Do you think we will see gameplay at Sony's conference?

Do you think we will see gameplay at Sony's conference?

The change of them showing TLOU2's gameplay is just as high as showing Ape Escape 4

Yeah, they showed TLOU gameplay a few years before it came out. Uncharted shower gameplay early too.

The problem here is the gameplay they show is so scripted that half the time it might as well be pre rendered.

I guarantee the gameplay will be pretty much exactly the same as TLOU1. They made a big deal of "wide linear" and the grapple hook in U4 but the game still played pretty much exactly the same as old Uncharted, the story was clearly the only thing they really cared about.

Druckmann is a hack who's more interested in making movies that pushes his politics than making video games. With Bruce Straley gone there is no saving TLOU2. Shame since Naughty Dog has such a talented team.

What do you think is going to happen in The Last of Us II?

My bet is some white trash redneck kills Joel and he gets replaced by a veiled woman.


my bet is im gonna watch a lets play and spoil it for myself because i dont fucking trust naughtyshills with their SJW bullshit gaying up my survival horror

Cuckmann has already said that it will be a game in reaction to Drumpf and hwite people

yeah because we dont have enough commentary on that every day from the daily show late nite et cetera ad infinitum

>he thinks the last of us isn't a movie

>Joel dies espousing anti gay rhetoric like the true blue Texan he is
>Ellie calls him Literally Satan and dyes her hair blue and finds a way to make a cure without dying with the help of a Muslim trans woman
>game ends with Ellie telling the doctor one last thing
>just make it cure the colored and down trodden. The whites shouldn't get a second chance. Just let them die with the fungus monsters. They were the real enemy here.

>Sup Forums literally and utterly seething


I'd play this game. That would be a ride

The funny thing is that this could actually happen.

No it couldn't

countless horror films have been made in reaction to (whether critiquing, or exploiting for extra attention, hence the 'exploitation' sub catagory) current events since at least the 70s, if not earlier. I'm surprised its taken this long for video games to start doing the same thing.

Yes it could. All talent has been fired from Naughty Dog. This could be a SJW dumpster fire.

It can't be as bad as Bioware. I still laugh at the woman they picked for Sarah Ryder's voice actor. Literally Tumblr the Human.

On the serious side, what else could they possibly do? The father daughter shit has been done, and they said Joel and Ellie's story is over, like years ago. Only reason why II is coming is because they know it'll make a fuck ton of money off of pre orders alone. Unless I see some daddy Joel on rebel teen action, Naughty Dog isn't getting a cent out of me.

Just wait, the potential is endless

>ellie is raped by an evil hwite man
>joel makes a comment about not trusting new found black guy and gets btfo in the process
>transgender character
>a muslim woman finds the cure
>a friendly shik takes them in
>joel is killed by white redneck
>new sidekick is a cool negro
>ellie finds her true love
>commentary about how MUH CLIMATE DENIAL has caused the virus to spread

Here we see the default multiplayer weapons, and now, we see the fourteen year old with the DLC weapons & abilities, run through and kill the entire team.

Is he showing the size of his dick?

>uncharted 1 = meh
>uncharted 2 = pretty good
>uncharted 3 = meh
>last of us = goat
>left behind = muh lesbian garbage
>uncharted 4 = shit

i fear last of us 2 will be bad, boys.

Just show gameplay of that sweet multiplayer, and E3 is saved for me

So it's basically confirmed then.

Of ALL of their 3rd person shooters, TLOU was the only that was any decent mechanically. If they can improve the AI and expand the level layout while giving the player more options and not go full retard on the scripting then maybe TLOU2 can be an ok shooter

They have to combat the scorpio reveal and whatever Nintendo is showing. I think there's a decent chance we'll at least get a trailer if not gameplay. It's gonna be the GOAT PS4 game.

Well I hope they focus more on the infection and add more fungal horror. Since Ellie is imune she should have to face some more serious threats. And not more guys with guns, we get it. Humans are the biggest monsters hooray

>Uncharted 4 = shit
It's the best mechanically in the series and actually has the best character development and villains

It will be a cutscene in the game that will explain what's going on

it will either start or end with Ellie holding her baby