Switch Bitchin'

Honest question, why do most people seem to full out hate the switch?

I love mine, but I also went in expecting an awesome handheld and passable home console despite how they were advertising it. I also feel that is probably how most people look at it.

I also agree that all the reboots are a bit of a cop out, but I also love having those games on the go and it seems to really make a big difference to me.

As a fan of all games, I love Nintendo games, and nothing is like them, but I fully understand that I am going to most likely only get good Nintendo games, and would always recommend getting a PC (Or PS4 if you don't want the hassle of PC and good exclusives) before buying a Nintendo console.

I would say lets have a civil discussion, but that won't happen. So if you're going to shitpost please at least put effort into it.

Love the system, but hate the dock. Using extension cables and a separate stand should not be the way to circumvent scratches. I expect there to be an updated dock within the next 6 months honestly.

I bought a screen protector so I wouldn't have to do that, but I thought the same thing, it's something they didn't think about and honestly I feel only care about because of people complaining.

sony roaches have nothing to play on their console anymore since bloodborne came out years ago, so all they do with their free time is make up stuff about nintendo.

It seriously seems like only sony fanboys complain about it. I only hear "It's a shitty gimmick that isnt as powerful as my ps4."

You should be using a glass screen protector whether or not you use the dock, user

Only Reddit pimple faces hate it.

I bought a set and fucked it up twice. First I did it in a steamy bathroom like the package said, but water got stuck between the glass and the screen.

Second time went on perfectly, but was slightly too far to the right so a massive bubble wouldn't go away.

It's retarded people rip on ARMS as a "waggle" game, despite it working very well with normal controls.

because we bought a wii u