Moving to an area for ~6 months that won't have any internet, not even satellite. Only thing I can bring is my laptop with duo core 3.8ghz, and integrated radeon HD 7400 or something.
Download every NES, Game Boy/Color, SNES and Genesis game, it should come out to be very small actually since those games are low in filesize.
Luis Nguyen
Enjoy the deployment, I just got back from one too. I played Brigador, FTL, Dungeon of the Endless, and Skullgirls during mine.
Aiden Stewart
PSP emulator and every MonHun game for it
Lincoln Howard
It's a mancamp in alaska
Noah James
William Thompson
Even ships have internet, where you headed? Top secret anti-nuclear government bunker? Burma? Top secret anti-nuclear government bunker in burma? PS3 headquarters?
Ayden Baker
Dwarf Fortress PSP Emu with Monster Hunter P3RD and freedom unite Bring a controller, and learn some programming
Aaron Mitchell
>learn programming >assuming everyone can learn it lel
Mason Cox
unreal world, if you like realistic survival roguelikes. Its free. you can thank me later.
Colton Howard
Sounds kind of like you're going to bumfuck nowhere, bring a gun, a camera and go hunt bigfoot or some shit Otherwise Rimworld is fun though I haven't played it anywhere near it's current state, there's always dwarf fort to learn if you haven't, Cryptark is pretty fun IMO, so is Apotheon,, original X-Com (could use some of those fan patches), Alien Shooter series, and as for some shit on my wishlist I haven't played yet, there is Caves of Qud, Axiom Verge, Catacomb Kids, Vagante, Salt and Sanctuary, Momodera, Rabi Ribi, Dominions 3 or 4, etc. Trying to think of some more lightweight games atm.
Aiden Campbell
Also Hyperlight Drifer, Ys series, Jagged Alliance 2, Valdis Story, and I always recommend Homeworld, 1, 2, and Cataclysm, and Freespace 1 and 2 on older systems.
Owen Murphy
I hope you're fucking getting paid a million bucks when you get back to civilization, because this reads like one of those "you're on an island" games.
Tyler Smith
pick up a guitar user. fuck the internet. you should try to make something good out of the solitude instead of trying to somehow get internet access.
Parker Thomas
Install Python and take a book on Python.
Jordan Watson
Is correct? I'm not a genius.
Samuel Morales
What did you do
Leo Gomez
A what?
James Nguyen
Programming isn't some mysterious skill that only wizardly virginal men can accomplish dude. Plenty of dumb people become programmers and most are average intellectually.
I wouldn't really recommend it unless you're leaving in 1 month since you need to do some research. There's hundreds of programming languages and things you'll need to start programming. You can't just write a line of code in notepad and save it as .exe and it'll run.
But it is a valuable career skill.
Ethan Fisher
What the fucks a mancamp? Are they going to teach you how to be a man because you can't figure things out yourself?