What are some games with crocodiles?
What are some games with crocodiles?
For fuck's sake, Lee.
I only want to summon him. It's about the recent murders.
what are some games where your entire fandom is banned from Sup Forums
>recent murders
u fucking wot
A ponyfag whose waifu was Ember from Danny Phantom killed three of his coworkers and himself yesterday.
>7 years later and autists are still sperging about pastel ponies
>>Sup Forums93081374
Look at it here and weep. Waifus CAN kill.
But yeah, it's legit.
Where is my water
>can't delete my image
Aww. Even if I made this thread just to get his attention and ask about the news I like genuinely like crocodiles. I just want to know how he feels about a freaking ponyfag being a murderer.
>7 years
Literally look at any post he ever made, ever.
Quit being a retard, retard.
Well, at least I'm desensitized enough to not feel anything.
You deserve this.
The fuck is this shit
Fuck off vendettafag, stop harassing me
Banjo Kazooie
Resident Evil 2
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
The picture got deleted you turdburgler
You can stop now
>I just want to know how he feels about a freaking ponyfag being a murderer.
This is a board for VIDEO GAMES. What you want to really discuss is NOT VIDEO GAMES.
And there's the Donkey Kong games by Rare, of course.
Fuck off vendettafag, stop harassing me
is it not a bot?
Them's Fightin' Herds, I believe
It's a shit show though
Tuba Croc thread?
Nope, its a dogfucking jew with no life.
Whatever happened to that?
Last I heard it's on hiatus I think because the dev was overloaded with work or something.
Next you'll tell me that Colbert actually gets angry at TWO SCOOPS.
Just go to Sup Forums you flying faggot