Man if I didn't get fired recently I would drop mad bucks. This looks cute as hell.

Don't worry theres just a lot of people in agdg and in their discord that don't like how I actually have a game, they photo-shopped tons of slandering pictures of me acting like a alt-righty using my twitter to ruin my kickstarter.

Don't take em seriously.

Cute, you're alright.

Just don't let the crap agdg attitude take over your mind.

Based on your art style I'd say that the rock tower and the hill in the back look too dark and too grungy. You should brighten those up a bit like Captain Toad or Shantae. Go for a bright colourful look. I'm sure it would pay off.

Here is a much better water level.

I just need more time to make it look better is all. If you look at the kickstarter trailer a ton of levels there have alot more polish because they had more time being developed that new water level with the stretched textures has only been worked on for less than a day.

I grew up on Sup Forums nothing gets to me no worries I love shitposting. Though there is a bunch of weirdo's in there that like to pretend to me be and shitpost with my name for fun and people confuse me with them. Classic agdg really.

Looks comfy

This actually looks pretty neat
I doubt I'll back it on kickstarter, because that's not really my thing anymore, but if it ever gets finished and released I'd probably buy it
Good luck man

Thanks senpai!

Consider downloading the kickstarter demo and giving me feedback! I love feedback.

Was Super Mario 3D World a big inspiration here? I'm getting a big vibe of that and Captain Toad.


Jesus christ

Advertising is against the rules, by the way.

These levels look a lot nicer. Bright colours definitely help this game's overall look.

Yup! Captain toad was my favorite game on the Wii-U and I really liked sokoban when I was a little kid. I decided to combine the two for my first game. There is some things I'm trying to improve on when I look at captain toad content wise. Some of that games levels were way too short to me so I decided to make every bokube level take a little longer.

World themes are present with 8 different themes, each world holding 4 levels and a boss! I didn't like how captain toad only had that dragon boss and the wingo the bird etc.

I'm also going to try and do another set of levels (same amount as the single player but your local co-op buddy is boku's girlfriend a brown bunny named kimi).

My first console was the n64 I had way too many comfy games like kirby 64 and bomberman 64 I can't help it sorry dude.

Pfffft janitors are lazy anyway.

Thanks! It's still early in development I hope to get some nice shaders hopefully after the kickstarter to improve the look further. There is a ton of default shaders going on.

I'll try it out after I'm done learning how to use adobe animate

Thank you

It should be against the rules to be as much of a loser as you are, I'm surprised you're not playing mabinogi since that's all your life is about.

Don't make me post your gay chatlogs.

This is somewhat reminding me of pic related for some reason currently and that alone makes me happy.

No problem!

Thanks! Devil dice, and a lot of japanese 90's tier shovelware are a big inspiration for me.

Just passing by and giving a warning, taking it is up to you.

Piss off, degenerate.

Maybe change the design of the block cause this just looks weird.

Oh? What about it looks weird? The puzzle cubes eye balls follow boku as he moves around it, and if hes above them, the eye rolls up so it appears white haha.

There is a spike on top because some puzzles require him to drop the puzzle down, and not land on top of it which is used more in later levels.

I'm actually having a really hard time getting youtubers to play the game. Iv emailed like 300+ youtubers and letsplayers but no bite yet on the demo. Hopefully one plays the game before the kickstarter ends.

I just want you to know that I want to fuck that thing. I guess that can be seen as a compliment towards your game.

I originally though it wasn't supposed to harm as shown in my picture, but after testing several other sides I died, including ass first. Guess a random bug or something.

Good luck

Hope you can deliver a good game

not fucking bad. hopefully all the other levels will be as polished as this

reminds me of captain toad treasure tracker.

I take that as a compliment!

Thank you! Have another water level screenshot. I did this one to be a beach where apart of the puzzle is raising and lowering the water. You also have to dodge cube crabs.

