>final boss's health bar refills
Final boss's health bar refills
Other urls found in this thread:
>you are your own final boss
>get up from my battle station chair
>crop dust myself and now my whole room smells like farts and ass
Are we just going to ignore the blatantly racist image
haha! funny picture, guaranteed to reel in likes.
lol good one mang
>final boss has more than 5 forms
>Get final boss to half health
>He takes 1/4th damage for the rest of the fight
>That wasn't even the final boss' final form
>Final Boss confuses your healer
>Healer heals boss back to full health
>one of the first bosses in the game has 7 forms
>Final boss can instantly kill 2 of your party members right off the bat
>after he hits half health he can freely spam this move
What exactly is racist about it?
It's not making any judgments based on race.
>boss doesn't have to build his meter
Stop this now.
>>final boss's health bar refills
You used all your healing items. Have no more currency to pay for more. Time to farm for 3 hours
What ever do you mean user?
Not even him but I've been thinking for the past few days how when someone purposely acts stupid in an argument there's never a good response.
>boss has two side flanges that regenerate and protect the main body
>once you beat all three it transforms in to it's true self and you have to fight it one on one with your main character
every ff game
>defeat the secret boss
>as a reward for besting him, he destroys the final boss for you
>Mortamor casts Kaboom!
>Nokturnus just laughs
It's a form of clickbaiting.
Sup Forums (and Sup Forums by extent) has become so reactionary that just simply acting stupid or political in any form will net you some replies.
>Final boss charms your healer
>Your healer heals final boss to full
>final boss is a nigger
What is racist about?, must all blacks be portrayed as darkskin demigods and anything less is racist.
>You can deliberately power up the Final Boss
>you have to fight 3 bosses at once.
>it's past a point of no return and there's no way to level up until you beat them
a-at least the song is good
Do you mean Seven Force, or Seven Force?
Maybe 7th Force, but that's not near the beginning of the game.
>final boss is a fucking battleship
The fuck is this from
>boss conceals his true appearance
Need more this in games.
>final boss is super easy and you make his health bar disappear in seconds
>final boss's health bar refills
>you make it go to zero again in seconds
What's the point?
>Final boss is 5 times weaker than the optional secret boss
>why isn't the secret optional boss the final boss
>thinking that the mysterio convenience store encounter in Spiderman 2 wasn't the best boss fight of the whole game
Who gives a fuck, Tyrone.
Why do you think he was acting stupid? He was just asking if people were going to ignore what he believed was racism.
I like this new meta meta meta meta meta trolling tactic and I don't know why
>Deplete the final boss's health bar
>That was just the first one
>Fight Start
>Boss uses move that imedately kills you in one hit
>The good ending final boss is so easy that it's impossible to lose unless you die intentionally
>The bad ending final boss is the hardest and most fun fight in the game but the ending is lame as hell
Final boss sucks your dick and balls if you beat it? What other games do this?
I even managed to get through it before spoilers became widely known, so it was a bummer to find out that there wasn't anything after the Sans fight.
>someone else is carrying on my PS shitposting
i feel so proud
>The ending is lame as hell.
Undertale's story is complete rubbish except for that edgy ending.
ayo chill out cuh the pic right
lil funny too
>boss is another player
thought you meant Xenoblade Chornicles till i clicked the embed
>trying to derail the thread by falseflagging as an SJW
You aren't getting any (You)s from me shitposter-kun
that's this whole fucking site since this (you) shit came up. this board is one of the worst. people just talk shit they dont even believe to get attention. it's pathetic
>boss' health bar changes color every time you deplete it
>no way to know for sure how much health the boss actually has
>Gear up for the final boss
>Upgrade all of your explosive weapons
>Rocket launcher, check
>Grenade launcher, check
>Pistol nodded into a grenade launcher, check
>Decide to take a tank instead of a Jeep
It's time
>Final boss is huge
>Sprint to the tank
>Boss goes down in a matter of seconds
I thought it would destroy my tank, I thought it has much more health than that.
>Beat final boss, wake up.
>It was all a dream
t. umblr
Final boss is QTE
>fat albert is inherently racist
>boss holds back