What's your excuse for not playing the most complex and innovative game of the decade right fucking now Sup Forums?

What's your excuse for not playing the most complex and innovative game of the decade right fucking now Sup Forums?

It's too complex and didn't innovative a good control scheme

I'm already playing yakuza 0 rn

Shitty interface.

VVVVVV is a pretty good game I guess

Looks like shit.
Nes tier graphics are a minimum for me

Rimworld exists now.

For this simple reason:

Half of the people that DO play Dwarf Fortress on a regular basis still don't understand it 100%

So what chance does someone who dips into the odd game here and there stand?

You do realize you don't have to understand the whole thing just to have fun with it, now do you? There are loads of tutorials on youtube to help you get started and the huge wiki can explain you fucking everything about specific things in the game.

Because you have to be literally autistic to enjoy it

Because it's not Dungeon Keeper

because Rimworld

Dwarf Fortress is just the tip of the ice berg when it comes to autistic games user.

Recommend me a decent tileset and I'll give it a shot

Autistic yes
Good no

I fell for the Aurora meme and regretted it. Its a great idea but lags in the first 6 hours

Default Tileset with dark sands color scheme

CLA is a nice ASCII-lite

Looks nice, still uses ASCII sometimes.

The version documented in this namespace is v0.28.181.40d, released on September 8, 2008.
The game hasn't really gotten any better in 9 years.

>implying siege weaponry is useless

Thanks bruhs. I've been struggling with Cataclysm DDA for days now, just can't get past the initial day or two without getting fucked in the ass by zombie mutant squirrel or whatever. This might be a good change od pace

because i enjoy casual games, where i get to sip drinks and lean back and ponder my next move.

like NetHack, ADOM, Elona. etc
pausing is not the actual way to play DF, and i want to play games the way they were meant to be played.

Its definitely a lot easier than it used to be. Once you settle in, with the wiki open on a second monitor, its not so bad and its a very rich and rewarding agme.

That design is shit though, your operators are gonna start running from those goblins from miles away. Try this one instead
all legendary

>because i enjoy casual games, where i get to sip drinks and lean back and ponder my next move.
This is exactly what DF is.
Dwarf Fortress being difficult is a shitty meme.

Already played it tons and Toady spends his time on stuff that's not gameplay so I don't feel like starting it up again
Rather just play Rimworld for my fort buildan fix

Because nearly every RTS game is trash.

>tetrahedrite, gold
>no iron ores, no coal
>abandon fortress

no GUI


I love that game, I play it semi regularly

>dorf fort

>asking Sup Forums to play good games

I play Adventure Mode all the time.

I never touch Fortress Mode.

>asking Sup Forums to play games at all

>have fucking gold
>not just crafting things out of it and trading for iron

No it's not. It's a garden variety colony-building sim with a ton of needless information.
Complicated != complex

> innovative
Name one thing it's innovative for

>implying I don't want to stick to a autistic fortress theme and make the iron myself

Then just install dfhck and prospect your embarks for specific minerals.

You got them backwards
It's complex because there's a ton of different systems working together
It's not very complicated, though, it's smooth sailing after you understand the UI

>most complex
Time to dispel this meme.
There's nothing 'complex' about DF. It's a stock-generic city builder that lacks most features that could be found in any Anno or Skylines. It's actually extremely barebones and you can easily confirm by chechking the bayforums where people constantly complains that toady is too busy adding dwarf testicle hair simulating instead of actual fucking features. The illusion of complexity comes from the obtuse as fuck interface and apparent "simulations", that exist in every videogame, only the decent ones make these implicit. DF basically shows you code compiling in real time and you fools think it's some hot shit.

I don't want quite that much complexity and innovation. Also, I like graphics now. It's not the eighties anymore.

Man I forgot about autism simulator 2014.

UI is AIDS and organizing the military is pure misery.

It was inevitable

You might be the first person in history to describe DF as generic

>It's complex because there's a ton of different systems working together
Those systems basically function in the exact same way as any other colony-building sim, except they're streamlined. In DF compared to a Settlers game or Rimworld, you may have extra links in a resource chain or twenty different names for the same resource but the mechanics for production are effectively the same. Again, not seeing much complexity.

Actually trying to play the game is terrible.

Everything I want out of DF I can usually get out of Space Station 13 anyways.

DF has graphics if you bother to look for them.

now add GUI

Reads up on the definition of complexity and the difference to complicated, then
DF is like the posterboy for complexity, and also great example for why complex doesn't also necessarily mean difficult
The core element are obviuously the dorfs. They have various needs, like mood, shelter, food and such. To fulfill those, you need to do various things- dig and build shelter, grow, buy or hunt food, craft clothes, have a military for protection. Each of those individual elements has once again lots of systems connected to them. Growing food needs proper soil, which might require you to manipulate water to get it in the first place. Manipulating water needs engineering, which is a job a dorf has to do. It also needs materials like floodgates, and producing them is another job. Getting the materials for those is another action entirely, like mining, or trading. Then we have our soil, so now we need a gardener to actually grow shit. Then we need haulers to get our product to the kitchen, where we need a cook to turn it into a fancy meal. We'll need storage to store it, which needs to be dug out.

You can continue this train of throught for every action in the game, and there's always dozens of elements interconnected. That's complexity. But, if you narrow it down to what you need to actually survive in the game, it's not actually any complicated or difficult- a plump helmet farm, a cozy little hole with a drawbridge, and you're technically good to go.


>not hiding the interface and just playing with memorized keys

CLA all the way, my man.

>toady is too busy adding dwarf testicle hair simulating instead of actual fucking features
go read the devlog right the fuck now user, he's almost done adding some pretty significant features that add a lot to the game.

I suck at memorization

Name literally one unique feature of DF

>z-levels never

because my computer can barely run it for some stupid fucking reason

>He uses the GUI
>He doesn't memorize every keybind
I bet you have the map on 24/7 too.

It gets boring after a while - the clunkiness of it only appeals to high levels of autism.

Name one feature that isn't fucking unique you contrarian faggot.

>everything is generic because everything has already exited in some form or another before even though it might be only very loosely related
stronk argument user have a reply

History generation and ability to affect the world as you play.

Get a gudder CPU. DF is very CPU intensive.

where r tha graphics tho

Not that guy but I'm curious, and I've messed around a few times with the game before, if some super powerful evil god/demon is mentioned in the world history thing is it possible to send out a party or the like to kill it? I know that's not really in the best interest of some dorfs but whatever.

There is adventure mode, user.

> this decade
2006 was 20 years ago

I know but that's just one character, I thought at least, was wondering if there was some measure of control outside the fort for some purpose or another

>history generation
You can find pointless fluff generating websites on google
>affect the world

Toady is currently working on the feature that allows you to send out squads on raids or rescue missions but right now you can only kill them by being an adventurer or hoping they tag along in a goblin invasion to your fort, which almost never happens.

You can recruit your fellow man for whatever you want. You can be the party sent out to kill the demon.

That said the update coming out in a month or so will (finally) allow you to send squads of your military off-site to collect artifacts which may or may not be in the possession of powerful demon lords. It's just a first step though and presumably eventually you'll be able to do all sorts of shit by sending dwarves out to do whatever.

Dwarf fortress' world generation is the most complex world gen of any game ever, and it's constantly being worked on.

While generating terrain it realistically simulates rain shadows caused by mountains, creating deserts and rivers, which then erode the land realistically. The game even generates a volcanism map to decide where to place volcanoes, it's not just arbitrary. Lowlands become marshes, dips in the land become ponds or lakes,etc.
And that's just the terrain generation.
The game then simulates an entire history. Civilisations spring up with randomly generated cultures; deities they worship and legends they have are all random. Then the game simulates the lives of hundreds of thousands of the world's inhabitants. Again this isn't some arbitrary shit, the actions of each of those individuals are decided by their personalities, their interests or needs. Armies can rove around the map, civilisations can be invaded, made allies or wiped out altogether, various beasts have lairs around the map and will come out to raid settlements. Adventurers will then go after those beasts and perhaps slay them, becoming legends.

When you create a fort, this entire world history is there and your dwarves will perhaps carve imaged of notable events on the walls, it affects which civilisations are allied with you or who will invade you, potential trade, etc.

pic related, just one completely random individual dwarf from the history of my world, one of literally tens of thousands. Seems like she was kidnapped by goblins as a child and lived in their civilisation.

I am, but kinda derping on experimental forts and worlds until the update hits next month.

Also why do casuals (ie: Sup Forums) overestimate the difficulty of this game? It's easy as shit, just spend more than 30min on it and use the wiki jesus fuck. It's not like you're trying to learn how to play Aurora4x or something.

it's being worked on

so you can be sure it'll show up eventually, the "when" is a different matter altogether

UI is fine, stop being a scrub. If you want right-click mouse-operated menus then Rimjob has a thread over there somewhere. They don't have a general on /vg/ because it's a contentless piece of shit for casuals.

Because I've beaten it. I'm at the point where no matter the embark I always know what to do and how everything will fit together. Its sapped my imagination and I no longer feel joy at the absurd shit that can go on. I just play until migrant death and move on.

Are you intentionally trying to be a faggot?

>tfw the world gen is TOO realistic and it's borderline impossible to generate interesting geography, all you can do is make a bunch of mountains with the elevation mesh
>every world is pretty boring as a result, no cool rock overhangs or mesas or anything of the sort

I'm not telling it's bad
I just want GUI

Called it user, especially the loosely part

Thanks, was looking to actually get into the game this time and was curious if he added something like that yet, regardless I was still gonna try again and hope to actually learn it well enough to feed my dorfs for a time and to equip my military at least.

cause Sup Forums's pretty retarded to anything with a barrier entry level the size of a sidewalk

t. dorf fort made me realize I was one of those retards, however I hope once I start playing for real it's not a cakewalk as long as I don't cheese my fort

Why do you keep parroting that, and why do you keep turning the comparison between DF and RW into some epeen measurement cxontest
DF is the easy game, you have to actually go out of your way to not trivialize the game
RW is all about being hard and the dev actively balances it for that
And both games are fine that way

Should I just download vanilla? There's a bunch of different packs and versions I'm not sure.

>never played DF confirmed
DF history generates named historical figures that can come visit your fort and specific civilizations with their own cities that change when civs go to war. By playing Fortress mode you can extend the territory of your civilization, trigger war between other civs and kill historical figures or even decimate goblin populations if they keep sieging your fort. And you can become the capital of your civilization if your fort is successful enough.

And it is entirely live generated, meaning that you can mod in your very own civilized race, with their own ethics, which affects how well they will get along with other races in worldgen, and play as them or have them as your enemy. Modding i creatures is very easy because DF keeps all creature details in .txt files.

This is such a bummer, i want to build a fort in a cool location but most embarks feel identical

>This is the same embark as last time but the cliffs are steeper
>I guess thats cool

No. Just get a starter pack and second monitor for wiki and maybe a youtube tutorial for the first few forts.

do you play every game modded to shit before anything else?
if your answer is yes then go back to gargling those cocks
if your answer is no then why are you even asking this question?

I'd go in hard as balls with just vanilla, and use the tutorials on the wiki to get shit down, but that's just like, my opinion man. And for the love of god don't fucking download tilesets please, they all look like trash compared to ascii and you gain literally nothing from having them.

Get lazy noob pack, it includes dwarf therapist which is a third party tool that's considered mandatory by many so you won't wan tto blow your brains out after 20 minutes, and tilesets if you're not into the default style

You could work on this thing you are bad at, and maybe become better at it. At least a bit.

lazy newb pack will spoonfeed you everything, DFhack and Stonesense (sound engine) are mandatory imo, you can look at what else it offers and toggle it on or off based on your whim

Or I could play games which doesn't have such difficult controls

that's not Aurora
But yeah, i fukken love DF, top 10 best games i ever played, too bad the development focused on some inane and useless worldgen bullshit and songs or whatever the fuck, instead of magic, new workshops/ores, new items or weapons or maybe some enemies or geographical features.

If you're a first timer and feel especially casual then get the DF starter pavk whivh has preinstalled tilesets and dfhack and dftherapist. If you feel a little adventurous just get the vanilla and just have the wiki open at all times.

Tile sets that use ascii, like CLA, did nothing wrong. Vanilla is plain retarded, IMO.

I do agree that other tilesets that try to make things look like actual things are insanely stupid.

These two are faggots. tilesets are garbo, stonesense is fucking trash, and working with the rapist and dfhack shit will just piss off a newbie.

It's more of a personal taste I think, those random blobs of color have nothing on the smooth clean look of raw ascii.

Tilesets are a matter of taste, you might not like them but many other do, let him have options instead of deciding for him based on your opinions
If anything a newbie will be completely repelled by the default dorf management menus without the rapist, because they're a complete mess

Eh, I've never had trouble with the menu's, they're pretty clear. the rapist is mainly for later one when you have 100+ dorfs and manually doing everything is just exhausting.

>Dwarf fortress' world generation is the most complex world gen of any game ever
funny cause it has almost zero relevance to the actual game