The Elder Scrolls

what went right lads?

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The most boring setting i've ever seen in videogames

Offhand casting

but that's not arena at least daggerfall has it's "classic" dungeon designs going for it

Great quests and guilds.

>Offhand casting
Was so handy, and felt like real magic.
Skyrims was way too encumbering, I felt like it was punishing me for having more than two spells, having to constantly pause the game to switch out a spell every time.

have you heard of the high elves?

Why does Oblivion keep crashing? I don't even have mods, it's a fresh install.

over 60 FPS?

I don't even know, it crashes immediately before the Bethesda splash screen.

Certainly not the
>level scaling
>world building

You know, all the stuff that makes elder scrolls interesting

>playing any ES game on playstation

literally what the fuck

he probably just pick the first image from google

it was my first time with the series m8,that blocky shadow effect with the chains

that's actually pretty typical for a bethesda game user

That fucking vampire glitch that couldn't be fixed. I FUCKING HATE THE PS3 VERSION

If anything, it got me into PC gaming. First card I bought was a 8400 GS to play Oblivion on my PC

>that abrupt ending


I'm trying out TESO on a friend account.
The world and PvP system is pretty nice.
But why the fuck would you limit abilities to 5 at a time and purposely not implementing an auction house?

The characters were fine though.

And no one but spergs cared about muh jungle, and I say this as a dude who frequents tes lore and read c0da.

Breathtaking landscape, game mechanics were smooth, and many, many great glitches and bugs to try out. If anyone wants to replay this, replay it trying out bugs and glitches, they are very fun.

Good quests and writing. Plus the game itself was actually fun to play, unlike morrowind.

>what went right lads?

liar liar pants on fire