Why aren't there more games with towns based on Japan's glorified vision of France?

Why aren't there more games with towns based on Japan's glorified vision of France?

Have you met Vagrant Story?

Because not the entire world gives a shit about what Japan think
With that being said, it's kinda funny that Paris is so shitty that the Jap develloped a mental illness from it.

I'm talking about Japanese games though, not games trom the entire world.

Then I guess the setting isn't that interesting is all
When you think about it what they think of Paris is the city of refined taste and romance, among other related things, it can get boring real fucking fast
I'd rather have more games about ancient China, that shit is rad and vastly unexplored as far as video games are concerned

>Japan's glorified vision of France
That's Japan's glorified vision of it's self with central European architecture and French food.


They've run out of classical paintings to copy. Real France no longer looks like that.


Looks rather Germanic to me.