This is the worst Doom map of all time. John Romero is a hack.
This is the worst Doom map of all time. John Romero is a hack
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E4M6 exists.
E3M9 exists.
Half of Doom 2's maps exist.
This is ultimate doom, right?
>le doom 2 maps are shit xD
why don't you go back to your D1 flat labirynths you love so much
I don't know, is it?
It's E4M2
That's not E3M2
I don't know, that's why I asked. What the fuck is your problem? Go be a smug cocksucker elsewhere, faggot.
You asked and i said because only a fucking retard couldn't tell that it was The Ultimate Doom.
shut the fuck up daikatana was a MASTERPIECE!
Perfect Hatred is literally the best Doom mission ever made. It's an absolute work of art.
On an unrelated note, AVP Gold/2000 is the absolute most underrated FPS out there.
Fuck you, E4M2 PERFECT HATRED was one of my all time favorites
What to expect from someone who posts with an image from fucking FE Tokyo Mirage Sessions
lets be honest, i love doom and doom 2 but E4 in general we do not speak of
I've never even played it though. I just like Tsubasa. I haven't played a single nu-fe game at all.
That's why he works at a gas station now
This guy spend his money on a lot of useless garbage, doesn't he? How about spend some of that on some classes and books about game design and time management because he fucking sucks at that.
I agree
git gud
>Play megawad
>Lol, Revenants and Archviles are so funny! Spooky skeletons am I right?!
>>On an unrelated note, AVP Gold/2000 is the absolute most underrated FPS out there.
I played this last year and found it pretty bland. Why did you like it?
The fuck? Why? Its hard but really fun once you figure it out.
More like he spends his own money on his own interests like any normal human being would.
>play megawad
>suck ass
>blame a few enemy types for no reason
>play megawad
>"What an ass! Mind if I fuck it off for you?"
Why the hell do you assume that I just suck? It can't possibly be that your meme enemies are overused by everyone and their mothers, no, it must be that the player sucks.
Sometimes it's a matter of getting gud, other times it's, 'Why the fuck would you put 8 archviles in a room with zero cover'
you either play badly or play bad maps but those enemy types themselves can't be at fault.
John Carmack doesn't agree. He says John Romero was way too frivolous with his spending and his work ethics were shit.
>I've never even played it though. I just like [uneventful anime design with a random cliche personality].
Yup, bad taste.
>meme enemies
are you the same butthurt faggot that pops up on the /vr/ doom threads whining about revenants?
this so much
half of doom 2 maps are bad is such a fucktarded meme
only good episode of doom 1 is the first one, everything else is unforgettable as balls. episode 4 has some good maps though.
doom 2 at its peak is far superior to any of the heights doom 1 reaches, it's not even a contest.
most of doom 2 maps are great, only meh/bad ones are Factory, Suburbs, Courtyard, Citadel and Chasm. That's literally it.
Doom 1 is a fucking boring game. highly influential and the grand daddy of them all, no shit, because it was first, but I don't see how anybody doesn't find it utterly boring compared to Doom 2's levels, which have far more variety of level design (size, scale and close encounters), more enemies, SSG and the maps are harder, too. doom 2's gameplay trumps doom 1's boring ass shit.
I'm fairly sure there are more than one person who just flat out doesn't like them for reason or another
not him but yeah you really sound like you suck pretty damn hard
>John Carmack
Who? Do you mean that shitter who sold his soul to Mortimer Zuckerbergstein for massive amounts of jew gold?
Yeah but butthurt that intense is very distinct. We have the same faggot pop up every so often talking about "Le skelytons XD" and shit like that because he's just THAT butt clobbered about them.
That being said, Revenants are easily one of the worst Doom monsters when used irresponsibly.
I think revenants are one of the best monsters as they're fun to fight even when it's just one in a straight hallway.
Yeah but when I say used irresponsibly, I'm talking about like, a closet opening up and 8 of the bastards pour out, or when a bunch of them are perched up on high where they can snipe at you freely.
Mostly the alien campaign. Being able to go at sanic speeds by running and jumping diagonally and being able to crawl on the walls made it amazing. You probably move 4 or 5 times faster than you would just running forward. The tail striking and head biting are satisfying too.
Also all 3 campaigns can get pretty exciting, and there's a bit of difficulty and sense of danger if you play on Directors' Cut.
AVP2 is nice too but its more of a multiplayer only game. The campaigns basically just serve as tutorials.
I know what you mean but it just comes down to poor map design. Any amount of revenants is perfectly doable if you have the room and not tedious if you have the weapons.
>AVP2 is nice too but its more of a multiplayer only game. The campaigns basically just serve as tutorials.
What a shame. That was the only one I hadn't played yet.
I tried AVP2000 and AVP2010 and found both underwhelming. The alien gameplay with going on the roofs was cool as fuck, but I found it underused. I dunno I just felt the game could have been better. The predator campaign was also underwhelming and Marine not that great.
I thought 2 would be better since it was a Monolith game instead of a Rebellion game like the other 3 games. Never played the original title though.
Spoken like someone who hasn't played Doom 2 recently.
Doom 2's maps have two fundamental problems. The first is how unintuitively far apart keys and doors are all but ensuring new players will get confused backtracking.
The second is how crowded they are, where in Doom each corridor would be devoted to a sprinkling of enemies in Doom 2 there are a dozen enemies in every room which waters down the player's sense of enjoyment when playing them and causes levels to drag on.
In terms of layout they're fine and some are even better than Doom's levels however the two previous points combine to make them all feel tedious.
That criticism only applies to real maps, Doom 2 also has the habit of including dumb gimmick maps like barrels of fun or maps that pit a cyberdemon vs X enemies. Filler maps which add nothing to the game.
>AVP2 is nice too but its more of a multiplayer only game.
What? That's a load of bullshit. AVP2 campaigns are the largest, most complex and progressing in the series. Just think about Alien campaign where you have each level devoted to a different stage of growth.
That guy is bullshitting, AVP 2 campaign is great, especially the Alien campaign, and the Marine campaign is more of a horror game
Ah thanks, that's nice to know. I really should get around to playing AVP2 someday.
Catching a facehugger after doing most of a long map as a Marine was the only moment where the game made me physically recoil in my chair.
lol I beat Doom 2 when I was literally 10 years old. you just sound like a total shithead.
barrels of fun is actually a good map though. gimmicky yes but it actually has interesting layout and good gameplay.
again you sound like a typical retard that sucks balls at everything that isn't doom 1.
UACMN2 never
I believe he goes by John "Need to wipe the drive before 5" Carmack as well
>Why the hell do you assume that I just suck
you sure as shit sound like you do :)
IIRC, Before The Nightmare is regarded as true 'sequel' (It's actually a prequel) to UACMN.
>As ancient hawaians used to say, it's time for dicking.
>AVP2 is nice too but its more of a multiplayer only game.
I know you've been called out already for this but it can't be stressed enough how much of a fucking lie that is. You're full of shit.
this. totally sacrificed level design for a "cool" looking map
The only problem with E4 is the fucked up difficulty curve. On their own, the levels are actually really fun.
I'm just now realizing that AVP2 is in fact longer than Gold, at the same time though that's probably because its slow as fuck and wastes so much time on getting all atmospheric instead of killing things, and that's probably why years ago when I last played it, it somehow felt short as shit to me and mostly disappointing. I'm going to play it again later today and again tomorrow just to make sure that I'm not full of shit due to judging it on outdated knowledge, and I'm actually looking forward to it now that I think about it. Mostly because I remember that I used to think the marines' pistol was the sexiest pistol ever put in a game.
I don't know why but I literally can't build up an immunity to getting face hugged at all. Every time it happens I freak out. Must be my fear of vagina.
Hard =/= bad
Fun fact: id created E1M1 last when making doom so they could combine all their experience from making the other maps to make the best map they could for the players to start off on.
That's not E1M6 and most of Episode 2's levels with the only fun ones being Halls of the Damned and Tower of Babel
Episode 3's fun but not memorable, only House of Pain made an impression on me
You are right, but don't shit on barrels of fun. That map was actually pretty cool
That explains why the game gets worse as it goes on.
Final Doom is better than both Doom 1 and 2.
>E4 is bad
I'm tired of this meme
>This is the worst Doom map of all time.
That's not Downtown. That's not The Chasm. That's not Barrels o' Fun. Perfect Hatred is a pretty good map for the challenge it gives to the player, and it's one of the best maps to UV/MAX pistol start to really test your skills.
I'm on this map currently actually. Platforming shit like that just does not work well with Doom.
This is the map that stops me from replaying Doom 2 more often. Such a fucking slog.
>play gameplay mod with monsters replacements
>LOL this sprite frankenstein recolor can walk really fast has 100000 million HP and also a 1hko melee attack and also 1hko hitscan attack and 1hko area attack and also can spam homing missiles and hes also a angel-demon hybrid and hes my dad XDDD
fucking complexdoom addons
I still firmly believe Downtown to be the worst official Doom map. It really is just that bad of a map. Sandy's got some good maps (he did make most of D1's and D2's maps after all), but you can tell that he was burning out with D2 and a lot of the game's mediocre or downright bad maps came from him.
I really like Downtown.
Are there any randomizers that are actually good?
>A goddamn Cyberdemon in the middle of the plaza
Playing Doom 2 UV on Zandronum is goddamn insane.
How? The game was rushed out as fast as humanly possible to cash in on Doom's success
That's just a fucking fact
Are randomizers all bad?
Base Complex Doom is fine all things considered, some bosses and even mini-bosses can be bullshit though, not really "hard" but force you into cover more than they should in my opinion, you could say it's justified because it's mostly balanced for co-op. The many "addons" you can use with it however, mostly extra monsters and overly OP weapons, can be plain retarded, co-op or not.
DRLA monster pack is okay too, regular enemies are decent and most bosses I've fought against don't kill you in one hit unless you're an idiot.
OMG Weapons
Any other good randomizers?
What about colorful hell? I used to play that a lot before the ëpic"enemies made some maps unbeatable, but i dunno if he toned them down a bit now
Are there any mods that are good enough in a way, where you can play them in vanilla maps, because they try to still "capture" the classic Doom gamelay?
Even if they still have some certain additions to it?
I have yet to try this one.
It also depends a lot on how you play, if there are any more gameplay mods in the mix, or if you're forcing yourself into extra rules or whatnot.
I've been enjoying lately playing small/tiny oblige-generated maps with few enemies but pistol start and with "no monsters to exit" enabled, so I might value balance more than if I was playing slaughter maps or megawads in a "regular" way.
I enjoyed the metroid and kira yoshikage mods.
I am playing Knee Deep in ZDoom now
>its good
What are your favorite gameplay mods and why?
Doom RLA; whatever bullshit the game might throw at you there's the perfect class and loadout for killing it
Beautiful Doom and Burl Tumd, I suppose
Heard good things about Smooth Doom but I have not gotten around to trying it.
Smooth Doom + Perkristian's HQ SFX + BD HQ music add-on
I like to think of it as the vanilla enhancement bundle. It makes playing Doom feel fucking amazing when the action gets heavy, TNT has been a fucking blast to play because of this.
As for non-vanilla mods, I quite enjoy GMOTA and Samsara, so I can play as the Marathon security officer.
That level was great though. I swear Doomfags are retarded and have shit taste.
>if the level is good Doomfags will hate it
>if the level is shit and generic Doomfags will praise it as the greatest level ever made
Romero is a hack and overrated. Knee Deep in the Dead is the worst part of the original Doom. Sandy Peterson made the best Doom levels. Doomfags have shit taste and like Doom for all the wrong reasons.
>Romero signed this for me
he's a big guy
I like Beautiful Doom better than Smooth Doom nowadays.
Most HQ sound packs I've tried sound like shit, what's so different about this.
Turn off that disgusting N64 filter.
I've heard various things about Beautiful Doom but haven't tried it myself.
>what's so different about this.
I can't really compare it to any other HQ SFX mods since I haven't tried any others, it overhauls just about all the SFX but most notably it makes gun/explosion sounds more satisfying and some enemies sound better, in my opinion at least.
What's the best NuDoom inspired mod?
Clearly a troll. That is seriously an amazing map. OP you're a massive faggot. Kill yourself.
what did he mean by this?
D4D is the most accurate
Demolitionist is the worst (starting) class
John Carmack has no right to comment on human behavior, considering the fact that he's just a technology-obsessed alien wearing a human skin that can't comprehend emotions.