Which one of these is better than the others?

Which one of these is better than the others?


Time is money


early game: dps
mid game: tanks
end game: healers

none Tank and Healer are a shit gameplay design.

I think if they made it where every class can support on its own would be a better system. Like how DH in wow get a heal orb after killing a mob and a way to escape if they need to if things get to rough.
I also liked how tanking worked in dragon age 3. more threat you had the more armor you get.

Teamplay. I rarely seen one.

If you are good enough you don't need to be tank, you just Dodge the hits, if you don't take hits you don't need heal so DPS is better

>every class can do everything

Have we forgotten Guild Wars 2 exists, and how terrible it was already?

All 3 are equally important

dps, it's more fun

that's called being an evasion tank
you're still fulfilling the role of a tank, you're just doing it by evading a percentage of hits
there are a few games out there that did this (i.e. Anarchy Online)

The DPS isn't important.
Tank + Healer are already enough. It will just take longer with only the low damage from the tank.

Not evasion dude, you manually dodge things

most games have mechanics where if the boss isn't killed fast enough no amount of healing or tankyness will save you

guild wars two was terrible because every class could do everything AT THE SAME TIME
if you have to build for healing or debuffing or tanking then it works
Elder Scrolls Online does this
it works pretty well, but the game has other issues

Uninstall wizard

The holy trinity isn't very fun design. It makes roles a chore

Go manually dodge things in jrpg. Or in civilisation. Or in dnd crpg.

>Go manually dodge things in jrpg
I recently played the Ys series and could dodge things just fine. It sounds like you need to get good.

>playing fixer
>being sonic the hedgehog and doing like 5 billion damage


>if you have to build for healing or debuffing or tanking then it works
I mean, what's the difference between just having classes that fall into those roles at that point? You're still essentially operating within the Holy Trinity.

Tank and heal are both just different types of support classes. They support the dps in killing the boss.

Once again EVE Online is the clear winner.

Wanna tank? Get a ship for it. Wanna heal? Get a ship for it. Wanna dps? Get a ship for it. Oh wait, this game also has dedicated scouts, kiters, and any class you want to make up based on how you want to run your doctrine for your fleet or yourself.

but that's exactly how it is in gw2
if you're wearing dps gear and using dps spells, there is no way you can tank or support

it doesn't work in gw2 because ALL damage could be avoided, meaning there was no reason for tanks or healers to exist at all, meaning everyone just played dps and everyone in PVE was just a minmaxxed glass cannon, and the only utility they would have, if any would increase the dps of their allies

As it has been mentioned they're all designed to be complimentary of each other. Without the tank, healer and Dps die, without dps tank and healer get outdamaged and probably die, without healer you're up piss river without an oar

>no DPS
Game goes on forever wasting everyones precious time

>no tank
Everyone dies

>no healer
Everyone dies

Most times DPS is worth the least because you can have more of them which makes each individual worth less but at the end of the day you still need all of them

too bad it's a dying and dated spreadsheet simulator

real shame


At its current rate it would take a decade to lose all its players

>spreadsheet sim

Haven't used a spreadsheet since I got the game. Are you sure you aren't thinking of Hearthstone or Battlefield 1? I've used spreadsheets for those games.

>no DPS
>Boss enrages