"Hey let's make a proper rally sim game!"

>"Hey let's make a proper rally sim game!"
>It's really good, people buy it, a financial success
>"Great! Now we'll make a bigger and better game for a wider audience! But we'll try to please both casual and sim crowds at once! Oh and also we don't want to make actual rally stages so here's some 250m segments that will repeat over and over until infinity"
>Predictably, it's not as good because it does everything, but poorly. Looks worse than Dirt 3, demands more power, cars have arcade grip even in sim mode, rally tracks are much more flat, even and wide than in Dirt Rally (Compare Wales from both games on youtube, don't take my word for it)
>mixed steam reviews (surprise)
>"Oh well we guess there's just no audience for those kind of games anymore :^)" *closes studio*

When will this stop?

Dirt 4 thread, I guess

Looks like I'm going to play Dirt Rally and Richard Burns Rally for all eternity
Shame that rally games are dead

Well... that's one big letdown.
They just had to do a Dirt Rally ++

So DiRT Rally is superior?

Did they really make the graphics worse in 4? IGN said it's the best it's ever looked

Wasn't Dirt Rally already casualized garbage as far as racing "sims" go?

I think people are just mad that this isn't DR2. I'm still downloading the game but from what Ive watched and read it doesn't seem like its unrealistic compared to Dirt Rally, just different. Codies updated the way aero works and changed the handling a bit so people are going to scream about it being less realistic even though it might not be. I mean people still hail RBR as the king of rally sims even though the driving sucks on anything but gravel. According to that game driving on the street is more dangerous than driving through gravel in the rain upside down at 140mph. So when people think that's how a rally car is when something else comes along they're gonna be pissed. This time last year people were calling Dirt Rally casualized garbage because you could actually control the cars. Harder does not mean more realistic.


it seems to me Codemasters wanted a game for those who enjoyed Rally and those that enjoyed dirt gymkhana adventures.

>it's another autistic manchildren complain the virtual cars don't drive just like in real life episode

Just look up any video on youtube. Granted, compression, but Dirt 3 videos will be compressed too. Honestly, I don't care about the graphics, just wanted more dirt.

Yes, but there is nothing better on the market at this moment, if you don't count RBR

>it's another bus rider complains about automotive enthusiasts episode
like pottery

Do I need a fucking wheel to play Dirty Rally or something. I tried it in the free weekend a few weeks back and holy shit I could not stay on the fucking road. To compare it was pretty easy playing Dirt 2 and 3 with a KB+M but Dirt Rally feels I am driving on ice.

I never tried Rally with anything less than my wheel/pedals (T500RS) but I'd imagine you are have problems feathering the throttle. Dirt 2/3 had more traction control support and Rally doesn't. Without the analogue throttle, you're going to skid around hard.

I really think people may be having kneejerk reactions to dirt 4. I'm 2 hours in and can tell it handles differently from DR on sim/no assists but I'll judge it for at least a few days before I start mouthing off like a twat about how it's ruined.

I would agree with you IF Dirt Rally wasn't such a big piece of shit game.

I think it's a bit of a kneejerk reaction as well. I think they have improved some things for sure, braking and vehicle weight/aero. But I still can't get AWD cars to throttle-on oversteer, or really oversteer at all - even after tweaking tuning. This is something I have no problem with in DR, or real life. So, something is not right there.

Procedurally generated tracks was a mistake.

I played about 50 hours with a 360 controller and 50 with a wheel. It's definitely playable with both, but you need to understand that dirt rally is a sim, you can't just mario cart your way through a level like in previous titles.

Which Chinese city is this

Ah, the majestic forests of Beijing.