Is this, dare I say, the GOTY?
Is this, dare I say, the GOTY?
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>flavor of the month
GOTYs don't have as many bugs or lack of variety.
I do hope the game eventually gets a mode which rotates fucked-up modifiers, like a physically moving white zone
When is this game going to horribly fuck itself ala For Honor, loose all its playerbase,
then be horribly despised on Sup Forums? Its only inevitable
first of all, it is already despised by Sup Forums, as is most everything else in existence.
Second, it doesn't have to do anything to lose it's playerbase. It'll probably fade into obscurity after 3-6 months once people get tired of the repetition.
How exactly is this different from H1Z1 KotH and when will people get tired of it like they did with that one?
It's weird how game popularity is so fickle these days. You have these massive fotm (mostly low budget indie shit) games that quickly decline after a few months and get forgotten, as opposed to big games that stay big and small games that stay small.
>flavor of the month
>its been 3 months
what did he mean by this
Almost like it's a figure of speech used to refer to passing fads that may or may not last longer than a month or a few
Everyone said Overwatch would be dead in a month too.
I wanna get this game but the only thing thats stopping me are hackers. How many hackers do you run into to?
You realize that h1z1 had a constant 10k peak player increase per month over the last year. It only lost 10k peak players even though PUBG sold 3 million.
People didn't get tired of it.... unless you are trying to say that PUBG will have the same rate of growth and in 10 months will have 1.4 million peak players.
Why do people use twitchfags as a gauge for if a game is good or not?
That user was saying that Overwatch was still popular, not about if it was good or not.
What, does someone still play it?
No one's mentioned it in a year and I haven't seen a single thread about it on Sup Forums in ages.
The real question is why 26k people are watching a card game being played.
I'm not arguing whether they or good or not I'm arguing that they aren't dead. I'm using twitch as an example for Overwatch because active player counts do not exist for me to use as a source.
Twitch is an overall good gauge of what games people are interested as well despite it obviously not being accurate of actual player counts.
It's a Blizzard game.
I don't know why anyone would expect it to be, although they did fucking botch HotS in an unprecedented way. As shit as I personally think nu-Blizzard is, their games are still, for years to come, guaranteed to be huge no matter what they do.
And I think they kind of even fixed HotS to some extent now.
125k peak players over the last month.
Yeah your completely right but it still doesn't change the fact this board was filled with a shit ton of people who actually thought it would be dead and forgotten within a few months.
>30 dollar game
>it's a standalone version of a mod of a shitty, dead DayZ clone
why does anyone find this acceptable
who the fuck would pay that much
i might get it on steam sale for 15 bucks but jesus christ 30? really?
it doesn't even seem like the kind of game you could play for more than 20 hours without getting bored as shit
>says the guy posting persona 5
He's still got better taste than anyone playing a third person battle royale game made by koreans.
Only a butthurt idiot who's bad at aiming would say this game isn't fun, even despite its laughable netcode and countless flaws. It has a huge playerbase which means getting matched for 100+ player games is literally instant, which is honestly the best part. CSGO, Dota 2 and Overwatch can take multiple minutes just to find less than a dozen other people to play with, yet PUBG finds nearly 100 in a matter of seconds.
If I was gonna die in the next hour, I'd probably be playing a game or two of PUBG, drink some beer and jerk off to some cute traps
if Sup Forums hates something it's pretty much guaranteed to be good e.g. this. if most of Sup Forums likes something it's pretty much guaranteed to be absolute garbage e.g. persona 5 or uncharted series.
>but its a shit game for weebs and pedos (futaba)
CS:GO has almost 3 times the player count. Does PUBG actually search for players of similar rank or does it just throw 100 people together?
Ranked play in CS:GO or Overwatch (never played DOTA2 so not mentioning it) need to find players of similar rank so of course matchmaking takes longer.
Hide and go seek is a timeless classic, user. Even when you grow up you still want to play it. Also the competition is pretty slim so yes.
>Bought the game
>Actually really enjoy it and having fun
>Got my moneys worth out of it already
The game is terribly optimised but otherwise its pretty awesome. Soul, Duo, Squad games against 20 other squads is pretty lit, especially with voice communication.
I can understand hating on 'survival games' etc etc because they're so overdone but this 'battle royale' game (No it's not like DayZ at all) is just good fun and relaxing and a good way to unwind.
I know Sup Forums hates fun though.
>mfw Sonybros will NEVER EVER get Playerunknown's Battlegrounds
V hates new things. V also hates videogames
It's a standalone version of a DayZ mod by the guy who did the original mod.
PUBG has some sort of skill based matchmaking, but no idea how complex it is.
>he thinks For honor actually lost 95% of its players
we wanna the slow descent of NL_Kripps madness from all the salt.
F13th is better tbqh
this is a myth. source: clips.twitch dot tv/AmorphousCalmNoodleTebowing
except without the useless zombies, the annoying food/water mechanic, and it's specifically structured to force players to encounter and engage one another. It's done away with all the things that make games like DayZ and H1Z1 boring, unplayable garbage and has refined it into a pure survival of the fittest death match.
I enjoy the game though I feel like there just not enough character customization to it. Game could use a lot of work to be even better. I'd love it if they pumped out the outfits that they showed on there site and trailers.
Maybe one day it'll have server-verified hits instead of trusting the client 100%. Makes it too easy for cheaters.
strange, I've heard of people in the top 500 that constantly get games where only 60-70 people connect. I just assumed it was skill based matchmaking not being able to find enough people to fill to 100.
that dude looks like haru