PC split screen

Why often PC ports of game dont have split screen?

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Because most people playing on pc are tfwnogf autists who will never have someone to play split screen with

but that have being the official excuse quote from developers?

Why the obsession with only 4 player? Why does every dev think gamers only have 3 friends?

Most modern games don't have splitscreen at all.

Anything smaller is unplayable

That's what projectors are for

>8 player Smash
>9 player Runbow
Just another thing the WiiU did right.

Lego Worlds does, though?

You don't get a higher resolution with a projector, you complete retard.

maybe if its a 4K magic projector

Youre looking at the wrong game genre. A ton actually do. Fighters, beatemups, most things arcade-ish. And a lot of other co-op games do too.

Yea looking at FPS and RTS sure its not the case, but many others are. Hell its the main idea of the Steamlink and several other devices so you can use a TV easier.

Won't help in the slightest if it's a console game.

When did he say anything about higher resolutions?
You can still get a much larger image, it won't look as good on a 1080p projector as it would on a 4k projector, but the image would still be larger and you'd still have a lot more space to work with.

Are you literally too dumb to understand that if you just blow up a low-resolution image everything becomes an unintelligible blur?

Heavy input delay on those. That is what LAN is for.


Nigger, it's 1080p, not 480p.


Holy shit really? I had no idea at all, thank you for blessing me with your knowledge user, you've changed my life!

1080 divided by 8 is 135, user...

No problem, imbecile.

I use a 1080p projector and have never noticed an input delay. LANs are fun but sometimes it's nice to just sit on the same couch and play some shit together

Except you divide 1920x1080 by 3 if you have 9 boxes on screen. Otherwise I agree, it's still too small.

Reminder that split-screen co-op was REMOVED in the PC port of Resident Evil 5

A modder was able to reactivate it by setting a couple of values to 1


Black ops 3 did, surprisingly.

Depends on the games. Some you'll notice more than others, same with DLP TVs in the day.

We use to LAN together a few TVs so it was 3 computers, 3 TVs and 12 players.

No idea where people get the PC can't do group games from. Shit that is more a console problem now since they want to force more copies to be sold by removing co-op. I miss doing that but all my bastard ass bastard friends moved away, the bastards.

>Split screen
>Two different screens.

Only FPS games I've played 8-player splitscreen are Gunscape and Screen Cheat. Which aren't graphically intense in the first place so 9 screens on an 80'' screen doesn't look bad. Now a recent FPS would probably look pretty blurry but I don't wanna know how good a rig would have to be to support 9-players in something like Doom 2016, Titanfall 2, or Crysis.

Nightfire 9-player would be fucking orgasmic, I don't need 4k resolution on every screen, just make the game fun.

Hell there's almost too many on steam alone.

Both screens are combined into one via software, then split right in the middle by the game.