He takes Sup Forumss opinion on video games seriously

>he takes Sup Forumss opinion on video games seriously


Post the updated version ya fagolini, this one had too small of a sample size and therefore isn't accurate

What is the red supposed to mean?

none of those games would be on my top 1000

Let's see your top 1000 then, faggot.

would take too long to share but my number 1 is minecraft
INFINITELY better than anytthing on that shity list

You must have really shitty taste then

I mean, I can understand a few of these.

But so many of these are just kinda bad games. Goldeneye in particular. I'd never recommend such a clunky shooter to anyone not blinded by nostalgia.

In fact a lot of these are games were the 'gameplay' part is undoubtedly the worst. Vampire the Masquerade is one of my favorite collections of stories, characters, and dialogue of all time. But as a game its jank as fuck and you basically have to put an asterisk and add "I know its ass, but trust me and trust this game's story".

For how often I see people go "Gameplay first, everything second" its surprising how often these horrifically bad games saved by a good story or setting make it in top 100s.

>1. Pokemon GSC
Opinion immediately discarded

i know youre baiting but minecraft is a good game

those were the days

>top games of all time
>Super Smash Bros Brawl

>27-28 October 2008
Brawl released something like 9 months earlier.

Most of these games are pretty good though. Only thing I'll never understand is the obsession with RBY, the remakes are just flat out better. Although this was made only a month after Pokemon Platinum and before HGSS and BW2.


I want to go back

jesus christ, what a bunch of contrarian fucks I share a board with

FF6 over FF7 oh my this is still funny considering people only startet talking about 6 after they needed it to be edgy and contrarian lel

trash list

this is the most embarrassing thing I've seen today. Time to sleep this off

>16. Doom II
>48. Doom

>1. Morrowind

>7. Phoenix Wright

>27. Metroid Prime
>28. Super Metroid

>25. Witcher 3
>37. Dragon's Dogma

>1. Morrowing

>There was a time when Morrowind was considered the best game of all time by the board.
>A game with absolutely anemic combat and horrific balance with not a single element of gameplay holding up well.
>The one point in its favor is that its lore is god tier, on the level of Tolkien in depth and inspiration.

Also Dragon Dogma is on this list. And as someone who actually loves Dragon Dogma, it has no business being in the top 100.

>a lot of these are games where the gameplay part is undoubtedly the worst

That honestly applies to alot of Sup Forumscore. Planescape Torment, Baldur's Gate 2, Morrowind, Fallout NV, etc. all range from mediocre to pretty fucking bad. But Sup Forums isn't one person I guess.

The Wonderful 101 might be one of my favourite games, and even I have a hard time believing it would end up 9th here, and that's with me knowing that this place probably gives it more respect than anywhere else.

Also, whoever made this fucked up with Mega Man 2. Mega Man II with a roman numeral is the Game Boy game and is total trash even among its GB peers.

>For how often I see people go "Gameplay first, everything second" its surprising how often these horrifically bad games saved by a good story or setting make it in top 100s.
I really do want an explanation for this.

>Half-Life 2 above Half-Life 1
And to think these days it's near-universally reviled on Sup Forums.

Saying "gameplay first" is the equivalent of virtue signaling.


>Not liking Banjo-Kazooie/Tooie
Go fuck yourself.

The average Sup Forumsermin holds no concrete opinions, they just flip flop to whatever contrarian perspective is acceptable at the time. I guarentee that the people who namedrop Morrowind, Planescape Torment, VtM:B when asked for good games (usually after shitting on a game) have not actually played them, and are just listing them for posturing.

Game was only 4 years old at the time.
Now we're so far removed from the time of release that it's easy to see the issues, and see how little it actually improved on its predecessor beyond presentation.

That, and some contrarianism, no doubt.

Probably, Sup Forums and other communities put themselves at odds with the wider gaming industry.

Not knocking anyone who actually played and were left stunned by those games, but sometimes I feel the hivemind tries to wear a mask to make itself a more distinct chieftain of its tribe.

>1. Morrowind


Fucking children all over Sup Forums.

>shin megami tensei
>Better than sh2
>better than re4
>better than dark souls
>better than anything
Trash list

Where in the world was lord of Destruction called Throne of Baal?

>3. Final Fantasy IX

Stopped reading right there.

Good list.

Morrowind is such overated garbage, skyrim for nostalgia faggots.

It was a simpler time where Sup Forums wasn't trying to outdo eachother as the biggest contrarians possible. You're not even allowed to admit liking half of those games anymore.

The fact that someone was able to get Yggdra Union to 90 is what really gives away how few people must have had input on this

why are half of these highlighted in green?

That, and the number of ties. Fuck actually counting, but there are like 30+ games in 90th place.

Wait, never mind, was looking at OP image.

>no worms games
>open world garbage
>final fagtasy

what did they mean by this

>Ace Attorney

You realize Sup Forums is just shitposting central for video game nerds? There's hardly any objective video game discussion here.


>There's hardly any objective video game discussion here.
That's pretty much everywhere online. People are dogshit at discussing video games.

stupid cuck poster

>Perfect Dark higher than Goldeneye, exactly as god intended

Oh come on, the list can't be THAT bad.


>HALO 1 & 2 over Unreal Tournament
>Counter Strike over Doom
It's fucking garbage, worst than IGN and gamespot lists.

Louis C. uc K. is a known cuckold

I think System Shock Enhanced Edition is way better than System Shock 2. Something about SS1's level design and pacing is absolutely amazing to me.

>only 46
tetris is a masterpiece, it is the closest a game has ever some to perfection

It's so close to perfection because it is so simple. Why are you at all surprised that people are more interested in more complex or ambitious games?

isk man im just shitposting, i dont even like tetris

We'd need to do one for each genre I think to get a good idea of Sup Forums's actual taste I think, the way these 100 lists are usually done is retarded with only ten entries per poster.

This. I honestly doubt that many of the teenagers who make up this board have played VtM:B or Planescape Torment.

>Sup Forums has 2 Pokemon games in it´s top 4

HAHAHAHAAHAA you fucking manchild autists!!

Yeah, probably.
I think I do actually care about gameplay more than other things, but I find myself arguing with "gameplay is all that matters" faggots all the time.
The amount of people that don't grasp (or pretend not to?) how much contextualizing and properly presenting the action affects things is ridiculous.

I did enjoy VtM:B and Planescape Torment since honestly I'm not too big on having good gameplay as long as the overall experience is worthwhile, but to claim that they're good games would be straight up lying, as I had to force myself through the gameplay sections.


Do this shit so that only non virgins are allowed to vote.

Thats red
are you actually colorblind

>Ocarina of time even being top 100


>Persona 4

Why ? It's haremshit with garbage gameplay

No Far Cry Primal?

No The Division?

Not a single Call of Duty game?

Strong list...

Why exactly you consider Doom II being worse than Doom?

1 and 31 are lorefag circlejerk games, and are secretly shit.
2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 16, 22, 37, 57, 68, and 70 are fucking contrarian bullshit.
9, 25, 37, 38, 52, 62, and 98 are fucking FOTM games that don't even belong on this list
17, 18, 23, and 24 are just copy pasted from the "Essential Sup Forums core" image, and are overrated as fuck.
7, 45, and 84 are arguably not even video games
36, 69, 71, 73, and 83 only have their high position because of memes.
Nobody has ever played Yggdra Union
Duke Nukem 3D is better than every game on this list

Doom's level design is amazing. Doom II's is mediocre. The entire game feels more like a good expansion to a better game, rather than a great game in it's own right.

>FF Tactics
>Dragon's Dogma
>TLoZ: TP (under multiple other 3D Zeldas)
>Banjo-Tooie (under Kazooie)
I'm having trouble understand how you've come to this conclusion.

>check list
>no C&C or Dune 2
literally made by 2000 kids

>Only one game in the top 10 is actually worth being in the top 10

>list made back when Sup Forums was actually a good board
Not surprised Sup Forumseddit would have a problem with it

>implying combat is the only thing that makes up VtM:B's gameplay
You have a multitude of non-combat related ways to tackle most of the pre-sewer content, which I think most people would agree is the best part of the game.

/vp/ was established for a reason

Holy fucking shit. There is no way this was the result of a vote. This is one guy forcing his opinion.

>in 2008
>in a thread with 200+ posts


Portal being high on the list instead of Portal 2 is the perfect example of Sup Forums being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian.

it's not a bad list but it could have been better if you weren't such contrafags and nostalgiafags with everything.

why is yggdra union being on this list so goddamn funny to me?
i shouldn't be laughing at this, help me Sup Forums

>not crossed

The top 100 lists from Sup Forums always changes but I can assure they are always great games.

Portal 2 was a shit game and complaining about "contrarianism" is just a way to excuse yourself from having to defend it

OP's list places Brawl at 17

literally NONE of those top 10 belong there

Portal is the better game, so what's the problem?

Were you playing these only for the funny dialogue or something?

I don't see why SMB3 or ALttP shouldn't be in the top 10.

looking at this lists made me realize there has never been a good video game and I'm not being ironic or memeing

Everybody knows vees top 10 list would just be new vegas in all 10 spots

Exactly what I was thinking

>fable 2
>top 100

>muh combat
morrowind's gameplay is hoarding simulation, and fucking good at it
every entry after keeps removing the variety of clutter objects you're able to collect