Moving to an area for ~6 months that won't have any internet, not even satellite...

Moving to an area for ~6 months that won't have any internet, not even satellite. Only thing I can bring is my laptop with duo core 3.8ghz, and integrated radeon HD 7400 or something.

What games should I bring? So far I have...

Diablo 2 w/ medianXL
Darkest Dungeon
Fallout 2

Battle Brothers

Some programming books

Might as well just kill you'reself.

1CC all the Touhou games

Download every NES, Game Boy/Color, SNES and Genesis game, it should come out to be very small actually since those games are low in filesize.

Enjoy the deployment, I just got back from one too.
I played Brigador, FTL, Dungeon of the Endless, and Skullgirls during mine.

PSP emulator and every MonHun game for it

It's a mancamp in alaska


Even ships have internet, where you headed?
Top secret anti-nuclear government bunker?
Top secret anti-nuclear government bunker in burma?
PS3 headquarters?

Dwarf Fortress
PSP Emu with Monster Hunter P3RD and freedom unite
Bring a controller, and learn some programming

>learn programming
>assuming everyone can learn it

unreal world, if you like realistic survival roguelikes. Its free.
you can thank me later.

Sounds kind of like you're going to bumfuck nowhere, bring a gun, a camera and go hunt bigfoot or some shit
Otherwise Rimworld is fun though I haven't played it anywhere near it's current state, there's always dwarf fort to learn if you haven't, Cryptark is pretty fun IMO, so is Apotheon,, original X-Com (could use some of those fan patches), Alien Shooter series, and as for some shit on my wishlist I haven't played yet, there is Caves of Qud, Axiom Verge, Catacomb Kids, Vagante, Salt and Sanctuary, Momodera, Rabi Ribi, Dominions 3 or 4, etc. Trying to think of some more lightweight games atm.

Also Hyperlight Drifer, Ys series, Jagged Alliance 2, Valdis Story, and I always recommend Homeworld, 1, 2, and Cataclysm, and Freespace 1 and 2 on older systems.

I hope you're fucking getting paid a million bucks when you get back to civilization, because this reads like one of those "you're on an island" games.

pick up a guitar user. fuck the internet. you should try to make something good out of the solitude instead of trying to somehow get internet access.

Install Python and take a book on Python.

Is correct? I'm not a genius.

What did you do

A what?

Programming isn't some mysterious skill that only wizardly virginal men can accomplish dude. Plenty of dumb people become programmers and most are average intellectually.

I wouldn't really recommend it unless you're leaving in 1 month since you need to do some research. There's hundreds of programming languages and things you'll need to start programming. You can't just write a line of code in notepad and save it as .exe and it'll run.

But it is a valuable career skill.

What the fucks a mancamp?
Are they going to teach you how to be a man because you can't figure things out yourself?

Code monkey here. Can confirm.