What will you lads be consuming during the conferences
E3 Drink/Snacks thread
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I don't have any plans, please tell me what to eat.
ordering a pizza tbqh
Keep punching dumb meme hamser
I still haven't gone out to buy any food. Will probably end up eating ramen during e3 cause I'm too lazy to go outside
the best snack for a comedy is popcorn
Cheese and cracker snack plate shit like every year, while E3 is on in the background and I play good games
playing while eating is one of the most degenerate things you can do
dumb phoneposter
Going on a water fast like a true gamer.
Crab legs
Probably homemade ramen and Dr. Pepper.
or if I get the chance I'll make "nuka cola" which is just a mixture of cream soda, mtn dew, and coke
dumb ratposter
dr pepper, jacobs cracker crisps and whatever chocolate/sweets i can be bothered snatching + some take out when my friend comes over for the sony one
EA: Just water. Maybe some chunk chicken if I haven't eaten lunch yet.
Microsoft: same as above.
Bethesda: Just water
Ubisoft: Maybe oreos?
Playstation: Definitely oreos.
Nintendo: Water
Some chippu and cola
Kill the rat.
>slice is clearly smaller than the space in the pizza
dat ass
Water and high caffeine tea because it'll be 2am here when I'm watching
cheese fondue