>there's 58 Crayon Shin Chan games and not a single one is any good
R.I.P. Usui

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Who is best boy and why is it Georgie?

What do you expect? They're just typical license games.
I'm more flustered in that no one is actually subbing new episodes of the show, and what we have subbed is barely anything.

25 movies and how many of them are subbed

It's hard to make a good game when the source material is garbage.

>best boy

that isnt Bo

What's the one for Gameboy or is there only one?

Are they continuing this? Do I have to watch it in Japanese? For some reason I love Laura Bailey's voice acting in Shin-Chan but hate it otherwise


>be filthy nip
>watch ahinchan when i was a wee lad
>mom tells me to stop becuase the show will turn me into a rapist
>in americuck
>find out ahin chan is a rated 18+ adult swim show in the west

What the fuck

I don't think Funi will ever pick up the license again. There's still that 3rd season if you haven't seen it yet. Also look for the commentary tracks

>They're just typical license games.
What does this even mean? Licensed games range from good to shit about as much as video games in general do.
Tons of licensed games are among the best of their respective genre.

From what I understand, the dub is completely free balled in terms of it's humor and subjects. The order of the episodes is all over the place and apparently the subbed version isn't as good if the raunchiness is what you liked about it in the first place


Stop what

Crayon Shinchan 2 for the SNES is good though.
I used to play it as a kid.

>there's 58 Crayon Shin Chan games and not a single one is any good
have you played more than two of them

the NES game is good, the SNES ones are decent (even the bomberman clone) but I can't say anything about the GBA ones other than that they looked really high quality. None of them really do anything new but the ones I played aren't close to complete garbage so how is that not good?

Except the GBA/DS/3DS ones

dlete this mitzi is pure

The english dub is actually completely different from the actual source. Like, 100% different. It's along the lines of something like this

If she's so pure how come there's so much porn of her?

American Shinchan is a bastardized shit that doesn't deserved to be even named.

Watch the original or one of the real dubs at least.

So unfunny garbage? Thanks for the heads up

90% of it is drawn by that one guy whose art you just posted.


I would with the pubic and armpit hair on

Why you post this?

why is there basically no porn of this brat being booty blasted? He literally waves his ass around ripe for pounding.

Shinnosuke is pure though

Fuck off.

I hope everybody involved with american Shinchan the worst of the deaths

Because it's actually a super respected franchise.It's a family show.

Funi Shinchan is pretty funny once you get over the fact that they're playing around with the license and just trying stuff. I remember when it first aired I disliked it at first and then quickly learned to like it after realizing it's probably the last we'll ever see of him

Doraemon has a lot of porn and that's an even more highly respected show

The old original Shin Chan dubs aren't even good by a fucking long shot. Plus they're all censored to hell the fact that someone would tell people to watch them really means they have no respect for the franchise at least the Funi dubs are a completely different thing

I thought officially their reason was that since the original comic was for adults only, they wanted the English dub to be for adults only too despite the Japanese show being more family friendly, but obviously this was a case where they just wanted to be lazy and make up their own story without having to translate anything.

How you can watch the FUNI dub and then watch Adult Empire Strikes Back?

Makes no sense

I think the original comics was not for kids considering it doesn't even have furigana. They have done reprints though that have furigana in them though without actually editing any of the actual pages what so ever. But aside from crass jokes the only hurdle was the fact that the humor had a lot of references that people in the west wouldn't understand.

I watched the dub as a kid and found it funny, but it doesn't hold up at all if you aren't 12.

The actual show is pretty fun, if I see an episode on TV I'll watch it.

By acknowledging and understanding that the Funi dub is a different thing. Adult Empire Strikes Back is a good enough movie to stand on its own even if you had never seen an episode of Crayon Shin-Chan let alone watched the dub

The Chinese version has a pretty good sub

>How you can watch the FUNI dub and then watch Adult Empire Strikes Back?
that question doesn't carry any weight

I read the manga at a bookstore in 2003 and emulated the games when I got home because I was unable to watch the show, I had already developed a fondness for the series by then and the Funi dub was just like icing on the cake no matter how many jokes they changed around, you're starting to sound like a purist and well I don't care much to discuss shit like that. I'm a grown man and I just like things. Life's too short to be focused on all the negatives.

>But aside from crass jokes the only hurdle was the fact that the humor had a lot of references that people in the west wouldn't understand.

Oh yeah, there was that too. I think that's more understandable, but I think they often underestimate people's knowledge of Japanese pop culture or their ability to still find the humor in references they don't quite understand.

>but I think they often underestimate people's knowledge of Japanese pop culture
Friend, I would need to be a complete nutball to understand and pick up on every little Japanese intricacy that finds its way into a work produced in and for a certain region.

You know how Hollywood has a huge presence even outside of the United States? I don't think you can assume the rest of the world does. If you can catch every reference then good for you but don't expect companies to bow to your weeb ass or anything

The references are so minimal that kids can understand.Cherry blossoms,foods, kid's tales and shit like that.

If there is a rare celebrity reference (normally an actor) you can always substitute it for a western equivalent

There's a fair amount of pun based comedy and references to exclusively Japanese things.

It's not even pop culture, there is a ton of stuff that even comes from just Japanese culture and folklore. Like episodes based of Kaguyahime, Urashima Taro, etc

When I first saw Shin-chan I was his age now I'm almost 20 and he's still as young as ever it really fucks me up.

I still have some of the manga lying around and decided to take a picture of a page from each chapter, each of them are based off some folklore.

Can you identify them all?


This one was so good that some bootlegger reskinned it as a Mario game.


>R.I.P. Usui
How did he die?took the wrong step or murdered?

Overrated series

Or suicide?


Japan needs to cut that shit out. Imagine if every work of fiction in the west referenced shit like Little Red Riding Hood and King Arthur and the Sword in the Stone, and I mean every single work of fiction did this.

Fell off a cliff.

And what makes those episodes and chapters so complicated?At worst they work as standalone.

No problem with them on every country outside Japan where Shin-Chan is popular.


Fucking Burger. He is called Kazama Fuda...I think?

>4:53 PM
>its a Japanese kids got home from school so they decide to post on Half Chan instead of Quarter Chan
Fuck off, nobody likes your retarded 70's anime. Go back to Sup Forums or something if you want to talk anime. This place is for videogames.

>Laura Baily was Shinchan


Wait the original isn't raunchy? I thought that was the whole appeal of the show and what made it stand out from every other show in its genre that's been running for 100 years

Oh my god why does Japan like this retarded fat short nigglet anime? This is worse than Umaru.

Misae Nohara
Hiroshi Nohara
Masao Satou
Nene Sakurada
Tooru Kazama

Didn't the guy that made this die?

Japan you are welcome here, except for when you talk about stupid anime shit.

The english dub is a joke dub. They doubled down on the inappropriateness and filled it with sex jokes and western pop culture references.

The GBA and DS ones are actually pretty good, IIRC they were developed by Inti Creates, the developers of Mega Man Zero.
Pic related is a port of the first GBA game with some extra content, minigames and such. Bretty good, but you have to play on hard or else the game is a joke.
The only region they were released outside of Japan is Spain, because here we love Shin-Chan. Unfortunately, I don't think any of the 3DS games were released here.

That's Georgie nigga

Coming to theaters near you, with the Saturday morning charm ripped out and replaced with tired Hollywood cliches.


fucking americans
you ruin everything

It has some crass things but not near the level the dub was

His name's Cosmo, burger.
And actually best boi is obviously Shin himself.

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Tfw living in Korea and seeing 짱구 in HD for the first time without knowing they were still making new episodes.

>tfw you're in Japan and realize that Shin Chan, which is mostly enjoyed by adults in the west, is actually a show watched by kindergarten kids in Japan.

They even had this SC event, and most people attending were parents with fucking toddlers who loved SC.

Yeah, it along with Doremon and that cop one I forgot the name of are basically the simpsons of Japan, where they endlessly pump out episodes because the kids who watched it at first now watch it with their kids, then their kids grow up to watch it with their kids, etc

>creator of Shin Chan commits suicide
>his death is labelled unsolved
How does a country that has a low crime rate because they constantly label most murders as suicides not connect the dots?

because early shinchan was ecchi as fuck

His death is neither suicide nor labeled unsolved. The latter being the reason why its not considered suicide.


His name is Cosmo and wanted to /ss/ some lovely lady.

but shin chan's star wars parody was true kino

Imagine if every single piece of western fiction referenced the Bible, that would be a day!

yeah man culture and all that jazz